I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 160: Red House Squad

Yelena got up and stabbed Natasha with a knife. Natasha blocked it with the stick in her hand, quickly went up and hugged Yelena's neck, Yelena also grabbed Natasha's hair with her backhand.

The two hugged each other tightly, tearing at each other, Yelena suddenly broke free from Natasha's hand, leaned down and rushed towards Natasha, hugged Natasha's legs, picked Natasha up and smashed it **** the wall by the windowsill.

Natasha grabbed the white curtain by the window sill, pulled it down, and wrapped it around Yelena's neck. Yelena hugged Natasha's body again and slammed into the wall.

Natasha jumped from Yelena's arms, Yelena also took advantage of the situation to wrap the curtain around Natasha's neck, Natasha grabbed the curtain and threw Yelena over her shoulders and slammed Yelena to the ground.

Yelena also clung to the curtains around Natasha's neck. The two of them grabbed the curtains around each other's necks at the same time, lying on the ground and strangling them hard.

It only took a while for the two of them to blushed, but they didn't let go. Seeing who had the strongest stamina, Natasha could hardly hold her breath when she saw Yelena.

"Okay, that's enough!" Natasha let go of her hand and loosened the curtain on Yelena's neck. Yelena also loosened Natasha's neck and pushed her away, both of them lying on the floor, mouthing open Breathing air heavily.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked Yelena lying on the ground.

"Not good!" Yelena glanced at Natasha, took off the curtain wrapped around her neck, and got up from the ground.

"Do you have to come to Budapest?" Natasha also got up and asked Yelena.

"I'm here because I thought you wouldn't come back, but since I'm here now, I happen to have something to ask you, what kind of bullet hole did it make?" Yelena went to the kitchen and took out a bottle from the refrigerator Wine, pointed to several triangular bullet holes in the wall and asked.

"It's not a bullet, it's an arrow." Natasha turned her head to look, and the triangular holes were shot by Patton's arrows.

"Okay!" Yelena took a sip from the glass.

"If you don't think I'll come here, why send this to me?" Natasha asked, taking out the bundle of red potions on the table.

"Oh my God, why did you bring it?" Yelena's expression changed suddenly, she turned and walked towards a room.

"I didn't come to be your friend, but at least you have to tell me what is this time?" Natasha chased after and asked Yelena.

"This is a synthetic gas, a neutralizer for chemical inhibition by chemical inhibitors. This gas can prevent the brain's neural pathways from being manipulated from the outside!" Yelena took out a backpack from the cabinet and packed her clothes.

"How about we speak in English next time?" Natasha said, walking to the hanger, looking at the clothes she had worn.

"No! Why don't you bring it to your super scientist friends? They can explain it to you, you can ask Dr. Banner." Yelena said as she cleaned up.

"We don't talk much now, so..." Natasha replied.

"What about Tony Stark?" Yelena asked again.

"He is now estimated to be watched by the US government." Natasha found a piece of clothing to change.

"Great! It's just the right time! When I needed them, none of them could help." Yelena complained.

"I don't want to stay here, I came out on vacation, but you almost killed me!" Natasha said looking at Yelena.

"Then what can I do? You are the only superhero I know!" Yelena watched Natasha take off her shirt, her back was full of purple bruises, Yelena's eyes softened a lot.

"That's the whole reason I'm sending it to you. I've been watching the news, hoping to see Captain America defeat the Red Room one day." Yelena packed up and turned to leave.

"What?" Natasha was very puzzled after hearing Yelena's words, the red room? Wasn't it completely destroyed by myself years ago?

"Defeat the Red Room? What are you talking about? It's been gone for years! Drykov is already dead! I killed him myself!" Natasha put on a black leather coat and asked Yelena.

Yelena came to the weapons room, put a weapon in her backpack, and said, "You don't really believe it, do you?"

"..." Natasha didn't speak, just remained silent.

"Do you really think so?" Yelena asked, looking at Natasha, who was bewildered.

"Drykov is dead! In order to find him, I almost destroyed the whole city." Natasha looked at Yelena and replied.

"If you're so sure, then tell me what happened at that time! Tell me exactly and in detail." Yelena looked at Natasha and asked.

"We planted bombs..." Natasha replied.

"Who are we?" Yelena asked, interrupting Natasha.

"Clint Barton, killing Drekov is the last step for me to defect to S.H.I.E.L.D." Natasha looked at Yelena and said affirmatively.

"It's that simple?" Yelena nodded and asked back.

"Of course "easy"! This is what I call the implosion of the five-story building, and then shooting with the Hungarian special forces, we escaped Budapest after hiding for ten days!" Natasha went to the kitchen and picked up the one that Yelena had just brought out. She poured a glass of wine and drank it, and she kept avoiding recalling the battle.

"Have you checked the body? Are you sure you killed him?" Yelena asked again.

"There is no body left to wait for me to examine!" Natasha said and turned to leave.

"You forgot Drekov's daughter!" Yelena said looking at Natasha's back.

Hearing that Natasha, Drekov's daughter, stopped, there was a sound of walking from upstairs...

boom! ! !

The ceiling of the living room was blasted through a large hole by explosives, and the whole room was suddenly covered with dust. Yelena picked up the bundle of red potions on the table, put it in her backpack, and stole to the other rooms.

Natasha also immediately left the place, only to see a steel rope dropped from the ceiling, and several special soldiers in black combat bulletproof suits jumped out of the big hole in the ceiling.

They carried weapons in their hands, with infrared sights attached to them, strafing the room and looking around.

Yelena immediately ran to the bathroom, and the special forces saw Yelena immediately shot at her, but did not hit Yelena.

When Yelena ran to the bathroom, she met Natasha who came here first. Yelena twisted a switch on the wall, and all the light bulbs in the room burst one by one, and the room suddenly went dark.

Yelena and Natasha rushed out together and took down the two enemies in the living room in just two or three strokes.

The remaining two enemies shot at Natasha and the others, but they were dodged by them. The two rushed out of the apartment and came to the corridor.

However, they found that there were two enemies with guns guarding in the corridor, and two enemies with weapons were also guarding in the yard outside the window sill, and they were guarding the passages where they could escape!

Yelena threw a grenade into the corridor and ran down the stairs to the top of the building.

"Where are we going?" Natasha ran after Yelena and asked.

"Motorcycle! It's on the east side of the building!" Yelena replied, the two ran fast, and suddenly there was a gunshot from the opposite side. The glass in front of them was shattered by a gun, and the roof opposite was guarding the block. hand.

The two rushed to the roof of the roof, ran to the edge of the roof and slid down the tiles of the old-fashioned roof, and suddenly a dark-haired woman behind them chased after them.


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