I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 126: Seriously injured

Stephen Strange crawled forward, Casillas' hand walked towards Stephen step by step, and a magic knife appeared in his hand after casting the spell.

Just as he was about to go up to deal with Stephen Strange, a burst of red energy suddenly rushed towards him, knocking him flying against the wall and instantly dying.

A blonde-haired woman appeared in front of Stephen Strange, and she was Wanda who had just woken up from meditation when she heard the alarm bell.

Wanda immediately stepped forward to check Stephen's wound, and found that he was so badly injured that he was in danger of being pierced by a knife in his chest.

"Hold on! I'll take you back to heal." Wanda said, Venom and Quicksilver were at home, she was going to take Stephen Strange back home and let Venom help him heal.

"Lend me your Profound Ring!" Stephen Strange said to Wanda.

Wanda didn't know what he was going to do, so he handed the Xuan Ring to Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange insisted on standing up, put on the Xuan ring and tried his best to open a portal.

"Where are you going?" Wanda stepped up and supported Stephen. He was so seriously injured that he still wanted to run around?

"Hospital! Someone can save me!" Stephen Strange said to Wanda.

Wanda supported Stephen and took it into the portal, and came to the hospital where Stephen used to work.

"Christine!" Stephen Strange, supported by Wanda, went to the nurse's station and shouted Christine's name.

"My God! Stephen? What's the matter with you?" Kristen Palmer heard Stephen's shout and saw the seriously injured Stephen running over and asked anxiously.

"Arrange an operating room for me, and come in alone, hurry! I'm running out of time!" Stephen Strange said.

Wanda and Kristen Palmer helped Stephen Strange to lie down in the empty operating room on the side.

"What's wrong with him? Stephen?" Kristen Palmer asked Wanda, looking at Stephen's blood-stained clothes.

"I was stabbed, cardiac tamponade!" Stephen Strange explained, and Wanda nodded, she could only watch, she didn't know medicine.

"What kind of clothes are you wearing?" Kristen Palmer pulled Stephen's clothes away and cut through his underwear with scissors, exposing the wound.

"The chest cavity is clean!" Kristen Palmer went to get the therapy equipment.

"No, the bleeding is in the pericardial sac..." Stephen Strange fainted after speaking.

"No no no!" Kristen Palmer saw Stephen fainted, and quickly prepared the equipment, took out a long and large needle, and prepared to draw out the congestion in Stephen's chest.

Stephen Strange suddenly out of his body at this moment, he saw Wanda and Christine.

Kristin's needles were facing Stephen Strange's chest to find where to place the needle. She couldn't find the place where Stephen was injured and blood accumulated. Wanda could only watch and couldn't help.

"A little further up..." Stephen Strange's soul suddenly appeared from the void and said to Christine.

"Ah!" Kristen Palmer screamed, she had never seen anything like this before.

"Be careful with the needle!" Stephen Strange said.

"Stephen! Wow, what the **** are you looking like?" Kristen Palmer was stunned by the sight in front of her. She looked at the transparent Stephen in the air, and then at the breathless Stephen lying on the operating table.

Wanda was very calm, as if he had known it for a long time, and did not respond at all.

"This is my soul!" Stephen Strange said.

"Are you dead?" Kristen Palmer asked, crying.

"No, Christine, but I'm dying!" Stephen Strange said.

"Okay, okay!" Kristin could only accept this fact, she took a few deep breaths, calmed down and continued to operate on him under the guidance of Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange used a spell to make his chest transparent, allowing Kristen Palmer to directly see the inside of his chest.

"I've never seen a wound like this, what did you get stabbed like this?" Kristen Palmer asked Stephen Strange, thrusting the needle into his chest.

"I don't know what that is?" Stephen Strange replied.

"What?" Kristen Palmer was speechless, wouldn't you know what you were stabbed by yourself?

"It's a space magic knife, a weapon composed of energy, very sharp, like a glass knife." Wanda explained on the side.

"What? Magic?" Kristen Palmer refreshed all three views today, it's out of body and magic, is this acting in a movie?

"I know you! You are Wanda the Scarlet Witch! You are the Avengers!" Christine only recognized Wanda now. Although she is busy with work, she also goes online and has seen some videos of Wanda on the Internet.

"Nice to meet you, are you his girlfriend?" Wanda asked.

"...No!" Kristen Palmer hesitated to reply, and he continued to operate on Stephen Strange.

"Arthur traveled to other universes, and he asked me to tell you." Stephen only now remembered who Wanda was, and what Arthur had said, and said to Wanda.

"Okay, thank you! In fact, I can help you heal your wounds, you just need to come to my house." Wanda said.

"No, I'll be fine soon!" Stephen Strange's soul said, he returned to his body, and Stephen opened his eyes on the operating table and woke up.

Kristen Palmer started helping Stephen stitch the wound up after draining the bruise from his chest.

"It's been so long, you just suddenly appeared here and flew out of your body..." Kristen Palmer and Stephen Strange were talking, and Wanda turned around and left gently. In the operating room, let the two stay alone for a while.

"Yeah, very magical, right? By the way, I miss you so much!" Stephen Strange said what he had always wanted to say.

"I wrote you an email, but you never got back to me..." Stephen Strange said.

"Why should I reply to you?" Kristen Palmer asked rhetorically.

"Kristen, I'm really...really sorry, I'm sorry for everything, and you're right! I'm a total asshole! I didn't value you and you deserve better ," said Stephen Strange.

"Stop talking, you're not sober right now!" Kristen Palmer interrupted Stephen and didn't let him continue.

"What the **** happened to you? Where have you been? Are you going to be the Avengers?" Kristen Palmer asked.

"Uh, Arthur invited me before, but I rejected it... After the western medicine seemed to be unhelpful, I went all the way east to Kathmandu." Stephen Strange said.

"Kathmandu?" Kristen Palmer asked.

"Yes, Nepal!" Stephen replied.

"That's where Bob Seager's song was written?" Kristin asked again.

"The Beautiful Loser, Side A, which was released in 1975. I went to a place called Karma Taj and talked to a guy called Gu Yi..." Stephen explained.

"Oh, so you're enrolled?" Christine asked jokingly.

"No, I didn't! It's not accurate to say that, they taught me to use a power that I never knew about." Stephen explained a little anxiously.

"Sounds cult!" Christine said.

"That's not a cult!" Stephen retorted.

"Well, that's what all the cultists say!" Christine said.

"You don't believe it?" Stephen laughed and sat up suddenly.

"Wait, Stephen, don't move! What are you doing?"

"There is a cult meeting that is too late, so I have to leave immediately!" Kristin helped Stephen stand up and walked outside.

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