I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 16: The bodyguard of the overbearing president

Harbel Arthur met with several other colleagues, all veterans responsible for the company's security. For young Arthur, several security guards looked down on him, but Arthur showed his hand, and after the four big men were brought down in an instant, Happy invited Arthur to be Tony's personal bodyguard.

Arthur even met the Stark industrial villain big boos Obadiahstan. Obadiah didn't express any opinion on this new Tony's personal bodyguard, but nodded slightly and said he knew.

After completing the entry formalities, Arthur finally met Tony Stark at Tony's house. He felt very cordial when he saw Robert Donald Jr. in front of him. Iron Man was his favorite Marvel superhero.

Tony frowned at the young man in front of him and said, "The person introduced by the Ministry of Defense? He is good? I don't need a bodyguard, you can go!"

Arthur hurriedly said, "I came here because someone invited me to come here. Because of your previous experience, the Ministry of Defense wants to ensure your safety. Do you think I want to protect you?"

"The Ministry of Defense invited you here? It's just you? How old are you this year, are you an adult? No matter how you look at it, you are coming to me to protect you" Tony looked at Arthur with contempt.

Arthur didn't feel uncomfortable about Tony's contempt. He knew that Tony was such a person. He only believed that he didn't believe in others. Later, after many things, he slowly got better.

"I'm 20 years old, you can rest assured that ordinary people are not my opponents. I'm very good, and I can definitely do the job of protecting you!" Arthur looked like I could hit ten.

"Okay, I agree, you can stay here, but without my consent you can only move on the first floor. Happy, you can arrange a room for him." Tony turned around and went back to his studio. .

Happy arranged a room for Arthur, told Arthur about his work, warned him not to enter Tony's studio without permission, and gave him a cell phone to keep in touch.

Arthur's life as a bodyguard began, but after a few days, he couldn't be idle. Tony had been in the studio mysteriously and rarely came out, so he basically had nothing to do, and spent all day training in the yard. Take a nap on the lounger.

One day, Arthur saw a truck coming to deliver many large boxes. Arthur stepped forward to check that they were all metal parts and materials.

Tony came out of the villa "They are here to deliver the parts I ordered and have them bring the box to the studio." Tony patted Arthur on the shoulder.

Knowing that he was starting to make the steel suit, Arthur ordered the workers to move the box to Tony's workshop.

Arthur is also the first time to come to Tony's studio, the studio is located on the second basement level, under the parking lot. The studio is very large, but it is more like a warehouse. There are various machines and no less than 20 computers in it. Various parts are piled everywhere, and there is even a modified car.

Arthur looked at Tony like a mad scientist, it was hard to imagine Tony staying in this pile of parts all day and indulging in his research.

Tony handed Arthur a glass with a bottle of wine "Would you like a glass?"

Arthur took the cup and pointed to the table full of parts. "Is this your hobby?"

Tony poured Arthur half a glass of wine and clinked with him, "You don't understand, I'm doing something very powerful, I'm going to do a big thing, cheers!"

Arthur took the glass and drank it. "Can I see something?"

Tony said mysteriously, "You will know when I make it. I told you only because I liked your eyes, but you have to help me keep it a secret."

"Ok!" Arthur pouted, I already guessed what you were doing.

One evening, Arthur was sitting in the yard enjoying the shade when a Mercedes drove in and stopped in front of Arthur.

It turned out that Obadiah came with Chili Pepper, who was carrying a box of pizza and a small square box.

"Where's Tony? Mr. Obadiah is looking for him," Pepperpotz asked.

"In the studio, you can go directly to him, I call him on the walkie-talkie and he never pays any attention," Arthur Nunu said.

After Pepper left, Arthur took Obadiah to the living room and said to him, "You wait here a moment."

"It doesn't matter, don't worry about me, I'm here just like returning to my own home." After saying that, he walked to the piano and started playing for himself.

After a while, Tony and Pepper came to the living room together. Tony was eating the pizza that Obadiah brought him, while Pepper was sitting on the side dealing with documents, and Arthur silently left the living room and went outside to enjoy the shade.

Obadiah wanted to persuade Tony to give up the idea of ​​​​stopping the production of weapons because of the company's shareholders' dissatisfaction with him, but Tony disagreed, and the two broke down without saying a word.

Before leaving, Obadiah said to Arthur, "Tony is a stubborn person. This time, many shareholders of the company are dissatisfied with him and want to kick him out of the company. I hope you can persuade him."

"Okay, I will persuade him." Arthur replied with a smile.

In the next period of time, no one came to see Tony again. Only Pepper came to see Tony once a day. Tony never came out of the studio. Arthur lamented that Tony was really a workaholic.

In the evening, Arthur made some supper by himself. Tony's family had a special person to deliver meals and some ingredients every day. Tony often forgot to eat because of work.

Arthur was sitting on the reclining chair in the yard blowing the cool breeze and dozing off, when a sudden bang from the roof frightened Arthur smartly.

Villa hit by meteorite? Arthur ran into the villa immediately, looking at the large hole in the ceiling, the piano wreckage scattered all over the place and the big hole in the floor, Arthur felt very speechless.

When I came to the parking lot on the basement level, I saw Tony lying on the blue sports car, dressed in silver armor and embarrassed.

Arthur walked over and said, "Are you okay? Is this what you call cool stuff?"

"This is a mistake, come and help me." Tony held out his hand.

Arthur grabbed Tony's hand and pulled him from the flattened car.

"You're so strong!" Tony exclaimed.

"What are you going to do with this?" Arthur pointed to the hole and the squashed sports car.

"I'll ask someone to fix it tomorrow. It doesn't look like this car can be repaired anymore, so throw it away." Tony said indifferently.

Arthur gave a thumbs up, "As expected of an arms chief, rich! If you don't want a luxury car, you don't want it. I can't even buy a broken car."

"Don't call me the arms chief, which one do you fancy? I'll send it to you." Tony asked, pointing to a row of sports cars.

"Just kidding, your mecha is quite handsome, can you transform?" Arthur joked, and also learned the transformation voice of Transformers.

"This is not a Transformer, come and help me take it off, I can't get it off," Tony said.

"how to do?"

Arthur, under the guidance of Tony, helped him disassemble the armor into parts and finally took it off.

"Your armor is too troublesome, it takes too much time to put on and take off." Arthur spit out.

"This is the second version of the design, and I will improve it in the future. My head hurts. Please bring me some ice cubes, thank you!" Tony said with his head in his hands.

Arthur took ice cubes to ice Tony's head, and Tony looked at Arthur and said, "Are we friends?"

"It's up to you!" Arthur said.

Tony said again, "Since you are a friend, you have to keep it secret for me. Only you know about this armor. I hope you don't tell anyone, especially the Ministry of Defense, do you know?" Tony looked at Arthur seriously.

Arthur also assured: "Don't worry, I will help you keep the secret, I also have a secret, in fact, I am not familiar with the people of SHIELD..."

"...Well, I believe in you, don't worry, you can say whatever you need in the future, and I will promise you." Tony replied.

"I demand a raise!"

"..." Tony looked at Arthur silently, is that all you have?

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