I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 130: Death of the Ancient One

Stephen Strange found a mobile hospital bed and put Mage Gu Yi on it, pushing her to the operating room last time.

While running and shouting Christine's name, Kristin Palmer at the nurse station heard Stephen Strange's voice and said speechlessly, "No way!"

She turned her head and saw the hospital bed that Stephen Strange was pushing, and rushed over immediately.

"It's not fibrillation this time, it's heart damage!" Stephen Strange told her.

"Is it neurological?" Kristen Palmer asked.

"Yes!" Several people took Master Gu Yi into the operating room and rescued him immediately. Stephen Strange also put on a sterile suit and surgical gloves.

But when he picked up a scalpel, he saw his trembling hand, he looked at Nick, his former colleague, and handed him the scalpel.

"Nick, we need to relieve her brain," Stephen Strange told Nick.

Nick nodded, took the scalpel and began to operate on Master Gu Yi.

But after a while, the alarm on the monitor sounded, and Mage Gu Yi's heart had stopped beating. Christine saw that Mage Gu Yi's pupils had dilated, and it was about to die.

Stephen Strange looked at this situation, he thought of something, used Out of Body Soul, saw the soul of the Ancient One Mage flying outside, he immediately chased it out.

"What are you doing? You're dying!" Stephen Strange chased Master Gu Yi to the balcony of the hospital.

"You must return to your body immediately, you are out of time!" Stephen Strange advised Master Gu Yi.

"Time is relative! It's just that you haven't fallen yet. I spent so many years exploring the mysteries of time and staring at it all, but I can't see what's going to happen in the future." Master Gu Yi watched the air slowly passing by Lightning said, he and Stephen Strange stopped for a few seconds.

"I have prevented countless tragic futures. After solving one, a new one will come! They all brought me here, but they stopped there," said Master Gu Yi.

"Do you think this is the end of your life?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Do you want to know what you saw in your future?" Master Gu Yi asked rhetorically.

"I don't want to... well, I want to know." Stephen Strange hesitated and replied.

"I never foresee your future, I only see possibilities. You have many beautiful qualities, and you are always so good. It's not how much you want to succeed, but because of your fear of failure." Master Gu Yi said.

"It's that personality that makes me a good doctor," says Stephen Strange.

"It is precisely this that blocks you from success! Arrogance and fear still prevent you from learning the simplest and most meaningful lesson!" said Master Gu Yi.

"What is it?" Stephen Strange asked.

"This has nothing to do with yourself! When you first came to see me, you asked me how I rescued Jonathan Pangborn, but it wasn't me! It was he who injected dimensional energy into his body." Master Gu Yi replied.

"Does he use magic to walk?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Always yes, he originally had a choice to return to his own life or do something greater." Master Gu Yi replied.

"So can I heal my hands too? Go back to my past life!" Stephen Strange asked, looking at the Ancient One Mage.

"Of course, but the world will face a crisis, and I hate myself for obtaining energy from the dark dimension. As you know, sometimes in order to achieve the ultimate good, people must break the law." Master Gu Yi replied.

"Mordo doesn't think so," Stephen Strange said.

"Modu is young and vigorous, which makes him inherently stubborn and doesn't listen to advice! He needs your flexibility, just as you need his courage! Wanda, Arthur, and you are only possible to stop more by working together. Mam." said the ancient master.

"But I'm not ready!" Stephen Strange said.

"No one is ever ready, we can't choose our time, death gives meaning to life, know that life is short! You think I've been through so much, I'm ready? But look at me , extend a moment indefinitely, so that I can see the snow..." Master Gu Yi watched as the stars in the sky lit up by lightning across the sky, the soul became transparent, and finally disappeared, and a generation of supreme masters disappeared. In the world!

Only Stephen Strange remained in place and stared blankly at this moment of condensation, wondering what he was thinking...


Stephen Strange was washing his hands in the toilet outside the operating room when Kristen Palmer walked in, startled by Stephen Strange's floating cape.

"Are you all right?" Kristen Palmer asked, walking over to Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange came back to his senses, looked at Kristen Palmer, and reached out to hold her hand.

"I don't understand what happened," Kristen Palmer said.

"I know, but I have to leave now. You said that the loss of my hands is not the end of the world, it can be a new chapter in my life." Stephen Strange stroked Christine's face and said.

"Yeah, because there are other ways to save lives," Christine said.

"The hard way." Stephen Strange nodded and said, and the two stared affectionately.

Just then, a call came on the radio calling for Kristen Palmer to go to the emergency room.

"I don't want you to leave..." Stephen Strange said, looking at Kristen Palmer.

Christine kissed Stephen Strange's face, turned helplessly and left.

Stephen Strange put on the cape and used the portal to return to Kama Taj, looking at the messy library Stephen Strange sighed.

Suddenly the globe above his head lit up by himself, Stephen Strange looked up, and a dark purple energy appeared near the globe, wrapping towards the globe.

Two golden magic shields appeared on the globe to prevent the invasion of purple energy. These two magic shields are the two major temples on the earth, and the purple energy is the dark dimension.

Suddenly, a golden energy shield on the globe disappeared, and the only remaining golden energy shield was instantly broken through by purple energy.

"Damn it! Something happened to the Hong Kong Temple!" Stephen Strange said, looking at the disappearing golden energy shield, which was the location of Hong Kong, China.

Stephen Strange ran out of the library and saw that the sky had been enveloped in purple energy.

Many magic apprentices came to the square to look at the sky and talk without knowing what was going on.

Mentor Mitchell came to Stephen Strange and asked him, "Has the dark evil invaded the earth, what about the Supreme Mage?"

"The Supreme Mage has passed away, and the two major temples have also been destroyed. It is Dormammu who is here!" Stephen Strange said.

"It's over! The earth is completely over! No one on earth can stop Dormammu's invasion!" Mitchell's eyes were lost, and he muttered in his mouth.

Stephen Strange looked at the sky shrouded in purple energy, and at the confused and scared magic apprentices around him. He made up his mind to rush to the Hong Kong Temple to stop Dormammu!

"Leave it all to me!"

Stephen Strange summoned the portal, looked back at mentor Mitchell and the other apprentices, and walked into the portal under everyone's attention.


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