I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 194: Monument to the Rescue

Peter Parker finally crawled near the small window, turned his back against the monument wall, and looked down.

The people below are already smaller than ants and can't see clearly. It's too high here. Peter Parker is breathing heavily, his heart is pounding, but now the situation has no time for him to hesitate.

"What's wrong? You've reached the southwest window, why are you hesitating?" Karen asked.

"It's okay, I just never climbed so high." Peter Parker looked at the two seagulls standing on the small window next to him.

"And you haven't reloaded your parachute. If you fall from such a height, it is likely to be fatal!" Karen reminded.

Peter Parker jumped up and stood over the window, kicking the glass with a strong foot, but the glass was not damaged.

"Grass, why doesn't it break?" Peter Parker kicked hard.

"It's ten centimeters of bulletproof glass! You have to create more momentum!" Karen replied.

Peter Parker shot the spider silk upwards, pulled the spider silk vertically onto the window glass, and slammed the whole person up and stomped on the bulletproof glass of the window.

boom! ! boom! !

Peter Parker swayed and kicked the bulletproof glass again and again, and the glass began to crack under the strong impact of Peter Parker.

At this moment, two American police helicopters flew over. They received a report and came to rescue, but they saw Spider-Man falling on the monument.

"This is the DC police, you are already in an illegal operation, go back to the ground immediately!" The machine gun in the helicopter was already aimed at Peter Parker, and the special police was shouting to Peter Parker on the loudspeaker.

"My friends are in there and I need to save them!" Peter Parker shouted.

At this moment, Peter Parker had seen through the window glass that the elevator inside was already crumbling.

"Get back! Go back to the ground immediately, or we'll open fire!" The SWAT warned again.

Peter Parker saw that his best friends and classmates were about to be in danger. He couldn't take it anymore and climbed to the top of the monument tower.

"Get back to the ground! Or we'll fire!" the SWAT helicopter warned again, and the machine guns were already aimed at Peter Parker.

Peter Parker climbed towards the other side of the monument tower, avoiding the sight of the helicopter, which was going up to see Peter Parker.

Peter Parker came to the top of the tower, grabbed the top of the tower and squatted on it. The helicopter came to him and warned him again.

Peter Parker kicked the tower wall hard, and the whole person flew out. He opened his arms, and the gliders under his arms stretched out.

Peter Parker crossed over the helicopter's propeller and fell down. Peter Parker shot spider silk and fixed it on the fuselage of the helicopter.

The whole person swayed with the spider silk and rushed towards the small window just now. Under his precise calculation, he broke the glass and rushed into the small window about the size of his body, successfully entering the monument tower.

At this moment, the top of the elevator was completely broken, and the entire elevator fell vertically downward. Peter Parker fired a catapult spider silk that just stuck to the top of the falling elevator.

Peter Parker grabbed the spider silk and was dragged to the elevator entrance. Peter Parker spread his legs, stepped on the two door frames of the elevator entrance, and pulled the spider silk in his hand to prevent the elevator from falling.

The falling elevator also stopped in an instant, and Ned and Liz Allen and their leading teacher in the elevator screamed in fright.

"I succeeded..." Before Peter Parker was happy for a few seconds, the weak elevator door frame suddenly flew out because it couldn't bear such a heavy weight, and Peter Parker was also dragged by the elevator and fell into the elevator shaft.

Fortunately, the elevator fell at a high speed and broke an iron bar on the shelf in the elevator shaft, and the elevator got stuck in half and stopped.

But at this moment, Peter Parker also fell heavily into the elevator, and the stuck elevator continued to slide down.

Peter Parker was in a hurry and fired a bunch of spider silk towards the top of the monument, then turned his body and stepped on the top of the elevator where the top had not broken, and the elevator stopped again under Peter Parker's pull.

Peter Parker tugged at the spider silk and looked at the three people in the elevator. He breathed a sigh of relief and asked them in a deliberately thicker voice, "Hey, how are you all? Don't worry about me!"

"Great! Great!" Ned now realized that it was Peter Parker, shouting and jumping with joy.

"Stop! Big man, don't move!" Peter Parker yelled at Ned as the elevator shook at Ned's movements.

"Oh, sorry, sir, I'm so sorry!" Ned stopped immediately and stood close to the elevator wall, knowing that Peter Parker didn't want to reveal his identity, so he pretended not to know Peter.

On the other hand, the leading teacher and Liz Allen breathed a sigh of relief. They almost died just now. Fortunately, the legendary Spider-Man arrived, and now they really realized how lucky it was to have a superhero to rescue them in times of crisis. one thing.

Peter Parker pulled the spider silk hard, trying to pull the elevator up, but the elevator was pulled to the upper floor, and there were rescuers just above it.

Rescuers immediately slammed open the glass-shattered elevator doors, trying to get them out of the elevator.

"Ned, Liz and teacher, get out! Get out!" Peter Parker shouted, he was about to lose his hold, and he felt the steel plate he was stepping on was starting to deform from the force.

The moment Ned and the teacher who led the team went out, the steel plate under Peter Parker's feet suddenly broke, and the elevator descended extremely fast.

And Liz Allen in the elevator screamed loudly and wanted to jump up and grab Peter Parker's hand, but failed to catch the elevator down.

Fortunately, Peter Parker turned upside down and grabbed the spider silk at the top with his feet, and another spider silk from his left hand stuck to Liz Allen's hand, pulling her into the air.

boom! ! !

The elevator slid to the bottom and hit the ground hard, Liz Allen screaming loudly, her soul undecided.

"Are you okay? It's okay!" Peter Parker pulled Liz up and grabbed Liz Allen's hand. With the help of the rescuers, Liz Allen was also successfully pulled out of the elevator.

"Is everyone all right?" Peter Parker asked everyone in the elevator shaft, and the three people who had just been rescued nodded their heads to indicate that they were all right.

"Your chance is here, Peter. Kiss her!" Karen's voice came, allowing Peter Parker to seize the opportunity. Now is the best time to get Liz Allen's favor.

Peter Parker looked at the handsome Liz Allen and said that it is impossible not to be moved, but he already has a girlfriend, and if he cheats, it is estimated that his lower limbs will be interrupted by Gwen.

When Peter Parker was hesitating, the spider silk that was hanging him suddenly broke, and Peter Parker fell towards the bottom in an instant.

"Thank you! Spider-Man!" the leading teacher shouted down, none of them thought that Peter Parker was forced to fall, thinking that this was how he left, it was really special!


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