I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 10: escape!

On the seabed of Bermuda's Devil's Delta, above the kingdom of Atlantis, two figures were fighting each other, and a huge burst of energy made the people of Atlantis notice the battle.

However, at this moment, a scout in the palace of the Kingdom of Atlantis was reporting the situation to the high priest of Atlantis: "High priest, the king is fighting a land human."

"Humans on land? Coming to the deep sea? Well, I know, you go down." After the scout left, the blue-skinned and old high priest said to General Sartu, who was beside him, "It should be his child who has returned."

"He? Are you talking about the traitor?" Sartu asked.

The high priest nodded.

Arthur is fighting with Namor indistinguishable, the two of you punch and I kick, although no one can do anything for the time being. But Arthur gradually fell into the disadvantage.

Arthur felt that the ability of the person in front of him was very similar to his own, with the same resistance to blows as his body, and the same super-high-speed explosive power in the sea, but his strength was not as good as his own.

But Arthur's current state is not good. In addition, the opponent has a good weapon, and the opponent's fighting skills are far superior to him. This is still the opponent's territory. There are more and more soldiers around, eyeing them. Se felt that the situation was getting worse and worse, and he had to find a way to escape first.

Arthur sold a flaw and was hit by Namor and flew out. Arthur turned his head with this force and fled as fast as he could.

Namor saw that Arthur had run away, and immediately chased after him. "Follow me! Don't let him run away!" Countless Atlantis soldiers followed.

Arthur's speed is getting faster and faster, and he will throw the pursuers far away in a while, he does not dare to be careless, and rushes towards the direction of the power that calls him.

Suddenly Arthur felt that the pursuers behind him were catching up again. He turned his head and glanced, only to see that Namor led countless soldiers chasing up, but they were riding on various fish, with saddles and reins on their bodies.

"Damn, there are mounts, isn't that a shame?"

Arthur could only accelerate with all his strength and move fast in that direction, but the chasing troops behind him were also fast, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.

He only heard a puff sound, and a bunch of energy water cannons shot at him behind Arthur, and Arthur could only flexibly avoid the shooting.

Arthur, who was trying to escape, was accidentally hit by a water cannon. Arthur stumbled suddenly, stabilized his body, and then gritted his teeth and tried to escape forward.

Arthur said that he had never been so embarrassed. Could it be worse today?

Arthur felt the calling force getting stronger and stronger, as if it was ahead. But the chasing soldiers at the back were getting closer and closer, and Arthur thought of a good way.

Arthur stopped, opened his hands in the face of the approaching pursuers, and made a mental sound wave after wave.

I saw the fish under the seat of the Atlantis who were rushing in front suddenly went crazy and turned to attack the fish behind. The formation of the Atlantis soldiers was chaotic.

When Arthur saw this, he turned and fled forward. Arthur finally came to this mysterious summoning place, which was a huge bottomless trench, and that mysterious power came from below.

Do you want to go down and have a look? Arthur hesitated, and then a huge water cannon energy shot behind him, just hit Arthur, and it was Namor who arrived.

Arthur was hit by the energy and flew out, and then water cannons hit Arthur continuously, and dozens of Atlantis soldiers lined up in a fan shape to shoot at Arthur.

"Ah...ah..." Arthur let out a miserable cry under the mad bombardment of countless energy water cannons.

Arthur kept being hit, his body kept flying backwards, and finally fell into the trench. Countless energy water cannons hit Arthur, blasting him under the trench, and Atlantis stopped shooting until it was out of range. .

Looking at Arthur who was blasted into the bottomless trench, Namor was expressionless.

A soldier next to him asked, "Do you want to continue the pursuit? Your Majesty?"

The soldier next to him slapped the soldier, "You want to court death? This is the bottomless abyss, the Sea God's forbidden area, who dares to go down?"

Namor raised his hand, "No, no one can come out alive after entering the Sea God Forbidden Land, let's go."

The surrounding soldiers raised their tridents and shouted happily, "Long live the king! Long live the king!"

As soon as Namor returned to his palace, he heard someone reporting, "The High Priest is here, Your Majesty!"

"Let him in!" Namor took off his armor and handed it to the servant, and sat on the golden throne.

The old high priest walked in from the outside with a cane and trembling slightly, "Your Majesty, I heard that a terrestrial human has just broken into?"

"Yes, it is a young man who looks less than twenty years old. This person is very powerful. Not only is his ability comparable to mine, he can also come and go in the water freely."

The high priest asked tentatively, "Then is he a descendant of that man?"

"It must be! Except for the traitor's evil seed, there will be no blood of Atlantis flowing out!" Namor was very angry about Arthur's affairs.

"I didn't expect this child with royal blood to survive under our pursuit." The high priest sighed, "If you count it, he is still your brother!"

"The traitor was executed in secret back then, and his sin was naturally not recognized by Atlantis!" Namor was obviously very disgusted by Arthur, a hybrid of Atlantis and humans.

Namor's mother was the former Princess of Atlantis, because she fell in love with a human and gave birth to Namor with him. Namor, who has human skin color, was looked down upon by everyone since he was a child. life of abuse.

And Arthur was born to his mother's younger brother and a Wakanda woman. Atlantis and the Wakanda Panthers were a feud. Arthur's father actually secretly had a private meeting with a Wakanda woman, the old king at that time. Very angry, he exiled Arthur's father to the bottomless abyss, and hunted down Arthur's pregnant mother. Later, it was said that Arthur's mother had been executed. Unexpectedly, Arthur secretly survived.

"Okay, I have laid that evil seed into the bottomless abyss, and this is the end of the matter. I don't want to hear anyone talking about this." Namor ordered.

"As ordered, Your Majesty!" The high priest knew the ins and outs of the matter. This incident was a shame for the Atlantis royal family. Not many people knew about it. The royal family still had to hide the existence of Arthur.

The huge canyon not far from the kingdom of Atlantis is called the bottomless abyss, also known as the forbidden place of the sea god. Legend has it that this is the place where the sea **** Poseidon fell, and this grand canyon was formed by the battle between the sea **** and the outer demon.

When Arthur was knocked down into the abyss, he was already in a coma. His body fell freely toward the abyss, and it took a long time for Arthur to sink to a boulder on the bottom of the sea.

Below the boulder is fiery red magma, and the surrounding seawater temperature is very high. Arthur is lucky not to fall directly into the magma. Lying on the boulder, Arthur seemed to be a corpse, but countless blue energy that could not be seen by the naked eye converged towards Arthur's body...

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