I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 128: strike again

"Mirror Dimension, you can't affect the real world here!" said Stephen Strange, who was flying in the air.

"Good job!" Wanda praised Stephen Strange on the side.

"Who are you?" Casillas got up from the ground and asked Wanda.

How could this woman have such a powerful energy? If it weren't for the energy support of the dark dimension in his body, Casillas would have died just now.

Casillas looked at Wanda and was shocked and angry. How could women who can play magic be so strong, both the ancient master and Wanda.

Casillas pressed his hands down, and the space in the temple changed layer by layer. In the mirror space, Casillas' dark energy was even stronger.

Suddenly the ceiling in the room slammed towards the three of them, Wanda raised his hand to support the ceiling with red energy, Stephen Strange and Mordo ran towards the door, and Wanda also flew out.

The three came to the street and walked to the road to look at the three enemies who came out of the temple.

"In the mirror space, Casillas' dark energy is more powerful, and we are probably not his opponents!" Mordo said.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Wanda didn't care. She practiced in Kama Taj for a year. The chaos magic in her body was much stronger than before, so she was not afraid of Casillas. .

Suddenly the whole ground stood up, and it was Casillas who changed the environment again.

Stephen Strange flew up against the cloak, Wanda stood directly on the red energy, and Mordo also had magic boots that could stand in the air out of thin air.

Casillas slapped the ground, and the upright road seemed to turn into a huge wave, hitting the three of Wanda.

"Play with me to change the environment?" Wanda exerted all his strength, and the red energy immediately wrapped the entire nearby connection, and the curving road returned to its original state.

Wanda swung his right hand, the vertical road turned level again, and the three landed on the road again.

"It's impossible! You can actually change the matter of space with your own power! Who are you?" Casillas asked Wanda incredulously.

"My name is Wanda, and I just studied at Kama Taj for a year." Wanda replied lightly.

Casillas is speechless, this is genius? The previous Doctor Stephen Strange was very talented in magic, and this woman named Wanda was even more outrageous.

"I don't believe you are so strong!" Casillas raised his hands, and all the buildings around them suddenly came to life, and all of them pressed down on Wanda and the three of them.

Wanda supported his palms, and a red magic shield was formed above their heads, resisting the crushing of countless buildings. Wanda gritted his teeth and supported it hard.

"I'll use the portal to escape from here first!" Stephen Strange said as he was about to summon the portal.

At this moment, the building above the three of them exploded, and became pieces floating in the air. Wanda's pressure was suddenly relieved, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

A man in orange clothes appeared here, and it was Master Gu Yi who arrived.

Master Gu Yi waved and sent Wanda and the three of them aside, while Casillas and his two men were sent to her by Master Gu Yi.

"It's true! She really draws energy from the dark dimension!" Mo Du said in shock as he looked at the dark purple ritual symbol that appeared on the head of the ancient master.

"Casillas!" Master Gu Yi ignored Mordo and turned to Casillas.

"When I defected to you, I was heartbroken, lost and needed help. I trusted you as my mentor, but you were full of lies." Casillas said.

"I want to protect you!" said Master Gu Yi.

"Will the truth hurt me?" Casillas asked rhetorically.

"No, but you will!" Master Gu Yi replied.

"Now I have a new mentor," Casillas said.

"Dormammu is deceiving you. You don't know its true face. Its so-called eternal life is not heaven, but endless suffering." said Master Gu Yi.

"Liar!" Casillas didn't want to listen to Mage Gu Yi's nonsense, so he summoned two magic knives to rush towards Mage Gu Yi, and his two men also rushed to Mage Gu Yi next to him.

Ancient One Mage fought against them with one enemy and three, and the fan that Gu Yi Mage conjured with magic hit the magic blade of Casillas.

Casillas changed the environment to interfere with the ancient master. The energy of the ancient master was much stronger than that of Casillas, and his movements were easily suppressed by the ancient master.

Stephen Strange and the others watched Mage Ancient One suppress Casillas and the three of them did not go up to help.

But when the Ancient One Mage grabbed one of Casillas' men and was about to kill him, Casillas rushed over, and the magic knife penetrated from the back of the man and inserted into the Ancient One Mage's chest.

"How is that possible!" Mo Du shouted loudly when he saw this situation. He knew the power of the ancient one, so how could he fall into Casillas' hands so easily?

Wanda on the side grabbed into the air, and the red energy instantly imprisoned Casillas and his subordinates, and kept squeezing them.

Casillas' whole body was wrapped in black energy to resist Wanda's red energy, and he was still screaming repeatedly when he was crushed by Wanda's chaotic magic.

Stephen Strange stepped up to check the wound of the ancient one, and said, "We must send her to the hospital immediately!"

Stephen Strange summoned a teleportation formation, picked up Master Gu Yi and rushed in, directly reaching the utility room of the last hospital.

And Casillas flashed black energy all over his body, wrapping him and disappearing suddenly.

"Let him run away!" Wanda said.

"What to do now?" Mordo is a little broken now, and years of faith collapsed in an instant.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asked Mordo.

"I need to be quiet," Mordo said.

"There's no time, Casillas is estimated to go directly to destroy the Hong Kong Temple!" Wanda said while taking out a mysterious ring, summoned a red magic portal, glanced at Mordo and walked in.

Modu followed, and the two came to the Hong Kong Temple in an instant. Fortunately, they came in time, and Casillas hadn't come here for the time being.

Wanda and Mordo walked into the Hong Kong Temple and saw Wang in the hall, Li, the guardian of the Hong Kong Temple, and more than a dozen wizards guarding the temple, waiting in battle in the temple.

"Where's Master Gu Yi?" Wang asked Wanda and Modu very surprised when he saw them.

"Mage Gu Yi was stabbed by Casillas, and Stephen took her to the hospital for rescue. We were afraid that Casillas would attack at this time, so we came to help first." Wanda said.

Modu was also silent on the side, looking in a trance, and now he doesn't know whether it is necessary to continue guarding his beliefs.

"No matter what kind of magic Ancient One Mage uses, she uses it to protect the world!" Wanda advised Mordo.

"...She did what she thought was right, but the price will come eventually!" Mordo said in a low voice.

"Modu! If the Hong Kong Temple is finished, the world will be finished! We must defeat Casillas!" Wanda said loudly with firm eyes.

Mordo looked at Wanda and Wang, Li and the rest of the temple guard mages, and nodded.

Now anyway, let's break down Casillas' conspiracy first.


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