I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 164: red guardian

the next morning

Natasha drove all night and took Yelena to the place where she parked the Quinjet.

"I've wanted to try this advanced fighter jet for a long time, it's great!" Yelena said, looking at the Avengers Kun-style fighter jet parked on the lawn in front.

"This is my plane!" Natasha said looking at Yelena.

"You've been driving all night, and you're tired. Leave it to me next." Yelena patted her chest and said.

Natasha nodded helplessly, took out her mobile phone and sent a location to Arthur, and then called him.

"Hello? The location has been sent to you, when will you come?" Natasha asked Arthur on the phone.

"You really don't give me time to eat breakfast..." Arthur's voice came from behind Natasha.

Natasha and Yelena turned around and saw Arthur who had just come out of the blue magic portal.

Arthur was wearing pajamas, holding a cup of soy milk and a kraft paper bag on his mobile phone, which was full of Xiao Long Bao, and Arthur took out one and ate it happily.

"Oh Maiga! You came so fast!" Yelena said in amazement, looking at the blue portal that disappeared behind Arthur.

"He is always very timely and a reliable person." Natasha praised Arthur insincerely.

"Stop, you don't believe what you said. If you don't want to eat the xiaolongbao made by our Atlantis restaurant, you can guarantee that you have never eaten such delicious buns." Arthur walked up to the two of them Hand over the kraft paper bag.

"Thank you!" Yelena and Natasha were really hungry. They ran for their lives for a day yesterday, and they just took a bite at night.

"Wow, my God! How can there be such a delicious food, where can I buy it?" Yelena almost swallowed her tongue after taking a bite of xiaolongbao. She thought it was the best food she had ever eaten since she was a child. something.

"Well, the taste is alright, we have it in the cafeteria... um, the cafeteria is not finished yet." Natasha eats the cafeteria of the Avengers every day, which is full of chefs trained by the Atlantis restaurant. So she's used to it.

"Can the one in the cafeteria compare to this? I took it from the Atlantis restaurant. If you like it, beauty, you can go to any Atlantis restaurant in New York to eat it for free! Just tell me my name." Seeing that Yelena really liked it, Se handed her the whole bag of buns in her hand.

"Thank you! My name is Yelena Belova, nice to meet you, the superhero Arthur from Atlantis." Yelena introduced herself.

"I'm also very happy to meet you. What's the matter with me? Didn't you go on vacation? Want me to take you to play?" Arthur turned to look at Natasha and asked.

"I'm not like you, I like to enjoy. I can't rest well even when I take a vacation. I'm really unlucky! I came to you to help us deal with a mysterious organization." Natasha gave Arthur a white look and said.

"What mysterious organization, be specific." Arthur took a sip of the soy milk in his hand and said.

"Let's talk about getting on the plane..." Natasha took the lead on the Kun-style fighter.

"You're going to act with us dressed like this?" Yelena asked, looking at the leopard-print pajamas on Arthur's body.

"Change it later, let's go." Arthur also got on the plane.

Yelena shook her head and followed...

Yelena and Natasha changed into a white combat uniform on the plane and checked their weapons.

"Your clothes are too ostentatious, but in order to cooperate with you..." Arthur complained at the white combat uniforms of the two of them, and then he snapped his fingers, and the leopard-print pajamas on his body flashed into and Natasha. They are identical men's white combat uniforms.

"My God, are you a magician? With your ability, do you no longer need to buy clothes?" Yelena looked at Arthur in surprise and asked.

"Theoretically, so you can call me Arthur the magician... well, where are we going next?" Arthur asked.

"We're dealing with a spy organization called the Red Room. That's where I used to be. I thought I'd completely destroyed it, but recent events told me that it still exists, and we need to find it." Na Tasha sat in the co-pilot seat of the plane and explained to Arthur.

Yelena started the fighter jet and controlled it to fly into the air.

"That's not easy. You tell me where the organization base is, and I'll just bomb it and it's over." Arthur said indifferently.

"We don't know where it is either, but two people I know will know, and we're going to find one of them now!" Natasha said to Arthur.

"Okay, whatever you want, I'll take it out to loosen my muscles." Arthur lay on the seat and closed his eyes.

A prison on the Hungarian border

The prisoners in the prison gathered together, watching the two big men on the seats wrenching their wrists.

"So, I have the nuclear code. But he's there, Captain America, Steve Rogers!" One of the big tattooed men, who won several prisoners in a row, told the story of his life.

"The era of the Red Guardian is coming!" He is Alexei Shostakov, the Red Guardian known as Captain of the Soviet Union.

He has been locked up in this prison for twenty years, living a repetitive life every day, and Captain America, like him, who went through the "Super Soldier" program, Steve Rogers, has become a household hero.

So Alexei was very angry and could only be unhappy in this prison.

Suddenly someone notified him that he had his package, and Alexei walked to the guard room strangely. No one had ever sent him anything.

The two guards opened Alexei's package, took out the candy and ate it, only handing him some envelopes and a toy.

Alexei was very angry, but he was helpless. He could not escape this prison by himself. This prison was built in a canyon basin in a snow-capped mountain. Frozen to death on a snowy mountain.

Alexey took some envelopes and took out a toy from the middle. It was a toy of a red Soviet captain. Pressing the logo on the chest would have a sound effect.

Who sent such a toy to him? Are you making fun of yourself? Alexey pulled the mechanism behind the toy, and suddenly the head of the toy flew up. Alexey suddenly found that there was a wireless earphone in the head of the toy, the kind used by spies.

He looked warily around the guard room and around, and put the earphones in his ears.

"Today is your lucky day! Alexei, go to the door on the south wall!" A familiar voice said to him from his earphones.

Alexei looked towards the iron gate to the south, which had opened automatically.

Knowing that it was his "daughter" who came to save him, Alexei stood up and strode toward the guard room.

The guard asked him what he was doing through the glass, and Alexei suddenly shattered the glass with a punch, grabbed a guard by his clothes, and dragged him out of the guard room.

The entire pane of tempered glass in the guard room also burst into pieces. Alexei kicked him unconscious, grabbed another guard, and slammed his head against the iron window of the guard room.

Alexei has long disliked these two people, and dared to eat Lao Tzu's food, and even rummaged through Lao Tzu's package! Alexei took his candy and chewed it in his mouth.

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