I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 12: Aquaman vs Aquaman

In the Atlantis Palace, Namor sat on the throne and was worried. The previous earthquake made him feel extraordinary. Although Atlantis was at a depth of tens of thousands of meters, Atlanti has not been around since Namor’s records. There has never been an earthquake in Sri Lanka.

Will this have something to do with the abyss? Namor has a strong and unusual premonition.

"Report!..." A soldier rushed in and interrupted Namor's thoughts.

"Report... Report to Your Majesty! The land man, the land man is back!"

"What!" Namor stood up in shock.

"The terrestrial man is back, and he has brought many huge monsters. General Sartu is leading the army to fight with him. Please, His Majesty, lead the troops to support!" The soldier said in a panic.

"Go and inform the defense army to gather!" The maid put on the armor for Namor, and Namor took the trident handed by the guard and strode towards the outside of the palace.

When Namor led a group of defenders to the entrance of the city of Atlantis and saw the tragic situation here, countless Atlantis soldiers fought with one ugly giant creature.

These giant creatures have thick skin and great strength. The soldiers' water cannons are not very lethal to them, but the soldiers suffered heavy casualties under the attack of monsters.

Only in the center of the scene, the dark-skinned and blond-haired human was standing on a giant octopus, holding a golden trident in his hand, constantly shooting huge energy towards the Atlantis soldiers, and the giant octopus also used it. The tentacles attacked the surrounding soldiers.

When Namor saw this scene, his eyes would crack, "Bang the drum!"

Boom...boom...boom...boom, the loud drums spread across the battlefield. Arthur turned his head to look in the direction of the drum, and rows of Atlantis soldiers riding on sharks lined up neatly.

In the center of the formation, Namor, in armor and holding a silver trident, stood on the head of a whale shark.

Oh, it's finally here!

Arthur looked at Namor standing on the head of a whale shark, and Namor looked at Arthur standing on the head of a giant octopus. Namor raised his trident, pointed it at Arthur, and shouted "Attack!"

Namor took the lead, and the whale shark quickly swam towards Arthur, followed by countless defenders riding sharks. Arthur controlled the giant octopus and rushed towards Namor, followed by dozens of giant monsters.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and I saw that Arthur and Namor's tridents fought hard. The giant octopus and the whale shark also collided fiercely. The giant monsters led by Arthur rushed into the crowd of defense forces to fight, and the defense forces also took advantage of their large number and flexibility to continuously attack the giant beasts with water cannon energy.

The shock wave of the violent collision caused both Arthur and Namor to fly upside down. Arthur flew for more than ten meters and then stabilized his body. Namor hit a few soldiers behind him and made a painful sound.

Namor looked at Arthur in front of him and couldn't believe that he was able to survive from the bottomless abyss and brought back so many giant creatures, and he felt that Arthur's strength had been greatly improved compared to before.

The right hand that had just fought with Arthur was still shaking. Namor noticed the golden trident in Arthur's hand. Is this... the Trident of the Sea God? impossible!

The shape of the trident in Arthur's hand is exactly the same as the trident in the hand of Poseidon, the **** of the sea, in the ancient frescoes in the Royal Palace of Atlantis. How could this land person get the Seagod Trident? How can Trident recognize him?

With an unbelievable look on Namor's face, he asked Arthur, "Where did you get the Seagod Trident?"

"Is it called the Seagod Trident? Thank you, I found it under the abyss! It suits my heart very well." Arthur played the Seagod Trident with satisfaction.

"How is that possible! How is it possible!" Namor felt unacceptable to the fact that Arthur was knocked into the bottomless abyss not only fine, but also picking up artifacts.

Arthur said that falling off the cliff to pick up the artifact is just a basic operation, just sit down, don't 6, who made me the protagonist of the novel?

Seeing Arthur Namor's anger rising, "You traitorous seed, I'm going to execute you here today!"

"Just you?" Arthur curled his lips, disdainful of Namor's clamor.

"Go to hell!" Namor's trident shot a huge increment towards Arthur.

Knowing that you can use this trick, Arthur also raised the trident and shot a huge energy.

The two energies collided, and a violent explosion occurred with a bang, and several Atlantis soldiers next to them were knocked out by the blast.

Arthur charged at Namor with a trident in his hand, and slashed Huashan down to Namor with a single move. Namor raised his trident to resist the attack, and Namor knelt on one knee under the huge force.

Namor blocked Arthur's trident with force, and then swept and slashed towards Arthur's lower body. Arthur stepped back to avoid the attack and stabbed Namor with the trident.

Namor dodged sideways and punched Arthur. Arthur opened Namor's fist and turned to attack Namor's chest with his elbow, causing Namor to stumble. Namor turned and kicked Arthur away with a side kick.

Namor's trident slashed at Arthur, Arthur blocked it with a halberd, kicked Namor, and Namor also kicked Arthur, and the two faced each other.

Namor and Arthur are inseparable when they fight together. Although Arthur is stronger than Namor, Namor's combat experience is obviously stronger than Arthur, but Arthur's reaction speed is amazing, and neither of them can do anything for a while.

The fighting ability of the two of them is super strong. You give me a punch and I give you a kick. The more they fight, the more courageous they are. The two tridents were constantly facing each other, making a metal crash sound.

The defense forces and the giant beasts also fought terribly. Although the number of the defense forces is large, they are very flexible and constantly shoot the giant beasts from a long distance, but the black skin of the giant beasts is like thick armor, and the damage caused by the energy water cannon to the giant beasts Limited, the giant beast also has some unexpected attack methods, and the defense army suffered heavy losses for a while.

Sartu is the general of Atlantis. He is in charge of the overall command on the battlefield. Under his command, the Second Corps has just finally solved the giant lizard. But he has been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield and is worried that these giant beasts are far more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

In particular, there are a few giant beasts, which not only have extremely strong defenses, but also have some long-range attacks, which are hard to guard against. The giant horned frog dealt with by the 3rd Corps sticks out a tongue of several hundred meters and can instantly catch a soldier and swallow it. Although the giant crab dealt with by the 4th Corps moves slowly, its thick armor has energy and water. The cannon can't do any damage at all, and the bubbles it spits out of its mouth will explode when it touches people. It is indeed a monster in the bottomless abyss. It's terrible!

Seeing the more and more Atlantis soldiers killed and wounded, Sartu's heart continued to sink. If this goes on, Atlantis will be over. Now, I can only hope that His Majesty the King can defeat that human being, so that the crisis will end. Can be removed immediately.

Above the battlefield, Arthur's giant octopus tightly entangled Namor's whale shark. The eight sturdy tentacles became tighter and tighter. The giant mouth full of teeth also clenched the whale shark's body tightly, and the whale shark made a miserable cry.

In the battlefield, both Arthur and Namor looked at the sound, "Good job, little eight!" Arthur praised, Namor looked at his horse and couldn't do it, his face was completely black, and his body kept shaking. .

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