I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 23: With great power comes great responsibility

"How did you do it?" Peter was very surprised that Arthur changed the police's attitude towards Arthur with a single phone call.

"A friend of mine was an agent and he helped solve it," Arthur said.

"Agent? You still have such a good friend?" Peter was very surprised that Arthur's friend was really good.

"Tomorrow is the weekend, go to my house to play at night, and give you a good thing." Arthur invited Peter.

"Okay, wait for me to talk to my aunt and uncle." Peter took out his phone and called home.

After Peter finished the phone call, he saw an Audi sports car parked beside him. Arthur sat in the driver's seat and said to Peter, "Get in the car!".

"Wow! This is your car?" Peter, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was the first to ride in such a good car.

"Well, it was given by another friend. My friend is super rich. I will have the opportunity to introduce you to you in the future." Arthur said.

"Okay, I'm afraid your local tyrant friends don't like me very much." Peter said a little inferiorly.

"Don't worry, you will be very important to him in the future!"

"Huh?" Peter couldn't understand what Arthur meant.

"You'll find out later." Arthur said mysteriously.

Arthur's Sea View Villa

It took Arthur an hour to bring Peter home, and the traffic in New York was still quite congested on Friday.

"Come in, come in, whatever you want." Arthur opened the door and invited Peter in.

"Oh, I can't believe how big your house is, and it's a sea view villa! Your family is really rich!" Peter visited Arthur's house.

"This is a house I bought by myself. I live alone. I have no mother and my father since I was a child." Arthur said.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to have money to buy a villa when you were in high school." Peter Parker didn't expect Arthur to be an orphan, and felt sympathy for the friend he just made.

"It's all a matter of the past. I opened a restaurant, and the business is very hot near the seaside!" Arthur explained.

"Why do you still have a restaurant?" Peter said he couldn't imagine the happiness of the rich.

"Let's cook first, I'm starving to death." Arthur took out the ingredients from the refrigerator.

"Can you still cook?" Peter asked.

"I have learned a little bit in my life, but tonight's dishes are all ready-made, very simple and not difficult." Arthur's family dishes are all seafood (don't ask why). He prepares steamed lobster, steamed snails, steamed King crab, fried French mussels, fried steak, and finally fried rice with eggs, the fairy way of eating.

It only took half an hour for Arthur to prepare a table of meals, while Peter slapped his hands.

At the dinner table, Peter sat opposite Arthur, and the two enjoyed seafood and drinks (students can't drink) "How does it taste? My craftsmanship is average." Arthur asked.

"It's so delicious, the seafood is very fresh, and the steak is just right. Your craftsmanship is not much better than my aunt's." Peter was full of praise, thinking of the meat patties made by his aunt, there is no harm without comparison.

The two ate very happily, chatting while eating, until 9 o'clock in the evening.

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner!" Peter thanked Arthur happily.

"I still have something for you, No, this is it, open it and take a look." Arthur took out a packaged box and handed it to Peter.

Peter took the box and unpacked it. It was a new Leica digital camera.

"The last time I saw your camera broke, I know you like photography, this camera is for you, it's a digital camera. You won't have to buy a roll in the future." Arthur said, it's time to buy a lens in the future. ..

"I can't take this, it's too expensive!" Peter hurriedly put the camera on the table, he knew the price of this camera, which was more than he could afford.

"It's not too expensive, just accept it when I'm a friend! You don't want to recognize me as a friend, right?" Arthur picked up the camera and stuffed it into Peter's hand.

"Of course I recognize you as a friend, well, I'll accept it, thank you!" Peter thanked again! When he has money in the future, he must also give Arthur something he likes, Peter thought to himself.

"Okay, as long as you like this gift, come cheers!"


Arthur succeeded in gaining the favor of Peter and became Peter Parker's "best friend".

On Monday, Arthur went to school as usual, but he found that Peter was very unusual today. Peter didn't bring his black-framed eyes, and he didn't have any surprises in class. Could it be...

At noon eating in the cafeteria, Peter miraculously caught the cutlery accidentally knocked over by a classmate next to him.

Arthur asked Peter, "What's the matter with you, why don't you feel in the right spirit today?"

"I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well yesterday." Peter said listlessly.

Arthur didn't care, and touched Peter with his shoulder, "I found that girl peeking at you all the time, she must be interested in you."

Peter followed Arthur's gaze to see that it was his classmate Gwen Stacy, Peter's eyes met Gwen's, Peter blushed suddenly, and looked away, "Don't talk nonsense..."

"How about a bet, you approached her over and asked her to go out to the movies on the weekend, she promised to agree!" Arthur teased.

"Forget it, you read it wrong, let's go." Peter flinched, and Arthur smiled and didn't continue to tease Peter.

After school, Peter went home with a lot of thoughts. Arthur looked at Peter's back. He should have super powers, and things finally became interesting.

Arthur's high school career was relatively dull. He went to school and home every day, and occasionally went to the restaurant to meet with his friends. Peter has become more and more mysterious recently, and he doesn't know what he is secretly doing.

Tony came to Arthur once and told him that he was poisoned. His Ark energy reactor uses palladium, which has radioactive toxins. As long as he consumes energy, he will be poisoned by palladium in his blood.

Arthur can only comfort Tony and encourage Tony not to give up on himself, believing that Tony will be able to find a new element to replace the palladium element, so that Tony can use less armor.

Arthur told Nick Fury about Tony's situation, and told Nick Fury that the answer should be in Tony's father's relic, and asked him to guide Tony to look for this. Nick Fury asked Arthur why this Guessing, Arthur can only say that it is intuition.

A few days later, Arthur suddenly got news of Uncle Peter Parker's death and attended Uncle Peter's funeral.

At the funeral, Peter secretly said to Arthur, "My uncle's death has something to do with me. In revenge for others to let the murderer go, my uncle was shot. I have never dared to tell my aunt about this." Peter described what happened, but did not say anything. about killing the murderer.

Arthur could only continue to comfort Peter and let him remember the last words his uncle explained to him, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility! Remember this sentence yourself!

Peter was very guilty, and he became taciturn. He treated Arthur better, and ignored other students, but everyone knew that something happened to his family and didn't care.

Recently, a superhero called Spider-Man has appeared in New York. Spider-Man fights criminals everywhere and is known as a good friend of New York citizens.

Arthur looked at the depressed Peter, took the initiative to go up to greet Gwen, and told Gwen that he was Peter's best friend. In fact, Peter has always liked her, but recently Peter has been depressed because of family affairs, and he has not spoken much recently. , I hope Gwen can enlighten Peter, Gwen agreed.

Facts have proved that the power of love is great. After two weeks, Peter finally came out of the death of his uncle, and began to slowly change back to that optimistic Peter.

After school that day, Arthur invited Peter to go to his house for dinner, but Peter said he had something to refuse.

"You said something every night, did you go on a date with Gwen without telling me." Arthur asked Peter with a smirk.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't go on a date every day, and recently I was working with a Ph.D. on the formula of biological cross-species gene decay rate." Peter said.

"What formula?"

"It's an algorithm my father researched, which theoretically allows the fusion of genes of different species, such as allowing humans to have the ability to regenerate spiders," Peter replied.

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