I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 237: Egg's death

Arthur watched as Egg was being bombarded by countless energy shells, and Arthur immediately used the blue energy of the trident to blast Egg at him.

The huge energy ray directly smashed Egg's right hand that was raised to resist the attack. Egg didn't expect Arthur to play sneak attack, couldn't he afford it?

Moreover, Arthur was an indiscriminate attack, and the energy rays shot through the countless Sovereign spaceships along the way and all exploded.

Arthur knew how to take advantage of your illness to kill you, and the second energy ray shot directly into the chest of the giant blue giant Egg, instantly piercing the giant blue.

Egg's blue giant screamed and fell backwards. Arthur's blue energy rays continued to attack continuously, directly severing Egg's blue energy giant's body from his chest.

Egg's upper body lost energy and disappeared into the air like smoke. Only his lower body fell straight down and disappeared into the air as smoke. Egg's clone was completely destroyed.

The Guardians of the Galaxy were all relieved and finally defeated him, and the rocket drove the spaceship into the sky.

"It's up to you Arthur, we'll find a way to deal with these Sovereigns!" Rocket said, looking at the Sovereign fleet chasing after him.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, be careful yourself!" Arthur lifted his trident and shot out blue energy rays instantly, knocking down the Sovereign spaceship that was chasing behind the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The Guardians of the Galaxy broke through the atmosphere and disappeared, and one-third of the Sovereign spacecraft left behind were still chasing. Arthur believed that the Guardians of the Galaxy could solve them.

Arthur turned his gaze to the planet beneath his feet, knowing that his time was running out. Although Egg's clone was destroyed, he could make a comeback soon.

Arthur held the Seagod Trident in both hands, the head of the halberd was facing the ground, and all the energy was collected, and a huge blue energy ray blasted toward the ground and shot into the depths of the planet.

Arthur's blue water giant disappeared in the air, and Arthur concentrated all his energy on the blue energy ray, ready to blast through the core of the planet in one fell swoop, killing Egg directly.

"Ah!!!" Arthur roared and charged vertically toward the center of the earth, holding the Seagod Trident tightly with both hands, and the huge energy rays continuously blasted forward.

The crust of the planet could not resist Arthur's huge energy ray, and Arthur rushed into the core of the planet in an instant, and Egg's core was tightly wrapped by a red substance.

This layer of matter is so hard that it can actually resist Arthur's blue energy rays.

Arthur frowned at the red ball in front of him. The blue ray in his hand was mixed with red energy and yellow energy, and the entire energy ray suddenly became colored.

Arthur added the energy of two gems, I can't believe it can't break your turtle shell!

But just as the red material tortoise shell ruptured, the dazzling blue energy instantly enveloped the red core, and countless blue tentacles emerged from the surrounding ground.

Egg also appeared in front of Arthur again, recreating a clone with blue energy.

"Arthur Jon, I underestimated you! I didn't expect you to have such a powerful water element magic energy even without the power of gems. Your own abilities are already comparable to gods!" Egg said loudly to Arthur.

The blue energy on the circular core became brighter and brighter, completely blocking Arthur's three mixed energy rays.

"Haha, if I hadn't been prepared to kill it in your hands, I still have tens of thousands of planets that can provide me with energy, and the lives on tens of thousands of planets will merge with me, what can you do to win me? ?" Egg said with a laugh.

Suddenly countless blue energies converged towards Egg from the universe, pouring into Egg's body like a river, and Egg's clone became more and more dazzling and brighter.

At the same time, on countless planets in the universe, a cloud of blue material suddenly emerged from the ground like magma and devoured life on countless planets.

The same is true of the earth. In the small town of Quill's hometown in the United States, a huge blue substance emerges continuously from the forest outside the town, engulfing the entire forest in an instant, and all the trees and animals engulfed by the blue substance. All living things are transformed into Egg's energy.

The blue substance spread and drowned towards the town like magma. The residents in the town saw this apocalyptic scene and drove their cars to flee for their lives.

Tens of thousands of planets in the universe have encountered the same crisis at the same time, and they are the result of millions of years of expansion by Egg...

Arthur looked at the increasingly dazzling Egg and had already guessed what he had done. If he didn't stop him, all the lives on tens of thousands of planets would be sacrificed and become Egg's energy fertilizer, including the earth!

Arthur raised his right hand, the yellow gem suddenly lit up, Egg stopped moving, and Arthur interrupted the energy absorption.

Egg likes to use the mantis girl to help him fall asleep, which means that his mental power is not very strong, and it is very easy to be controlled!

Arthur directly used the mind gem to penetrate the red substance and invaded into Egg's body, a sparkling brain.

In an instant, Igo was under control, causing him to lose his energy control for a short time, the blue energy dissipated in the air, and the blue energy supply of tens of thousands of planets was forced to stop.

When the small town on the earth was about to be submerged by the blue substance, the blue substance suddenly stopped Zeng Chang, allowing some slow-running elderly and children to escape their lives.

After Arthur restrained Egg, Arthur's reality gem energy enveloped Egg's red material core, only to see that the red material outside Egg's core instantly turned into sand, flowing toward the ground, revealing the inner core. Egg's glittering brain body.

Arthur used the Reality Gem to change the structure of the red substance, and instantly cracked Egg's hard tortoise shell!

At this moment, Egg also desperately broke free from Arthur's mind control. He was horrified to find that his body was exposed in front of Arthur, and the layer of solid red protective material had long since disappeared.

"No! Please! You can't kill me!"

Egg was terrified, and for the first time in millions of years he had felt fear.

Arthur didn't talk much, the trident in his hand was aimed at Egg's gleaming brain body, and the three-color mixed energy shot out again, blasting towards the body of Egg!

"Do not!!!"

Egg's clone shouted and rushed towards Arthur, trying to stop Arthur's movements, but it was too late. Before he rushed to Arthur, the tricolor energy had already slammed into Egg's main brain.

Egg's body suddenly radiated a dazzling light, and Egg's separate body instantly dissipated in the air.

boom! ! !

The entire Ego star exploded, instantly lighting up all the planets around the universe.

However, the Guardians of the Galaxy did not look back to see the moment when Egg's planet was destroyed, because they were now trapped in a tight siege...

Just after they rushed out of the atmosphere, they flew into the universe, but the second batch of Sovereign spaceship army was waiting for them outside the planet Egg!

The number of Sovereign ships is as large as the previous fleet, and the sky is densely covered. The Guardians of the Galaxy now have pursuers behind and enemies in front.

They looked at the densely packed Sovereign spaceship in front of them, and felt desperately that they were really afraid of being planted here today.


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