I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 1: Is this the world of Marvel?

Cough cough... Lin Feng coughed violently, feeling dizzy. He opened his eyes diligently to see the white ceiling and the hanging bottle he was infusing. I am... saved?

Lin Feng is a college student. He just graduated from college this year and is about to enter the society. Lin Feng decided to travel abroad, so he signed up for a 10-day tour of Iceland.

But what they didn't expect was that when their sailboat was approaching Iceland, they encountered a big storm. The violent storm, thunderstorm, lightning, and huge waves rolled like the end of the world.

Lin Feng was riding an old-fashioned three-masted sailboat, and the hull was not large. The sailboat swayed left and right in the huge waves, and the people on the boat could only stand firm by holding on to the railings on the boat.

Suddenly, a huge wave dozens of meters high hit the sailboat. When Lin Feng saw this scene, he just thought: "It's over!

The huge waves hit the hull fiercely, and the huge water pressure suddenly hit the ship into the sea. The people in the boat were instantly blown away by the impact, and Lin Feng was also smashed against the wall, almost fainting, and the crazy tank of sea water entered the cabin.

Fortunately, it was only after a while that the sailboat was lifted and floated by the current. Lin Feng firmly grasped the railing. The hull was already tilted, and half of the deck was submerged in the sea water. The people on the boat could only hold the hull. The sailors were To untie the lifebuoy tied to the boat.

Lin Feng grabbed a mast of the sailboat and climbed up with all his strength. Finally, Lin Feng climbed to the top of the mast. Looking at the sailboat that was slowly sinking, Lin Feng's heart also sank. Lin Feng felt extremely regretful for this trip. At this moment, a flash of lightning struck the sky. It was hitting Lin Feng at the top of the mast. (Lin Feng: I am really miserable...)

Lin Feng only saw that the light in front of him lost consciousness. I don't know how long it took for Lin Feng to wake up. Looking at the environment in front of him, he should be in the hospital. It seems that he was saved.

"Child, you're finally awake!" A man's voice came from his ear, Lin Feng looked over, only to see a middle-aged man sitting by the bed looking at him excitedly.

"Who are you?" Lin Feng asked blankly.

"I'm the village head, Arthur."

village head? Arthur? Lin Feng didn't know what was going on, but suddenly Lin Feng felt that a lot of pictures appeared in his brain, which were unfamiliar memories.

"What's wrong with you, Arthur? Speak." Looking at Arthur who seemed to be dumbfounded, the village chief said anxiously, it seems that this marine accident made him dumb, alas, poor child!

Lin Feng accepted these unfamiliar memories and said with a wry smile that I actually passed through. The owner of this body is named Jon Arthur, a sixteen-year-old Icelander who has lived with his father since childhood, but it is said that Arthur was a child his father picked up on the beach.

However, Arthur's father still did his best to raise Arthur, and the relationship between father and son was also very good. The father and son lived in a small fishing village in Iceland and made a living by fishing. (Most Icelanders live by fishing)

Just a few days ago, the father and son went out to fish again, but they encountered a tsunami. The huge wave overturned the boat and Arthur was photographed and fainted.

After learning about Arthur's experience, Lin Feng felt a sense of pity for each other, wondering what happened to his father? Lin Feng thought that after accepting Arthur's memory, Lin Feng felt that he was Arthur.

"I'm fine, the village chief, have you found my father?" Lin Feng asked.

The village chief looked at Lin Feng and hesitated, but he still said, "Your father must have been killed. The rescue team only found you at sea holding a plank."

Lin Feng suddenly felt a sadness coming from the bottom of his heart, is this your emotion, Arthur? Also my emotions, from today you are me and I am you and I am Jon Arthur! (The protagonist is then called Arthur)

Arthur was lying on the hospital bed with mixed feelings, confused about his future, he was already another person, and he wondered if this was the world he was in?

Arthur asked the nurse and sister, this year is March 2010, this is the Iceland Central Hospital.

In 2010, back ten years ago. Looking at the pale boy with his blond, blue-eyed, wheat-colored skin soaked in sea water in the mirror, Arthur didn't know what to do next.

He has lost his only father and is already an orphan. Fortunately, he can receive a government subsidy when he is a minor, and he can barely live to the age of eighteen.

Otherwise, go back to China to see? Arthur wants to go home to see if his parents are there, is there one who is still studying, Lin Feng?

Arthur looked out the window in a daze, when the TV in the ward was broadcasting the news: "The British government has ordered the latest Jericho missile order from Stark Industries, the largest arms dealer in the United States."

Hearing this news, Arthur turned his head sharply to look at the TV screen, only to see the picture of the British Prime Minister shaking hands with a familiar bald head. This person is Obadiah Stan, the uncle of Iron Man, the villain in the Iron Man movie. What is the situation?

The TV continued to broadcast "Stark Industries is the world's largest military enterprise, and its leader Tony Stark is a genius scientist..."

The figure of Robert Downey Jr. appeared on the TV. Arthur's brain was a little down when he watched the TV screen. This...is this the world of Marvel?

"The famous gamma ray researcher Bruce Banner disappeared mysteriously after an accident in an experiment..." It seems that this is the real hammer of Marvel's world!

Looking at the dilapidated cabin in front of him, Arthur silently opened the door and walked in. This is where he and his father lived since childhood.

Everything in the wooden house was still the same, but the person who depended on each other had left forever, and Arthur felt a burst of sadness in his heart.

No, I can't be depressed like this. Arthur has been excited and scared since knowing that this is the Marvel Universe world.

What's exciting is that he also once imagined himself to be a superhero, always with a powerful ability to defend world peace.

What I'm afraid of is that I don't have any ability now, and my physical fitness is still very poor. Not to mention defeating the villain, I just meet the aftermath of the battle of the hero.

This world is very dangerous, and the earth is the main battlefield for aliens to invade. Arthur felt a strong sense of tension when he thought of this.

no! Starting today, I will start exercising. Not only can I defeat the enemy, but at least I will have the ability to escape when aliens invade! Arthur thought firmly.

I don't know if he has a system for traversal. Arthur tried to call the system but there was no response. It seemed that there was no system. Arthur was very lost.

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