I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 162: evade pursuit

Natasha drove the car to start a snake-like walk, but did not escape the attack of the mysterious man. The mysterious man shot an arrow at the bottom of Natasha's car.

The arrow exploded right at the bottom of the bike, and the whole car was blasted into the air, flipped over and hit the roof of a car behind.

Then it fell again, was hit by the car behind and flew out. The whole car rolled continuously, just rushed down towards a subway entrance, and finally stopped in the lobby of the subway station on the basement level.

The blue car was turned upside down, and its body was severely damaged, but Natasha and Yelena were not seriously injured. Both Natasha and Yelena tried their best to climb out.

Yelena's arm was slashed by car debris and was bleeding, but Natasha stopped her when she took out a scarf to wrap her arm to stop the bleeding.

"No, trust me! Come with me." Natasha dragged Yelena and ran to the crowd in the subway hall.

The mysterious man in strange armor walked down from the subway entrance, just in time to see two people sliding down the smooth **** in the middle of the elevator.

The mysterious man threw out the round shield and flew towards the two of them. Natasha and Yelena slid to the second underground floor and climbed down instantly. The round shield flew over their heads and inserted deeply into a pillar in front.

Natasha grabbed Yelena's hand and took her to get up and escape. The mysterious man took the elevator down in a hurry and walked slowly into the subway ride hall.

All the people here took the subway that just arrived and left, and the entire subway station is now empty.

The mysterious man looked at the blood on the ground and followed all the way to the mouth of an underground well. She opened the cover of the well and jumped down.

In the upper ventilation duct not far away, Natasha and Yelena hid here, and Natasha looked at the mysterious man who jumped to the well.

Yelena lay in the ventilation duct and wrapped a scarf around her arm to stop the bleeding.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked Yelena, who was grinning in pain.

"What a great idea! I like the part where I almost bleed to death, it's very comfortable here." Yelena sat up and said, looking at the spacious ventilation ducts around her.

"Barton and I hid here for two days," Natasha said.

"That must be interesting." Yelena followed Natasha's gaze and saw the marks they drew on the wall above her head.

"Who is that guy?" Natasha asked.

"Drykov's special project, he can imitate anyone he has seen, it's like fighting himself in the mirror. Drykov only sends him on the most important tasks." Yelena replied road.

"It doesn't make any sense for them to hunt us down!" Natasha said.

"It's hard to tell the truth when you ignore key details," Yelena said.

"What do you mean?" Natasha asked.

"You didn't mention Drekov's daughter at all, you killed her then?" Yelena asked rhetorically.

"I have to do that! I need her to take me to Drekov. Drekov's daughter is collateral damage. I need her confirmation to know where Drekov is." Natasha recalled that she It was confirmed that Drekov was at home, and a bomb was used to bomb Drekov's home when he chose Drekov's daughter to return home from school.

"And you're not so sure here!" Yelena said.

"I need to go out for a walk..." Natasha feels very guilty every time she thinks about this. Although she has killed many people, Drekov's daughter makes her unforgettable for a long time.

After making sure it was safe, the two left the subway station and went to a small shop at a gas station to take a break.

"The red room is still running, where is it?" Natasha asked Yelena.

"I don't know, it moves frequently, and every widow has to take tranquilizers when entering and leaving the country to obtain the highest level of security." Yelena replied while picking out the medicine to disinfect the wound.

"I just find it hard to believe that he can hide from our sight." Natasha said very strangely, no one can hide from the sight of the Avengers.

"It's not wise to attack the Avengers if you want to hide. The clue is in the name. If Drykov kills you, one of the big men in the Avengers will come to avenge you." Yelena said to Natasha .

"Wait, who do you mean by the big shot?" Natasha asked.

"Well, I suspect that the Atlanteans from the bottom of the sea must drink a few tons of water to replenish their energy after each battle. Where do you think I am during this time?" Yelena made a joke and asked rhetorically.

"I thought you were out of prison and lived a normal life." Natasha replied after thinking for a while.

"Then you haven't contacted me?" Yelena asked again.

"...To be honest, I thought you didn't want to see me." Natasha fell silent and said.

"Haha, nonsense! You just don't want your little sister to follow you all the time, while you and the cool kid save the world." Yelena said to Natasha.

"You're not my real sister." Natasha said something that made Yelena sad.

"The Avengers are not your real family." Yelena didn't expect Natasha to say that, she thought about it and shot back.

"Why do you always do this?" Yelena asked suddenly again.

"What?" Natasha asked rhetorically.

"What you do when you fight. That...that...you always do this, when you fight, you shake your hair, your arms, your hair...and then you get into a fighting position," Yelena said as she crouched down. , imitating what Natasha did when she was fighting.

"This fighting posture shows that you are a poser! Haha!" Yelena said mocking Natasha.

"I'm not a poser." Natasha replied blankly.

"Please these poses are cool, but you think everyone is looking at you, all the time..." Yelena said.

"I spent so much time posing, actually trying to do something good to make up for the pain I caused. Try to be more than just a trained killer!" Natasha interrupted Yelena's sarcasm, she designed These actions are just trying to change the public's perception of themselves.

"Then you're kidding yourself! Because pain and torture happen every day, and we're all trained killers. It's just that I'm not the one on the cover of the magazine, I'm not the killer called a hero by the little girls!" Yelena After speaking, he turned around and went out.

Natasha was stunned for two seconds, and paid the boss for the things she just bought. Fortunately, the boss here didn't know them and couldn't understand their language.

In front of the shop is a shed with many tables and chairs for customers to rest. Next to it is an auto repair shop. A few boys are playing football in the open space.

This place looks quite sentimental. Yelena sat on a chair and cleaned the wound on her right arm with hydrogen peroxide.

Natasha took a shopping bag and sat down opposite Yelena with two bottles of wine.

"That gas, the reaction potion, it was secretly synthesized, made by an old widow of Melina's generation. When I was on a mission to retrieve the potion, she woke me up with the gas, and I killed it Wake up my widow." Yelena said expressionlessly.

"Can you try to control yourself?" Natasha asked.

"What you're going through is mental conditioning, I'm talking about chemically changing brain function, they're two completely different things. You're fully conscious, but you don't know which part is yours, and I'm not sure." Yelena looked at Natasha eyes replied.

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