I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 20: I am Iron Man

Tony picked up Arthur and flew towards Obadiah in the air. Obadiah found that something was wrong and pulled away from Tony towards the sky.

I saw Iron Overlord flying in front, and Iron Man holding Arthur chasing after him, constantly closing the distance. Tony looked at the remaining 4% of the battery, and once he used up all the remaining energy to accelerate, it shortened. distance from the iron giant.

Looking at the Iron Overlord who was getting closer, Arthur and Tony said, "Give me a ride!"

Arthur stepped on Tony and stomped hard, rushing towards Obadiah, while Tony was kicked by Arthur and fell to the ground.

Arthur slammed into Tiebawang like a missile, punched a big hole in Tiebawang's back with one punch, and brought it down to the ground.

Arthur stepped on Iron Overlord's body and smashed to the roof of a factory, directly smashing the roof through a large hole. Suddenly, a huge explosion occurred in the entire factory, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

Arthur jumped off the Iron Overlord's back before landing, and walked to the Iron Overlord step by step. Looking at the Iron Overlord lying in front of him, Arthur grabbed the energy reactor on its chest and pulled it down. The mechanical armor loses energy and cannot move.

Arthur grabbed the Iron Overlord's helmet with both hands and violently removed the helmet. Looking at Obadiah, who was dying of blood at the corner of his mouth, "Die!" He punched Obadiah's chest with a punch.

Arthur walked out of the factory with the energy reactor. The fire in the factory was getting bigger and bigger, and Arthur turned his head and left.

Arthur found Tony lying in the woods and handed him the energy reactor "Are you okay Tony?"

"It's okay, it's done?" Tony took the reactor, put it on and restarted the armor.

"It's done, a factory over there is probably burnt to ashes." Arthur pulled Tony up from the ground.

"What's with your physical strength? Are you superman?" Tony asked.

"Have you ever seen Superman who needs a taxi?" Arthur replied.

Tony stared at Arthur's eyes, "If you don't want to say anything, let's go back."

Stark Corporation Conference Hall.

A lot of reporters have come here for the Stark Company press conference where Tony Stark is going to explain what happened last night.

Colonel James Roddy was giving his opening speech. In the lounge next to the conference room hall, Coulson said to Tony and Arthur, "This is your speech, you can just read it. You were on vacation on Avalon Island yesterday. There were 50 witnesses" Colson gave Arthur "your bodyguard was with you too."

"Okay, how does Obadiah explain it?" Tony took the speech.

"He's on vacation, and there's a high probability of a small plane crash," Coulson said.

Roddy stood on the podium and said, "Mr. Stark is asked to make a statement below, he will not answer reporters' questions, thank you!"

Stark stepped onto the podium. "The last press conference was a long time ago. I don't remember how to speak. I'd better read it according to the script."

"There is a suspicion of being involved in the incident on the highway last night, but I actually..."

"Sorry to interrupt, do you think we'll believe you?" reporter Christine interrupted Tony.

"You can question the official statement, you can also question me as a superhero! Although I have so many personality flaws." Tony said.

"No one doubts you're a superhero!" Christine said.

Depending on the situation, Rhode reminded Tony to read according to the manuscript.

"Well, the actual situation is..." Tony hesitated for a moment when he picked up the speech.

"I'm Iron Man!" In an instant, the reporters in the audience were boiling, and everyone stood up excitedly.

Arthur stood in the background watching the scene in front of him, another famous scene.

Everyone else covered their heads, their heads hurt~

Stark Company Restaurant

"I promised to help you protect Tony, I have completed the task." Arthur asked Coulson, who was sitting opposite him, over lunch.

"Thank you very much for your shot! The task was also done well, but now the problem is more serious for us," Coulson said seriously.

"What's more serious?"

"Tony Stark made the Iron Armor, and he's now Iron Man! Tony Stark used to be a scientist, a playboy, or a gun chaebol, and now he's a huge danger." Cole Sen said.


"Yes, Tony Stark's character is relatively in our investigation... bad, doing things depends on preference, we can't guarantee whether he will wear a steel suit and do some outrageous things." Cole Sen explained.

"So I'm also dangerous as you said?" Arthur asked.

"Yes, you are far more dangerous than Tony Stark. So for groups like you, we still have to use recruitment management methods, which is the Avengers plan we mentioned to you before." Coulson said .

"Speaking of how many people joined the Avengers plan? Can you tell me this?" Arthur looked at Coulson and said.

"Well, there are only two now. They are all agents of our S.H.I.E.L.D., and I sincerely invite you to join the Avengers plan!" Coulson made another invitation.

"Sorry, I'm not interested at the moment, I'll talk about it later." Arthur asked.

"Well, because the Avengers plan has not been officially launched, and some candidates are still under our observation, we will not force you." Coulson replied.

"Since I promised you that the task of protecting Tony's safety has been completed perfectly, then I will leave the rest of the video alone!" Arthur said.

"Okay, we will arrange for someone to take over the next task. She is quite good at this." Coulson agreed to Arthur's request.

"Great, I can finally rest for a while." Arthur said happily.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet the person who took over your mission, just to pay you for the mission." Coulson drove Arthur towards S.H.I.E.L.D.

SHIELD 18th floor

Arthur finally met the famous Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff.

"This is Jon Arthur, and this is Agent Natasha Romanoff." Nick Fury introduced the two.

"Hello, I'm Arthur, nice to meet you." Arthur held out his hand.

"Hello, nice to meet you too." Natasha and Arthur shook hands.

Looking at the widow sister in front of her, she is as beautiful as in the movie, which is very exciting, but thinking of her age Arthur still dispels unrealistic thoughts.

"Okay, the next task will trouble you, Natasha." Nick Fury said to Natasha, and Natasha nodded.

"Thank you very much for your help this time. We owe you a favor this time. If you need help with something, please contact us, and the reward will be printed on your card. Is there anything else you need us to do?" Nick Fury Ask Arthur.

"Yes, I want to fly!" Arthur said seriously.

"..." Nick said that I just asked if you were serious.

The next week, Arthur really stayed at SHIELD to get his car and airplane driver's license. He asked SHIELD to fly him. Nick said you think too much.

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