I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 154: site selection

Arthur and Wanda are sitting on the back of a huge seahorse. This is a special mount animal for the Atlantis royal family. It has colorful fins and looks very beautiful. Atlantis also has a special breed. Water fields for these riding animals.

Seahorse brought Arthur and Wanda to the sky above Atlantis, and Arthur looked down at the entire Atlantis to find a place suitable for building the Avengers base.

"Let's take a look outside the city. It's better not to build it in the city of Atlantis. Now the Atlantis people still have a deep misunderstanding of the land people." Wanda advised Arthur.

Since she came to Atlantis, she has found that the people here are hostile to her, a white-skinned land person. If Arthur was not by her side, it is estimated that someone would have attacked her.

Arthur nodded after hearing this. It is true that the Atlanteans have hated the land people since ancient times. This is not a concept that can be changed all at once, and it can be gradually changed later.

"Your Majesty, we can go to the bottomless abyss outside the city. I think it is more suitable there." Said Sansa, the captain of the women's guard, who is Arthur's little fan sister and especially worships rebuilding the home for Atlantis. Sea King Arthur.

So Sansa trained hard and became captain of the Royal Women's Guard in just two years, successfully approaching Arthur.

"Yeah, the underwater abyss is a good place, where there are natural caves and giant beasts guarding them, why didn't I think of it?" Arthur said suddenly, looking at Sansa with admiration.

Sansa smiled happily, and she was very happy to help Arthur.

Arthur and his party came to the edge of the cliff of the underwater abyss. Arthur and Wanda got off the seahorse. The next road is not suitable for riding a seahorse.

Because the giant beast in the abyss has a natural suppression on the weak creature like the seahorse, Arthur, the seahorse, has just been sent from the water field to serve, and he can't face the giant beast without being frightened.

"You wait for me here, I'll just go down with Wanda." Arthur turned his head and said to the girls in the escort.

"No, Your Majesty! We have to be by your side to protect your safety. If you are in danger, who will protect you?" Sansa insisted, and glanced at Wanda beside Arthur. This land woman is a weak ordinary person.

"No, I will never be in danger in the bottomless abyss, and I am afraid that you will be in danger. Well, you can wait here, this is an order!" Arthur said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The women's guards could only reluctantly agree.

Arthur took Wanda's hand and jumped from the cliff into the dark abyss.

Arthur raised the yellow gem in his right hand on the way down, and the bright yellow light illuminated the surrounding stone walls. Arthur was able to see in the dark underwater, and he was afraid that Wanda could not see it.

Wanda only saw huge caves on the stone walls, but he didn't know what was in the caves.

"These caves are the home of giant creatures under the sea. Now these giant creatures have been sent to the city of Atlantis to guard the city, so most of the caves are empty." Arthur explained to Wanda .

"What kind of giant creatures are they? Is it the tiger shark we saw when we came?" Wanda asked curiously.

"The tiger shark is just one of them. There used to be all kinds of giant creatures living here. They are all very powerful, so it is called the bottomless abyss. No matter who comes down, there will be no return." Arthur explained .

"Then how can you order them to do things for you?" Wanda asked again.

"This is my ability to control others, especially the control of animals in the sea is more powerful." Arthur explained.

"I thought you could control others by relying on the Mind Stone. It turns out that you have this ability yourself. No wonder the Mind Stone allows you to use it." Wanda said.

"Why, do you worship me a little?" Arthur asked jokingly.

"Worship you? The female guard named Sansa just seemed to worship you." Wanda said sourly. Although she didn't think Arthur would like that kind of blue-skinned woman, she still aroused Wanda's vigilance.

"I don't need their worship, I want you to worship me," Arthur said.

"Well, I adore you, you are the best!" Wanda said with a smile.

"It's not too bad, eh? There happens to be a giant creature here, let me take you to see it." Arthur found the existence of a creature in a cave, and he swam to the cave with Wanda.

After the two entered the cave, Wanda discovered that the cave was also very huge, and there was still some large space in the cave. Just as they walked forward, Wanda was startled by the scene in front of them.

A crab as big as a small house appeared in front of the two of them. Arthur and Wanda were not as tall as his legs, and the huge pincers seemed to be able to cut people off in one fell swoop.

This crab is dark red and has a thorn on its back, which is completely different from ordinary crabs.

It also seems to have detected the arrival of Arthur and Wanda, but did not respond.

Arthur walked up to it, touched its thick shell and asked, "Why didn't you settle down outside Atlantis?"

The big crab spit out a bunch of bubbles.

"Oh, so it is." Arthur seemed to understand the meaning of the crab.

"What did it say? You can actually communicate with it?" Wanda looked at Arthur in disbelief. He could actually read the meaning of the crab.

"I can probably understand what they mean. It says that the territory outside the city is occupied by other creatures. If it can't beat them, it can only go back to the abyss." Arthur explained to Wanda.

"Haha, it's really interesting. The big crab looks so powerful and is not the opponent of other creatures." Wanda looked at the big crab and said happily. She felt that everything about Atlantis was very interesting.

"Okay, you can continue to live here. We may move back to this neighborhood in the future. I'll ask you to protect us at that time. Let's go first. Goodbye." Arthur patted the big claws of the crab and said goodbye.

The big crab also spit out a bunch of bubbles, shaking its huge pincers as if to say goodbye to Arthur and Wanda.

After Wanda and Arthur left the cave and swam to the abyss, Arthur decided to build a base here. The abyss is secretive and protected by giant creatures. It is a unique place.

"Our mission is complete. When the time comes, let Stark design a huge base warship, and drive directly here to become the submarine base." Arthur said to Wanda.

Wanda also nodded, and then the work was handed over to Tony Stark, and he was better at designing the base.

The two left the abyss, rode the sea horses again, and swam towards the palace with the female escort.


Wakanda Country

T'Challa walked in the city, and the captain of the **** team, Okoye, followed him.

"You promised Steve Rogers to move their Avengers base to Wakanda?" Okoye asked.

"Yes, the Avengers helped us a lot last time, this time they are in trouble, we can't just stand by, and they just need a place to stay." Wearing a purple costume, T'Challa had his hands behind his back, while observing the sentiment of the people , said while saying.

"Then where are you going to arrange them?" Okoye asked.

"I can't let them disturb the lives of the people of Wakanda. I plan to arrange them under the Jabari tribe, which is more suitable for building foundations." T'Challa replied.

Okye breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they were not arranged in the palace, everything else would be easy.


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