I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 227: quill's father

"Would we have been besieged by those Sovereign fleets if you stole that **** battery?" Quill said, pointing to the rocket.

"You know why I'm stealing those batteries? Because I already wanted to do it!" Rocket exclaimed to Quill.

"You guys are starting again! Can you calm down a bit?" Gamora said to the two of them.

"Okay, there was a little guy on the white aircraft just now thinking about us waving, did you see it?" Rocket asked several people.

"How small are you?" Dracula asked.

"I don't know, it's as small as this!" Rocket said, measuring an inch with his hands.

"I guess that person was just passing by," Gamora said, akimbo.

"If you look at him up close, he might be a little bigger," the Rockets said.

"It's called near big and far small, you silly raccoon," Quill said to Rocket.

"You're calling me a raccoon to try!" Rocket froze and yelled at Quill.

"Sorry, I'm going too far, what I want to say is the trash panda!" Quill said, looking at the rocket.

"Panda? Is he complimenting me?" Rocket was confused by Quill. What is a trash panda?

"That person didn't pass by just now, he's already here!" Arthur pointed to the white egg-like aircraft flying in the sky.

"Someone is following from the jumping point!" Gamora warned everyone.

Several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy took out their weapons and stood by, looking up at the white aircraft.

A huge white aircraft landed in front of several people. It was shaped like an egg, and there was a yellow round energy gate on the aircraft.

Suddenly the yellow energy gate disappeared, and two people appeared in front of Quill. It was a middle-aged man with white hair and a beard that looked like Quill, and a man with two tentacles on his head. woman.

The middle-aged man and the tentacled woman got off the spaceship and walked towards Quill. The Guardians of the Galaxy were all on guard. Only Quill looked at the middle-aged man with an indescribable feeling.

"After so many years, I finally found you!" The middle-aged man said with a smile as he looked at Quill.

"Who the **** are you?" Quill also asked strangely, looking at the familiar man.

"I thought my vicissitudes of life and handsome appearance were enough to explain everything, my name is Egg, and I'm your father, Peter!" The middle-aged man looked at Quill and said.

Quilton was stunned for a while. A middle-aged uncle who looked very much like him suddenly appeared in front of him and said that I am your father. Quill really didn't know if what he said was true or if he was mocking himself.

"Who do you say you are? My dad?" Quill laughed suddenly.

Several people in the Guardians of the Galaxy are staring at Quill and this man named Egg comparing their appearance, you don't say they look really similar, only Arthur is looking at Egg ponderingly.

"Yes, I met your mother on Missouri, Earth, and I fell in love with her! With you, I am your father!" Egg said to Quill.

Quill stood speechless, he didn't know how to face the father he had never met.

"I don't expect to accept it all at once, can we sit down and talk slowly," Egg said to Quill.

"Okay." Quill nodded.

It was getting dark on the planet, and several of the Guardians of the Galaxy were sitting together over a fire, listening to Egg tell his story while eating.

"After your mother died, I hired Yondu to pick you up, but he didn't give you back to me, and raised you privately. I don't know what he did." Egg looked at Quill and said. .

"I'll tell you why, because I was a skinny kid at the time, and I was able to squeeze into places that adults couldn't go to and steal things. Yondu needed me to do that for him." Quill said with a blank expression.

"I've been looking for you ever since," Egg said.

"I thought Yondu was your father," Dracula the Destroyer said suddenly.

"What? We've been together for so long, you always thought I was related to Yondu?" Quill asked Dracula, who looked at him in surprise.

"Because you two look exactly alike!" said Dracula the Destroyer.

"Yondu's skin is blue!" Rocket said with a laugh.

"No, Yondu can't be my father! He kidnapped me, beat me to the ground, taught me how to fight, and threatened to eat me, which made me worry all the time." Kui said aloud.

"I ate you?" Egg asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Quill replied with a nod.

"Oh, he's such a bastard!" said Egg.

"Hahaha! You still have the right to say that Yongdu is a bastard? In my opinion, Yondu is more qualified to be Quill's father than you!" Arthur laughed suddenly and mocked at Egg.

"What? Yondu is qualified to be my father? I don't think so!" Quill retorted.

"You may have misunderstood me. I really have been looking for Peter and never gave up." Egg looked at Arthur and said.

"Yeah, of course you want to find Quill. As for what you want to do after finding him, only you can understand." Arthur said to Egg with a contemptuous smile.

"How did you find us?" Gamora said when she saw that the atmosphere was a little off.

"Even in a remote place like where I live, I've heard of the legendary man named Star Lord, why don't we go somewhere now? Your friends are welcome, including the triangular-faced monkey! I promise That's a place you've never seen before!" Egg stood up and said to everyone.

Rocket reached out and touched his face when he heard Egg call himself the triangular-faced monkey, which was indeed a triangle.

"There! I can explain your special blood to you, and finally have the opportunity to make me a father! Sorry, I have to go to pee." Egg looked at Quill affectionately and said, then turned around left.

"I don't believe it!" Quill said, looking at Gamora.

"Let's go over there!" Gamora said to Quill after some thought, and the two got up and left.

Arthur has been observing Egg standing in the distance to pee. Arthur can sense that he is formed by an energy body, not a real body, but the energy he contains is not small.

Is this a member of the ancient **** group in the universe? The legendary planet with life? Live in the universe for millions of years? How does it feel that he is not too strong.

"My name is Mantis." The mantis woman with two tentacles on the side stared at Dracula the Destroyer and said cautiously.

"What are you doing?" Dracula the Destroyer looked at the mantis with two big eyes and looked at him stiffly, wondering if this woman had a brain problem?

"Smile! I heard that doing this will make people like me," Mantis explained to Dracula.

"Laughing like that won't make people like it." Draculas glanced at the mantis woman's embarrassed smile, and said, eating the food in the bowl to himself.

"Oh, I grew up on Egg's planet by myself, and I don't know the specifics of interpersonal communication." Mantis said disappointedly.


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