I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 205: look for clues

EarthUnited StatesNew York CityQueens

In the underground parking lot of a supermarket, Alan Davis, a black man, walked towards his car with something he just bought in the supermarket. He didn't notice a small spider drone following behind him.

Just as he took out the key and was about to open the trunk of the car, Spider-Man landed in front of him from the sky.

Peter Parker shoots a web of cobwebs that stick his hand firmly to the trunk lid, and Alan Davis looks up at Peter Parker.

"Remember me? I need information! You have to give it to me right away!" Peter Parker made a very rough voice that sounded very fierce.

"Okay, calm down," Alan Davis said.

"Speak!" cried Peter Parker.

"What's wrong with your voice?" Alan Davis asked, looking at Peter Parker strangely.

"What's the matter?" Peter Parker asked rhetorically.

"I heard you talking under the bridge, and I recognized it as a girl's voice." Alan Davis said indifferently.

"I'm not a woman, I'm a man! Man, I'm a man!" Peter Parker argued immediately.

"I don't care if you are a man or a woman..." Allen was interrupted by Peter Parker before he could finish.

"I'm not a woman! I'm a man! Please, who's selling weapons, I need to know, tell me my name, or I'll be rude to you!" Peter Parker said, pretending to be fierce.


Alan Davis slammed the trunk door shut, the sound startling Peter Parker.

"You've never done this, have you?" said Alan Davis, looking at Peter Parker with contempt.

"Okay, turn off interrogation mode!" Peter Parker said, and the spider drone flew back to his chest.

Alan Davis was laughed at by Peter Parker's cute behavior, how does the Avengers superhero look not so smart?

"Listen, man! These people are selling very dangerous weapons. They can't be allowed to flow into the streets. If there are weapons that can cut through Dalmore's sandwich shop in one fell swoop!" Peter Parker replied to his original voice. Alan Davis said eagerly.

"You know of Dalmore's?" Alan Davis asked.

"Sure, the best sandwich shop in Queens," Peter Parker replied.

"His sandwich port is also good," says Alan Davis.

"It's just that the bread is a little too thick," Peter Parker retorted.

"I just love bread!" Alan Davis said.

"Please, man!" Peter Parker looked at Alan Davis, but he didn't say what Peter Parker wanted to know.

"Break interrogation mode! Karen, don't use it again!" Peter Parker turned to leave, complaining to Karen.

"That night, you told that guy to shoot at me. That's kind of cool! I don't want that kind of weapon in this area. I have a nephew who lives here." Alan Davis suddenly Speaking of which, Peter Parker stopped and left.

"Who are those people? Can you tell me about the man with wings?" Peter Parker asked Alan Davis as he walked up to him.

"I just know he's a lunatic disguised as a demon! I don't know who he is, where is he?" Alan Davis said.

"..." Peter Parker leaned on the car and sighed, it seemed that today was a waste of time.

"But I know where he's going!" Alan Davis said suddenly.

"Really?" Peter Parker suddenly raised his head and asked Alan Davis with expectant eyes.

"Yeah, with a lunatic I've worked with before, and he's going to make a deal with that guy," Alan Davis replied.

"Great! Thank you!" Peter Parker jumped up happily, turned around and was about to run outside.

"Hey! I haven't told you where, you want to go without knowing the location?" Alan Davis silently stopped Peter Parker, this is Spider-Man? the Avengers? Super hero? How is it a bit like an underage child who is reckless.

"Yeah, sorry, my fault, I'm so dizzy, where is it?" Peter Parker ran back again, slapped himself on the head hard, and was a little too excited, asked Alan Davis .

"Can I make a suggestion?" Alan Davis said, looking at Peter Parker.

"What?" Peter Parker asked.

"You need to strengthen your interrogation skills," said Alan Davis.

"Well, it's my first time doing this, and I'm still scary!" Peter Parker explained to Alan Davis, puffing out the muscles in his arm.

"Staten Island Ferry, eleven o'clock today." Alan Davis looked at Peter Parker and said the intelligence.

"Eleven o'clock? Isn't that coming soon? That spider silk will dissolve on its own in two hours. I'm in a hurry to leave first!" Peter Parker pointed to the spider silk, turned and ran outside.

"NO! NO! Come and untie it for me!" Alan Davis yelled at Peter Parker.

"No, I'll go first!" Peter Parker turned around and shouted.

"I bought ice cream! It melted in two hours!" Alan Davis said helplessly.

"You've committed a crime, this is your punishment!" Peter Parker shouted, then turned and ran away, leaving Alan Davis alone in the garage with his hands firmly glued to the trunk door superior……

Peter Parker rushed to the port on Staten Island to see the only orange ferry just leaving the port, and that was it!

Peter Parker jumped off the roof, turned on the auxiliary glider, and he flew toward the ferry like a flying squirrel, landing on the side of the ferry.

"Huh, Ness!" Peter Parker let out a breath, and finally caught up!

Peter Parker climbed to the window of the ferry and looked inside the ferry, which was full of passengers sitting on chairs.

"Okay, Karen, activate Enhanced Scouting Mode!" Peter Parker said.

"Okay!" Karen activated the enhanced reconnaissance mode, and Peter Parker's field of vision suddenly enlarged, seeing the bald head sitting on the seat and the white-haired man behind him.

"He's ahead, main deck!" said the white-haired man.

"I hate this man!" said the bald head, and Peter Parker overheard their conversation.

"Is that the guy under the bridge? Who's the other one?" Peter Parker asked.

"Notify me of the situation!" the white-haired man said, leaving his seat with a bald head and a box of things, and walked outside.

"I can't find his profile in the crime database...May Parker is calling, do you need me to get you on the screen?" Karen asked Peter Parker.

"No no, I can't answer right now, hang up for me, I'll call back," Peter Parker said.

"Little Spider, you go and stare at that guy! No one can escape this time!" The spider drone on Peter Parker's chest flew out, staring at the white-haired man at the window.

And Peter Parker was crawling towards the upper deck to see who the bald head was dealing with.

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