I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 98 A poor family surnamed Ren

There are still ten days left before the Chinese New Year.

The Langqi Town Alliance is in the final stage of finishing a lot of work, and there is one last piece of work left.

In order to allow the townspeople to live a good year, the town alliance decided to carry out certain poverty alleviation work for the poor households in the town.

After the meeting, Chen Xizhou decided to go out in person.

We went to each household together with comrades from the Poverty Alleviation Office to better understand the exact needs of poor households.

In the afternoon of that day, Chen Xizhou and his comrades from the Poverty Alleviation Office began to visit poor households.

Langqi Island is known as the pearl of the Minjiang River Estuary.

However, it is known as the Pearl only because of its good geographical location, but the development level of the island is quite backward.

These poor households are located in various natural villages.

According to the order on the list, Chen Xizhou started visiting poor households.

These poor households are really poor.

The first poor household Chen Xizhou visited was a large household.

The boy's parents, the girl's parents, the man and the woman, and their children, there are seven people in the whole family.

Due to family poverty, the family's living standard is very low.

They live in a simple mud house with no running water or electricity. Normally, they can only rely on collected well water for drinking, and use collected firewood for cooking.

It's sad to see the house with its bare walls.

Chen Xizhou learned that the family's only livelihood was for the men to go to the beach to pick up razor clams.

In fact, this family was doing pretty well a few years ago.

However, both parents have senile diseases, and the man and woman are very filial children. They are all raised together, which makes the family a little dilapidated.

"Kid, what's your name?"

Chen Xizhou looked at the child in front of him who was probably only four or five years old.

"Uncle...Hello, uncle, my name is Ren...Ren Hui." The little boy stumbled a little.

"Ren Hui."

Chen Xizhou touched the little boy's crew cut.

His hair is slightly yellow, which is caused by lack of nutrition.

"The word 'Hui' represents brilliance and glory, and means that a person can be brilliant and promising." Chen Xizhou said to the boy, "It seems that your father has high expectations for you."

Ren Hui's father scratched his head and smiled very happily.

In fact, he had no idea what the meaning of the word "Hui" was. He simply thought the word "Hui" was good, so he used it to name his son.

Unexpectedly, he was praised by the mayor.

Chen Xizhou looked at Ren Hui's father and asked, "Has Xiaohui started school?"

Now Ren Hui's father could no longer laugh.

This man, who looked to be in his forties but was actually in his early thirties, stood there at a loss and looked ashamed.

Chen Xizhou didn't want to embarrass this upright man.

"Next year the township will open a kindergarten, and all the expenses will be borne by the town alliance. You can send Xiaohui to school."

This was just Chen Xizhou's whim, but he decided to do it anyway.

What is developing Langqi Town?

Isn't it just to let the residents of Langqi Town live a good life and make every household happy?


The man looked unbelievable, his eyes full of surprise.

Chen Xizhou smiled and asked, "Will I lie to you again?"

"No! No! As the mayor, you will definitely not lie to me, a countryman." As he said this, the man pulled Ren Hui and knelt down to Chen Xizhou.

Chen Xizhou hurriedly stepped forward to help the man up.

As a result, I couldn't help it.

The strength of the man's body is completely unmatched by Chen Xizhou, a white-faced scholar.

Seeing that he could not help the man, Chen Xizhou pulled up Ren Hui.

"I will regret it if you don't get up."

While Chen Xizhou was talking to the man, he took the milk from the staff.

Seeing this, the man stood up in a hurry.

However, he kept saying thank you to Chen Xizhou and the Zhen League.

Chen Xizhou opened the lid and handed the Moo Mo milk to Ren Hui: "This is elf milk produced in a big milk can. Try it to see if it tastes good."

Ren Hui did not answer, but looked at his parents.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xizhou couldn't help but admired in his heart.

Although this little guy is only five years old and his family is poor, his tutor is really good.

"You don't have to look at your father. Just drink what the mayor's uncle gives you."

Ren Hui hesitated for a moment, but couldn't resist the milky fragrance of Moo Moo Fresh Milk, so he immediately took it and drank it.

It was delicious as he had never tasted before.

However, Ren Hui just took a slight sip and covered the moo milk.

He couldn't bear to take another sip.

He also has to share the drinks with his parents, grandparents, grandparents, and...

Chen Xizhou saw this scene and did not stop him.


what sound!

Chen Xizhou immediately made a judgment: it should be a certain elf.

Ren Hui's face began to turn pale when he heard this voice.

He subconsciously looked at his father, his face full of fear and reluctance.

At this moment, an elf that resembled a moth larva suddenly wriggled out of the pile of firewood.

It made a glutinous sound while looking at the Moo Milk in Ren Hui's hand.

Obviously, it was attracted by the milky aroma of Moo Moo Fresh Milk.

Although the elf is dirty, it is not difficult to tell that it must be a snow-white being.

In addition to two small black dot-like eyes and two fleshy ball-shaped mouthparts, this little bug's body is also covered with beautiful ice crystals.

After being reminded by the Slow King, Chen Xizhou found this elf in the elf database.

It is the Snow Swallower with serial number No. 0872.

[Snow Swallower! ]

[Snow Swallower: Baby Bug Elf]

[Snow Swallower will eat the snow on the ground. It especially likes the soft white snow that has just fallen, and will eat all the way to the top of the mountain. ]

[Snow Swallower will eat snow to get cold air, and use the organs in its body to increase the degree of coldness, so as to make spikes like icicles. The more it eats, the taller the thorns on its back will grow. ]

[Snow Swallower can spit out silk with cold air, and will use the silk to hang itself on the branches and pretend to be an icicle while sleeping. ]

Keywords of the entry: Snow Eater

After reading the entry information of the Snow Swallower, Chen Xizhou felt very confused.

He opened the Snow Swallower Elf information again:

Elf: Snow Swallower

Gender: Female

Attributes: Ice, Bug

Features: Ice Scale Powder (Due to the protection of Ice Scale Powder, the damage received from special attacks will be halved.)

Skills: Bug Resistance, Fine Snow

Teacher Skills: None

Inherited Skills: Mirror Reflection

It is indeed an ice-attributed elf.

It is really strange that such an ice-attributed Snow Swallower appeared on the seashore.

Chen Xizhou looked at the man curiously: "Where did you get this elf?"

From Ren Hui's subconscious reaction, the man knew about this Snow Swallower.

The man hesitated for a moment, sighed and said: "This magic... elf was hatched from an egg I brought back from the mountain some time ago. Later, I felt that I couldn't afford to raise it, so I sent it back to the mountain. I didn't expect..."

The map I posted is in the book friend circle, and it will be updated in the future. If you are interested, you can pay attention to it

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