I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 192: trapped warehouse

Peter Parker was awakened by a shock and found himself lying on the ground with a terrible headache.

"My God, what's wrong with my head?" Peter Parker said, covering his head.

"You seem to have a slight concussion," came Friday's voice.

Peter Parker grabbed the shelf on the side and stood up. He was a little dizzy and nauseated. He turned around and looked around, and was shocked.

"Where am I now?" Peter Parker looked at himself in a boxy space surrounded by some cages with some strange weapon wreckage.

"I don't know the exact location, the walls of the container are blocking my sensors," said Friday.

"Wait, they're willing to hijack the truck and take me back to their evil lair! Well, Sister Battlesuit, we've got to make a way out this time." Peter Parker said contemplating his situation.

He suddenly saw the door of the container, and crouched down to kick the door open.

"Three, two, one!" The two iron doors of the container were kicked out by Peter Parker's huge force, and Peter Parker also rushed out due to inertia and rolled twice and fell steadily to the ground.

Peter Parker put on a fighting posture to prepare for the enemy's attack, but found that there was no one around him. He was now in a huge warehouse filled with rows of identical containers.

"Where is this place? Sister Battlesuit, where am I?" Peter Parker asked, looking around.

"You're in the safest base on the East Coast, damage control storage warehouse," said Friday.

"No! It's not!" Peter Parker knew that this place used to store some materials and weapons of the Avengers. It was very solid, and no one could get in or go out by himself, except Arthur's portal.

Peter Parker jumped on the gate made of boulders and tried to force it open, but Peter Parker thought too much. The gate was more than fifty centimeters thick and weighed dozens of tons. Even with explosives, it couldn't be opened.

"The gates won't open until morning!" Friday's voice came again.

"Morning? Damn!" Peter Parker could only helplessly accept the reality.

Peter Parker made a hammock out of cobwebs to lie on and wait for the gate to open.

"Sister Zhanyi, I don't think I should keep calling you sister Zhanyi, you know? Maybe I should give you a name, like Liz or Gwen, no no! That's weird." Peter Parker said boredly .

"How about being called Karen?" Peter Parker asked.

"You can call me Karen if you want, even though I have a name," Friday replied.

"Why didn't you say your name earlier, what's your name?" Peter Parker asked.

"Mr. Stark called me Friday, of course I'm just a backup," Friday replied.

"Friday? It seems that Mr. Stark is calling his smart housekeeper Friday, but I don't think Karen sounds as good, so I'll call you Karen in the future!" Peter Parker jumped off the spider hammock.

"No problem!" Karen replied.

"Karen, what else does the suit do?" Peter Parker asked, suddenly a pair of auxiliary gliders popped out of his arm.

"Wow, what is this? Maybe we'll review the review course." Peter Parker found an empty wall, ready to study the function of this suit.

"Bouncing cobweb?" Peter Parker switched to the option of bouncing cobweb and shot it, the spider silk turned into a white ball, hit the wall and bounced back, almost hitting himself.

"Diverting spider webs... spider grenades..." Peter Parker was testing one by one attack mode, and he had a lot of fun...

Tired of playing, Peter Parker lay on a container and said to himself, "Should I tell Liz that I'm Spider-Man?"

"Who is Liz?" Karen asked.

"She...she's the best, she's a girl from our school, and I really wanted to tell her, but it's kind of weird. Say I'm Spider-Man?" Peter Parker said.

"What's so weird?" Karen asked.

"What if she thought Spider-Man would be someone like Tony Stark? How disappointed she would be when she saw it was me," Peter Parker said.

"First, I wouldn't be disappointed if I were her, and second, I have an obligation to remind you that your girlfriend is Gwen Stacy!" Karen replied.

"Karen! I'm not trying to cheat, I just think she'll be as good a friend as Ned to me," Peter Parker said quibly.

"But in your current state, the chance of cheating is as high as 48.31%. In Chinese terms, you have the potential of a scumbag." Karen ruthlessly answered Peter Parker's sophistry.

"Bah, my chance of cheating is zero! Look at me, I only like Gwen alone!" Peter Parker said firmly.

"Thank you for chatting with me, how long have we been here?" Peter Parker asked.

"Thirty-seven minutes!" Karen replied.

"What? Thirty-seven minutes? It's impossible! I can't take it anymore, I have to get out!" Peter Parker jumped off the container and returned to the container he had just kicked.

"There must be something I can use here!" Peter Parker opened the black backpack he snatched from the Vulture Freak and took out a silver metal ring.

"No!" Peter Parker put it aside, and continued to rummage, he found a purple energy crystal.

"Isn't that the glowing thing?" Peter Parker observed with the purple crystal.

"This glow is an explosive chitauri energy nucleus!" Karen explained to Peter Parker.

"What? You mean we've been carrying a bomb everywhere?" Peter Parker exclaimed, startled, immediately throwing the purple energy core out.

"It takes radiation to make it explode," Karen continued.

Peter Parker immediately thought of Ned. If he goes to participate in the academic competition, he is very likely to visit the monument tower next to him. If he goes through the security check, the X-ray will activate the luminous object, so Ned is in danger!

Peter Parker immediately took out his cell phone and called Ned's number, wanting him to throw the glowing object away, but found that there was no signal here and the call could not be made.

Peter Parker was in a hurry, he ran out quickly, jumped on the boulder gate, patted the gate with his hand and shouted loudly: "Please! Who will let me out!"

"Karen, you have to help me control that time lock!" Peter Parker said, looking at the starter box next to the boulder gate.

Peter Parker took out a small computer made by himself from his schoolbag and connected it to the electric box network, and manipulated it to open the door.

"OK, Karen, lower the voltage and try it out!" Peter Parker hung upside down in the air and rewritten the code in the computer to control the electric box and let Karen remotely control the door.

"The experiment failed!" Karen replied.

"Well, we just have to try all the combinatorial equations." Peter Parker began to try again and again.

The sky gradually brightened, and Peter Parker tried 246 times without success until the door opened at the 247th time.

"Success! Finally succeeded!" Peter Parker shouted happily.

"It didn't work, the door opened automatically!" Karen said to Peter Parker.

Peter Parker: "..."


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