I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 243: Artificial intelligence life

The Egret Hotel, in the Presidential Suite.

Because Chen Hao lives here temporarily, he just bought a set of high-performance assembled computers.

It's not expensive, a little over 100,000.

Sitting in front of the computer, Chen Hao looked a little at a loss.

Chen Hao's expression was stunned, and he looked down at the USB flash drive in his hand.

Lost in thought, his face was covered with question marks.

"System, artificial intelligence is still in the USB flash drive?"

The system just ignored it.

Chen Hao sighed.

The hand holding the USB flash drive was raised, and his eyes probed on it.

It seems to be made of metal, without any logo or pattern, very monotonous.

"Forget it, go in and take a look."

Chen Hao thought about it, but he still had to practice it before he knew it.

It was just that when he inserted the USB flash drive into the jack on the case, a shocking scene happened!

When the USB flash drive is inserted, it seems to be automatically decomposed and disappears!

"Fuck, am I dazzled or something?"

Chen Hao was stunned!

He saw it with his own eyes, why did it disappear?

"As a successor to communism, I am not afraid of monsters and ghosts! Isn't my eyes dazzling..." Chen Hao said, rubbing his eyes, but after he opened his eyes, he looked into the case, and it was still empty.

As if nothing happened just now.

Just about to ask the system what to see, he suddenly noticed that the computer screen did not know when it went black.

Immediately after that, the cooling fan in the case turned quickly, and the sound became louder and louder.

"Black screen?" Chen Hao looked at the light on the case still on, it was clearly in operation...

And it seems to be loading some huge program, all the hardware of the entire computer went crazy like it was running at high speed.

Seeing that the screen was still dark, Chen Hao didn't think much about it. He picked up the old craftsmanship and stretched out his hand to lightly pat on the side of the case.

Whenever a TV or computer malfunctions, take a shot first, and if it doesn’t work, take a few more shots.

Nothing... it's time to be sent for repair.

It’s just a slap...

"Hi...It's hot."

Chen Hao was stunned. The moment his palm touched the case, he could clearly feel the astonishing heat on the case!

Will it explode? !

Thinking about this, Chen Hao showed a solemn face, pushed back a few steps, and found a shelter to make sure that he had left the danger zone before continuing to observe the computer.

The dissemination fan was still running madly, but Chen Hao regretted it a little.

Not only is this something that looks like a USB flash drive, but after all, the data loaded inside is artificial intelligence.

Even if one's own computer is worth more than 100,000, it is still not worth seeing for artificial intelligence.

At this moment, the black screen flashed suddenly, although it lit up with a soft blue light.

The blue light distorted and flickered from time to time, but the cooling fan stopped at some point.

"Is it all over?"

Chen Hao thought in his heart.

The blue light on the computer screen in front of me also disappeared, and the familiar lock screen interface appeared.

The bold Chen Hao didn't think much, and sat directly at the computer desk.

As for the danger sense, right?

Otherwise the system will prompt.


Enter a string of passwords and the screen will unlock.

When everything on the computer desktop in front of him, Chen Hao was stunned again.

A colorful egg, five or six centimeters high, appeared in the middle of the computer desktop.

A closer look reveals that there are quite a few weird symbols all over the egg.

"An egg???"

Chen Hao can't laugh or cry, is it an egg that has just tossed up such a big movement?

Now he couldn't help it, and directly asked the system unceremoniously: "System, you show me out! What's the matter with this egg? Isn't it an artificial intelligence?"

He envisioned many scenes of his first meeting with artificial intelligence, but did he not expect it to be an egg? !

The system finally replied, "It only takes 24 hours to incubate, and the artificial intelligence life will be born. Please wait a moment."

"It's still 24 hours..." Chen Hao murmured, but his eyes were on the egg.

If it weren't for the egg trembling every few seconds, he would treat this pattern as a desktop background!

After all, there is no separate program to run, and there is no place to shrink the page.

"What the **** is this?"

Chen Hao frowned slightly and called up the task manager. In the running process, he did not see anything related to this egg.

It seems...like a computer ghost, appearing out of thin air.

"It can't be closed or zoomed out, can it be moved?" Chen Hao tried to drag the egg with the mouse, but he didn't expect it to be able to move!

After repeated experiments, Chen Hao came to a conclusion.

Except for dragging and moving on the desktop, other operations cannot be performed.

Even if you want to put it in a folder.

"Forget it, I can only see it tomorrow night."

In the end, Chen Hao reluctantly chose to give up exploring.

Just when he was so tempered by the life of this artificial intelligence.

In the 427 dormitory of Guanghua University.

The door of the dormitory was pushed open.

"Brothers, I'm back!" Zhang Lei was standing at the door of the dormitory triumphantly.

Several people in the dormitory were stunned on the spot looking at the two who had returned after three days away.

As for Zhang Lei's words, they were ignored.

Shi Ze took the lead to get up from the chair, and then rushed to Zheng Tianyu like a windy man, but the wind seemed to smell of instant noodles.

"Fuck, Brother Zheng is back! Come on, shake your hand first, let me feel the domineering attitude!"

Shi Ze looked at Zheng Tianyu with a flattering expression, stretched out both hands, before the other party hadn't reacted, directly held the other party and shook it a few times.

"Aze, what are you doing!" Zheng Tianyu was so scared that his face changed suddenly, he directly pulled out his hand, and consciously stepped back.

Shi Ze's expression was still a little bit disheartened, and he said frankly and confidently: "Aren't you winning the national championship in the mathematical modeling contest? Are you not the fighters in the school dominance? With luck, bless me this semester. There is not a single subject!"

Hearing this, Zheng Tianyu felt embarrassed for a while. Zhang Lei, who hadn't spoken yet, said unhappily: "Then I'm also a member of the team, why don't you shake my hand, Aze?"

Unexpectedly, Aze looked at Zhang Lei with disgust, shaking his head with thick eyebrows and big eyes and said: "You can't do it anymore, you are a parallel importer, and you won by lying on your teammates."

Zhang Lei: "..."

Heartbroken, even if you are disgusted outside.

Now even the dormitory is disgusted by roommates...

Broke up, the plastic brotherhood broke up at this moment.

However, Chen Chu and Liu Yi also gathered around and asked in a tweet.

"Tianyu, are you happy to have won the national championship?"

"The cowhide is broken, now the whole school...it's not right, it is the university students on Quanlu Island that all know your three names. I heard that the school will give you a special lecture tomorrow morning, right?"

"Did the school give you bonuses? Our school is so generous, shouldn't it be stingy?"

Faced with the questions of the three roommates, Zheng Tianyu also patiently answered:

"It's sure to be cool, who is upset for being the champion?"

"Yes, there will be a speech tomorrow morning... and it will be my representative, Nai!"

"There is a bonus, and the three people add 100,000 yuan together, and the equal split is 333.33 million yuan."

As soon as he heard of the 100,000 yuan bonus, even Liu Yi was stunned by the four people eating melons in the dormitory.

Although he is a rich second generation, his monthly living expenses are fixed, tens of thousands of yuan a month, barely enough for living expenses.

This 100,000 yuan is not a small sum.

"The magnetic stripe of your dormitory train ticket..." The monitor who watched the door of the dormitory was not closed opened the door and came in. He just said one word, and heard Zheng Tianyu's last words. !

The squad leader’s chin was about to fall to the ground, "One hundred thousand yuan? I'll wipe it, how many packages of spicy strips are enough for me!"

Several classmates passing by the door were also noticed by 427's movement, and subconsciously took a peek here.

When I saw Zheng Tianyu, who hadn't appeared for a long time, his eyes instantly lit up.

"When is Zheng Tianyu back?"

Watching the narrow dormitory space getting smaller and smaller, Zheng Tianyu smiled wryly.

I have to give a lecture tomorrow morning. Can you give me time to do some homework?

Within an hour of Zheng Tianyu's three people returning to the dormitory, a post on the Guanghua forum became popular again...

【Shock! The champion of digital simulation contest won a prize of 100,000 yuan! I'm sour, how about you? 】

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass!

It's going to be updated tonight...I'm in poor condition, make it up tomorrow, I'm really sorry!

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