I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 203: Akarian

"Hurry up! Don't let him run away!" Quill said anxiously.

"It's already the fastest! I didn't expect the performance of this Fallen's spaceship to be so good, on par with our Guardians of the Galaxy!" The rocket manipulator spaceship followed closely behind the Fallen's spaceship.

The distance between the two spaceships remained the same, the rocket couldn't catch up with him, and Akarian couldn't get rid of the rocket, and the two spaceships were tracking in the universe.

Because of the high speed, the weapon firepower of the Predator spaceship is average, and it is difficult to hit the spaceship in front at this ultra-high speed.

"Not good! He's going to gamble, he's going to space jump to get rid of us!" Quill saw a honeycomb-shaped space grid appearing in front of the Fallen's spaceship, which is the space-time channel that only space jumps can produce.

"It's now!" Arthur has been paying attention to the Fallen's spaceship, and wants to use energy to shoot it down, but the Fallen's control spaceship has been flipping and scurrying, and now he thinks that the space jump must stabilize the spaceship, Arthur waits is this opportunity.

Arthur's body was wrapped in red energy and became transparent. He slammed his body through the Marauder spaceship and rushed out. The moment he left the spaceship, the trident appeared in his hand, and a red energy ray instantly It shot out, hitting the wing of the Fallen ship in an instant.

Suddenly, Akarian's spaceship exploded, and the space jump was forcibly stopped.

Akarian was also quick to respond, and instantly pressed the escape button, and the entire spaceship was ejected from the spaceship in an instant.

The moment he left the spaceship, two missiles from the rocket hit his spaceship, and Akarian's spaceship exploded into a ball of fire.

After Arthur shot that blow in space, he rushed towards the spaceship that exploded into a fireball because of inertia. Arthur slammed into Akarian's spaceship, causing a huge explosion.

"Arthur!!!" the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy shouted as they watched the exploding ship.

"Don't worry, he should be fine, you forgot that he has an energy shield to resist explosions?" Gamora said to everyone calmly.

"Look, the Fallen want to run!" Destroyer Dracula said, pointing to the cabin where the Fallen was sitting.

The Fallen's cabin still has a power system after leaving the spacecraft, and can fly for a short distance. He controls the cabin to fly towards a khaki planet not far away.

"He can't run, don't worry about him, first see if Arthur is okay." The rocket controlled the spacecraft to fly to the place where the explosion occurred.

They finally saw Arthur wrapped in red energy in the wreckage of the spacecraft, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Arthur also flew towards the spaceship and returned to the spaceship.

"The Fallen ran towards that planet, we continue to chase!" Arthur walked in and pointed to the khaki planet.

"We saw it, but you are too risky, jump out and attack him directly, are you not afraid of being killed?" Quill looked at Arthur and accused.

"I have my own way. I can move in space without any problem. The energy of the explosion can't hurt me." Arthur explained.

"Okay you are the strongest, let's continue chasing the Fallen, I'll see where he runs from!" The rocket controls the spacecraft to fly towards the khaki planet...

The spaceship landed not far from the Akarian cockpit, and the six people got off the spaceship and walked towards the Akarian spaceship cockpit.

"I don't know where to escape to, there is no one in the cockpit." Quill said, looking at the empty cockpit in front of him.

"Wait a minute!" Arthur suddenly reached out and stopped the five people, preventing them from moving forward.

"What's wrong?" Rocket asked, looking at Arthur suspiciously.

Arthur observed the yellow rocky terrain around him, closed his eyes and let go of his consciousness to look around.

"Hmph, it turns out that this is what he had in mind." A red energy shot from Arthur's hand to the ground of the cockpit.

boom! ! !

There was a huge explosion on the ground near the entire cockpit, blowing the cockpit out, and the five Guardians of the Galaxy were startled.

Looking at the smoke billowing in front, Quill was sweating coldly. If Arthur hadn't discovered the trap of the Fallen, they would have been blasted to the sky just like the cockpit.

"The Fallen will use bomb attacks in particular. Just now he is going to blow up all of us, and then drive our spaceship away." Arthur explained to everyone.

"Grass, I almost got hit, where is the fallen one? Let me meet him!" Destroyer Draculas said viciously.

"Hide behind that rock, you have to be careful, he probably has a weapon in his hand." Arthur pointed to a large boulder not far away.

Destroyer Dracula pulled out the two guns at the back of his waist and walked towards the big rock. Several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy did not worry about him and followed him.

"Be careful!" Arthur warned when Dracula the Destroyer was about to approach the stone.

Destroyer Dracula ducked his head and avoided Akarian's shot, and Destroyer Dracula's backhand shot was also avoided by Akarian.

Dracula the Destroyer rushed over quickly and came directly in front of Akarian. Akarian did not expect such a brave person to go straight to him without caring about anything.

Dracula the Destroyer pounced on Akarian before he could react, punching the energy gun in his hand, and punching Akarian's half-mechanical, half-physical face. call.

They knocked Akarian to the ground in one fell swoop. Arthur and the others watched Akarian be knocked down by Dracula and did not go forward again, preparing to let Dracula and him duel.

Akarian got up from the ground and saw that the five Arthurs were not going to come forward, but let this seemingly simple-minded person with strong limbs deal with him.

"Hahaha, you guys underestimate me Akalian too, thinking you can take care of me with this big stupid bear?" Akalian laughed loudly, he took off his clothes and let the six people see his body .

Not only half of his head was transformed into machinery, but half of his entire body was transformed into machinery, especially the complex mechanical structure of his arms looked very technological.

"You dare to call me Big Stupid Bear? Very good, let me disassemble you into parts and see how you scream!" Destroyer Draculas said with a grim expression, he pulled out two daggers from his waist. Prepare to take on the mechanically transformed Akarian with bare hands.

"Let me take you back to the west first, and then I'll clean them up." Akalian said contemptuously, retracting his hands and five fingers, and extending two mechanical spikes, this is his humanoid attack form.

Akarian's mechanical eyes turned red, and he rushed towards Dracula with a strange laugh, and stabbed Draculas' body with two spikes in both hands.

Seeing this, Dracula dodged and stabbed Akarian with a backhand knife, which was blocked by Akarian's metal arm.

Dracula kicked Akarian with a kick, and Akarian also kicked Dracula with a kick. The two kicked each other's abdomen at the same time and fell backwards together.

The two played against each other for the first time, and Akarian relied on mechanical limbs to actually compete with Draculas the Destroyer in terms of strength.


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