I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 218: spiderman vs vulture monster

Peter Parker climbed on the wing and suddenly heard a swoosh, he immediately rolled to the side, and a large opening was cut where he was just now.

It turned out that Adrian had come back and attacked Peter Parker, who was now in front of the huge helical turbine engine in the center of the plane.

Adrian suddenly fell from the sky and came in front of Peter Parker, and the metal wings slammed into Peter Parker fiercely.

Peter Parker let go of his hand and fell back a distance to avoid Adrian's attack. Adrian pulled out the metal wings inserted into the fuselage of the transport plane and continued to insert it towards Peter Parker.

Peter Parker could only continue to let go and fall back a certain distance to avoid the attack, but behind him was the plane's screw engine, and he could not avoid it.

Adrian just wanted to let Peter Parker fall into the turbofan blade of the screw engine, and he used his wings to stab Peter Parker fiercely.

Peter Parker jumped up and avoided the screw engine behind him, stuck the casing of the screw engine with spider silk, and fell on the engine, and the engine started to catch fire because of the fight between Peter Parker and Adrian.

"Boss, the plane is about to crash, you have to get out of there immediately!" The voice of the partner on the walkie-talkie made Adrian leave the plane immediately.

"No! I can't go home empty-handed!" Adrian exclaimed, using metal wings to cut through the hull of the transport plane, trying to break open the plane and take a box of weapons.

Peter Parker pulled the spider silk hard and returned to the turbine engine. He saw a scene not far away. The plane seemed to be driving back again, swooping in the direction of New York City, oops! !

Peter Parker now has to figure out a way to change the course of the plane, or else rush into New York City and hit which building will cause countless casualties.

Peter Parker looked at the tail fin at the rear of the plane and had an idea. He shot spider silk and stuck it on the left tail fin, pulling the tail fin with all his strength to make it tilt upwards.

Huge transport planes flew past the buildings over New York City, a sight many citizens saw.

With the efforts of Peter Parker, the transport plane idled in a large circle over New York, avoiding many high-rise buildings, and Peter Parker's spider silk was also torn.

Adrian cut open the cabin of the plane and saw the full box of Ark reactors. He stretched out the iron claws on his feet and grabbed the box, trying to get it out.

Peter Parker was relieved that he didn't hit the building. Climbing on the wing and watching the transport plane crash towards the beach next to a seaside amusement park, there should be no one there.

The transport plane knocked down the big pendulum of the amusement park and fell toward the ground beach. When the transport plane hit the ground beach, the damaged fuselage suddenly disintegrated into two halves.

Peter Parker was also knocked out by the impact of the plane landing, and rolled over ten meters on the beach. Adrian also fell out and rushed for a long distance on the beach.

The transport plane came to a complete stop because of inertia. The beach on the entire coast is now covered with wreckage of the plane on fire, which looks very spectacular.

Peter Parker was lying on the beach with terrible pain. He took off his mask and spat out a mouthful of sand, only to hear a buzzing sound in his head. The impact just now probably gave him a concussion.

Peter Parker stood up and looked at the wreckage of the plane around him. He felt very sick and uncomfortable. Suddenly, a huge black shadow on his left rushed towards him, and Peter Parker was hit and flew out.

It turned out that Adrian rushed towards Peter Parker. After knocking Peter Parker, Adrian also fell on the beach, and the metal mechanical wings were severely broken.

"Peter, look at what you've done!" Adrian stood up, sparks flashing on his wings, he looked at Peter Parker viciously, his plan was destroyed by the man in front of him over and over again.

Adrian flew towards Peter Parker quickly, and Peter Parker rolled forward to hide.

Adrian turned around and flew above Peter Parker, falling towards Peter Parker, and the metal claw of his right leg stepped on Peter Parker's chest.

Peter Parker was screamed by the metal right grab, Adrian raised a strong magnetic metal glove and punched Peter Parker in the head.

Peter Parker grabbed Adrian's fist, Adrian grabbed Peter Parker's body with a giant metal claw and flew up, Peter Parker lifted Adrian's giant metal claw with both hands in the air and fell down.

Peter Parker turned and shot the spider web towards Adrian's arm. Peter Parker dragged the spider web and bounced up, kicked Adrian's head hard, and then reached out to grab Adrian's metal grabber.

Adrian's mechanical wings were badly damaged, because Peter Parker's fell below and lost his center of gravity. Both Adrian and Peter Parker were spinning in the air.

Peter Parker released his hand and fell down, hitting the beach. Adrian fell from the sky and stomped on Peter Parker's back.

The giant metal claws grabbed Peter Parker and took him to fly, then stomped it back to the ground again, and finally threw Peter Parker on the ground.

Peter Parker was made to crawl to the ground by Adrian's continuous attacks and couldn't move for a long time. Adrian suddenly stretched out his metal wings and stabbed Peter Parker in the head.

Peter tilted his head to avoid the attack, but also pierced the spider suit at Peter Parker's neck. Adrian hooked Peter Parker's suit with the tips of the mechanical wings and lifted him up.

Looking at the dying Peter Parker, Adrian felt very relieved, but he thought of his daughter's decision to let Peter Parker die. He suddenly saw the box of Ark energy reactors scattered in the distance through Peter Parker.

"Won the jackpot!" Adrian threw Peter Parker aside like a garbage, he took off his helmet and flew towards the Ark reactor box.

The claws of his feet grabbed the iron box and prepared to take it away, but Adrian didn't notice that his metal wings were severely damaged, and they might explode completely before flying high.

Peter Parker looked up and saw Adrian clutching the box with difficulty, the metal mechanical wings were sparking, and the energy engine in the middle had a problem.

"Your wings... your wings are going to explode!" Peter Parker shouted to Adrian, but Adrian didn't hear him.

Peter Parker stretched out his almost unconscious right hand and shot a spider silk towards the metal box, trying to pull the flying Adrian down.

"It's time for you to go home, Peter!" Adrian felt the pull and turned back to Peter Parker.

"I meant to save you! Your wings are about to explode!" cried Peter Parker.

Adrian didn't accept Peter Parker's love, cut Peter Parker's spider silk with the tip of his mechanical wings, and continued to stumble into the air.

Peter Parker wanted to continue to shoot the spider silk but found that the web shooter failed and could not shoot the spider silk. He suddenly saw Adrian's engine completely out of control, and Adrian also fell from the air.

boom! ! !

There was an explosion where Adrian had fallen, and the fire burst into the sky.

"No!!" Peter Parker looked at the place where Adrian fell, gritted his teeth and insisted on standing up, and rushed into the flames.

Peter Parker rushed into the flames and saw Adrian who was being pressed by the metal wings. He touched the metal wings and wanted to lift it, but was screamed by the hot metal.

Peter Parker found a place where the temperature was not too hot, and forced the metal wings to lift, freeing Adrian from the metal mechanical wings.

Peter Parker carried Adrian, walked out of the fire with difficulty, and threw him on the beach after getting out of danger.

Adrian was not dead. He was smashed to the ground by Peter Parker and woke up from the pain. He opened his eyes and saw that Peter Parker saved him, and looked at Peter Parker with a complicated expression...

Half an hour later, when the Stark company's search and rescue personnel came here, they saw that the supplies of the Avengers were neatly piled together, and Adrian was tied into a zongzi by spider silk. on the ground.

Happy Hogan saw a piece of paper next to Adrian that read "Caught a flying vulture freak, sorry about the plane! Spiderman."

Happy was stunned, not realizing that it was Peter Parker who caught the plane hijacker. And Peter Parker was sitting and resting on the roof in the distance, watching all this, he was breathing heavily, and he finally did it!


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