I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 285: Guanghua Department of Enterprises Going Home

???? (I haven't finished writing yet, **** it, you shouldn't watch the live broadcast to delay time, just refresh it at 1 o'clock!)


???? Tianma Electronics Group.

???? As a unicorn company that has reached a market value of tens of billions before being listed in Ludao City, it is one of the best in the electronics industry in Hu Province.

???? At the moment, Liu Tong, the president of Tianma Electronics, stood beside a young man respectfully, smiling and introducing the company.

???? Chen Hao has been there since the last time he changed the top level of Tianma Electronics, and will never be here again.

????Although Chen Hao is in a stocking state for these companies in his hands, he also needs to come and inspect from time to time.

???? At least let the people in the company know that this company is surnamed Chen, not Li in the past, nor Liu now!

???? Of course, coming to Tianma Electronics today is not just an inspection.

???? Chen Hao asked: "How about the company's recent development?"

???? "The company has developed very well recently and hasn't encountered any problems." Liu Tonghan said with a smile.

???? The biggest decision in his life is probably to quit the company from the past and come to Tianma Electronics.

???? Although when I first came, I was completely alone in the base camp, but fortunately the original president Li Zhiguo went in, and Chen Hao quickly expelled a few malignant tumors, and the entire company


???? (The following is a scrapped manuscript, don't look at it for now.)

???? The first chapter of the three strange ID

???? China Dongan Tianyang International Airport.

???? Chen Hao was walking on the airplane bridge with an excited expression on his face.

???? He is from Huzhou City, Hujian Province, and is 1330 kilometers away from Dong'an City, Eastern Shaanxi Province!

???? And his purpose here...

???? "My dear, I got off the plane! Are you there yet? I walked to the exit in about a few minutes."

???? After Chen Hao finished speaking, the smile on his face could not be concealed.

???? While waiting for the other party's reply, he looked around with novelty.

???? The purpose of coming to Dong'an this time is to run with my online dating girlfriend.

???? Online chat from June to September, a batch of beautiful photos, and the voice is particularly sweet.

???? This made Chen Hao once thought that he was out of **** luck, and he was able to meet such a beautiful girlfriend!

???? Finally waited until the National Day of the 11th, Chen Hao proposed to meet, but the other party shied away. Then Chen Hao's attitude was firm before the other party agreed.

???? "Porphy~"

???? A WeChat voice reply, Chen Hao clicked on it.

???? "I just arrived at the exit, I am wearing a purple sweater, what clothes are you wearing?"

???? Chen Hao quickly replied, "I am wearing a yellow sweater and khaki leggings. Let's do this. I'll call you when I'm almost there."

???? "Okay~"

???? Listening to his girlfriend's sweet voice, Chen Hao couldn't help speeding up his pace. Seeing the words exiting the station appeared in his sight, Chen Hao's heart was surging.

???? The mother and child have been single for 21 years, and I never thought that the first love partner would be beautiful and cute, and I can see each other right away!

???? Thinking, Chen Hao called through WeChat.

???? "Hey, my dear, I'll be at the exit right away!"

???? "Okay~ I am waiting for you here, hurry up."

continue reading! #???? The phone did not hang, Chen Hao was carrying a backpack, holding the phone in his right hand, and looking straight ahead.

???? Although there were a lot of people in the battle, Chen Hao was among them, but there were only a few people at the exit.

???? Chen Hao noticed at a glance...the girl in the purple sweater...

????Just, where is the 88-pound beautiful girl in the photo?

???? His pace couldn't help but slow down, and he glanced around the exit of the station, the only purple dress was the one.

???? Chen Hao realized in an instant.

???? He was cheated!

???? My beautiful sister who is petite and cute, with long legs and sweet voice? ! !

???? How did you become a tank fatter than Grandma Joe?

???? With this tonnage, Chen Hao seriously doubts whether he will be sat down to death!

???? At this moment, although Chen Hao was flustered, he was extremely calm.

???? He immediately hung up.

???? In the crowd, quickly took off the sweater, opened the backpack and stuffed it in.

???? Only wearing a white long sleeve inside, and then looking forward, following the flow of people.

???? The moment she passed by, Chen Hao felt like he was walking on the line of life and death!

???? He was afraid of being discovered, although his clothes were taken off, his pants still couldn't be changed.

???? If it is discovered... he doesn't know what to do.

???? Sweat ran down his forehead, and he couldn't help swallowing.

???? Quicken the pace and rush straight over!

After successfully escaping, Chen Hao didn't hesitate, and walked quickly to the nearby pit stop.

???? That's a dead pig, there is no need to go to the hotel for two nights!

After the security check, Chen Hao got into the men's toilet box in the airport.

???? "Finally safe."

???? Chen Hao wiped the sweat from his forehead, opened WeChat, and looked at several messages sent by the other party.

???? He took a deep breath and asked very angry:

???? "Why are you using a net map to lie to me?! I flew over from a long distance, but this is the ending?"

???? And the other party's answer:

???? "I, because I'm a little fat, don't dare to use my photos..."

???? "But my true love for you is true, this is not fake."

????a little fat?

???? Chen Hao really wanted to smash the opponent's face with a mobile phone. You are over 200 jins in tm. Is that a bit fat?

???? The most important thing is to deceive people with net maps, which is too bad in nature.

???? Even if you post a photo of your own beauty, it's okay to cheat a little bit, it is a real person anyway.

???? The net map is too bad, it's a lie!

???? Chen Hao didn't bother to listen to the other party's various explanations, directly deleted the other party's WeChat, blacked out the phone number ~www.ltnovel.com~ and looked at the text messages on the phone...

???? fell into a daze.

???? The family is relatively ordinary, so his monthly living expenses are not high or low, only 1,500.

???? This time just booked the hotel and air tickets, it cost 1,600, and also used the 100 flower quota.

???? Then open Huabei, there is still 950 yuan available as shown above.

???? In fact, the total amount is 5,000 yuan.

???? Other more than 3,000 credits, I bought cosmetics and skin care products for the female liar!

continue reading! ???? Chen Hao gets angry when he thinks of this!

???? This city, he didn't want to stay for a moment.

???? Open the ticket booking software, the latest flight back one hour later.

???? By the time the plane landed in Huzhou City, it was already past 8 o'clock in the evening.

????Look at the fare again, because the time is near, the fare plus the fuel infrastructure cost will cost 900 yuan

???? "Hoo~ It's okay."

???? Chen Hao let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly bought a ticket with Huabei.

Go out of the toilet, find a self-service check-in machine in the airport lobby, and print the boarding pass.

???? Go to the security checkpoint.

After passing the security check, Chen Hao walked towards the boarding gate.

???? It suddenly occurred to him that he is out of money!

???? Not only I have spent my living expenses this month, I will also have nearly five thousand flowers on the 9th!

???? "What can I do! I'm out of money!"

???? Chen Hao's face hurts.

???? Five thousand is not a small number, if one or two thousand can still be borrowed from the roommate, but the number is too big.

???? The only thing that can be solved is the parents.

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