I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 95: Langqi Town's publicity plan



This is a blue little beast.

Its head and front half of the body are light blue, while the back half of the body and tail are black.

Its ears and tail have yellow four-pointed star patterns, the end of the neck is black, and the front legs have yellow bands.

It is the cat monster in the Pokémon Database No. 0403!

【Cat Monster! 】

【Cat Monster: Flash Pokémon】

【Once it senses danger, the fur on its body will glow, and it will flee when the opponent’s eyes are flashed. 】

【Cat Monster vibrates its body to generate electricity, and its front feet have a structure that generates electricity through muscle movement. 】

【Whenever it moves its body, its muscles will stretch and contract to generate electricity. If you see it shaking with excitement, it means it is generating electricity vigorously. 】

【Cat Monster will also shake the tip of its brightly glowing tail to send a signal to its partners. 】

【The little cat monster has a ferocious temperament that is not commensurate with its physique. It takes a lot of patience to tame it. 】

Keywords of the entry: flash, electricity, fierce

It's really a good elf.

This is Chen Xizhou's first impression of the little cat monster.

Although this little guy is quite ferocious in the entry introduction, it is all gentle at this moment.

At this time, it is constantly licking Lin Xiao's palm.

Chen Xizhou took out a bottle of Moo Moo fresh milk from his backpack and handed it over.

Moo Moo fresh milk is not only sweet, but also quite nutritious. The key is that it is easy to absorb. It is a very suitable drink for elf cubs.

After "gulping" a whole bottle of Moo Moo fresh milk, the little cat monster leaned on Lin Xiao and fell asleep.

It can be seen that it is very attached to Lin Xiao.

"Mayor, I will tell you how much this bottle of elf milk costs."

"Just work hard and live well in the future. Don't be so fussy about a bottle of milk."

Seeing Chen Xizhou say this, Lin Xiao had to give up.

Since Lin Xiao didn't know much about this little elf, Chen Xizhou briefly introduced the content of the cat monster entry information to him.

"Then, I'll leave it to you, Brother Lin."

After handing Lin Xiao over to the director of the power plant, Chen Xizhou turned and left.

"By the way, if you like these little magnets, you can apply for adoption procedures at the elf center." After adding another sentence, Chen Xizhou left the power plant directly.


The mayor's office.

Chen Xizhou was listening to the reports of Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao.

In order to promote the elf town, Mu Zhiyun specially planned a snowfall plan for Langqi Island for Langqi Town.

The messenger bird tribe used the skill [Blizzard] to make an artificial heavy snowfall on Langqi Island, creating a snow scene for Langqi Town.

Rongcheng City has a typical subtropical monsoon climate, with little frost and no snow, long summer and short winter, and the frost-free period alone reaches 326 days.

So it is almost impossible to see snow in Rongcheng City.

It is not impossible for a heavy snowfall to fall in the north of Rongcheng, but if it falls in Rongcheng, a place where it does not snow, it will definitely cause a sensation.

It will also be the headlines of various news and hot searches on various platforms.

Chen Xizhou wants to create some hot news for Langqi Town in more than ten days before the New Year, attract a wave of traffic, and at the same time attract a wave of tourists from surrounding cities.

I can only say that the plan of the two young people is really great.

Now it is just the opinions of the messenger bird tribe and the Arctic chief, after all, they are the ones who implement the plan.

If the snowfall does not reach that level, then this plan can only be temporarily shelved.

"I will contact the Arctic chief."

After a brief exchange, the Arctic chief is willing to take the messenger bird tribe to try.

Three days later, the Arctic chief took the strongest 100 messenger birds in the tribe to fly high in the sky.

Strong represents strong strength.

A strong messenger bird will be even stronger when using [Blizzard].

Although the figures of the messenger birds can no longer be seen clearly, everyone's eyes still follow the black spots.

After about ten minutes, the originally clear sky began to become gloomy.

This is...

Is it going to snow?

But snow is not the purpose of the people on the ground.

What they want is heavy snow, blizzard, snow that can make the earth covered with silver.

"It seems that the messenger bird tribe needs to brew for a while."

Qi Zhensheng came to Chen Xizhou and suggested: "Mayor, this will be a protracted battle. Why don't we go back to the cafeteria to have dinner first?"

Chen Xizhou agreed.

During dinner, everyone suddenly heard someone outside the cafeteria shouting loudly and excitedly.

Chen Xizhou and Qi Zhensheng on the opposite side looked at each other, put down their bowls and chopsticks tacitly, and ran out of the cafeteria.

At this time, snowflakes have begun to float in the sky.

Chen Xizhou stretched out his hand.

A snowflake fell on his warm palm, icy and cold, and quickly melted before he could continue to feel it.

But more snowflakes continued to fall on his palm.

"This snow... should be heavy."

Not only the Langqi breeding farm, but also everyone in the Langqi Research Institute, the fruit plantation, the Langqi town, and the natural villages were amazed and cheered for the heavy snow.

Of course, this heavy snow only fell in the southern part of Langqi Island.

Time passed by...

Although everyone waited patiently outside the cafeteria, the messenger birds never came back.

The light snow at the beginning had now turned into heavy snow.

The heavy snow began to rage.

The cold wind blew the branches of the trees on the roadside.

The snowflakes also began to scratch on the face like needles, stinging painfully.

In the sky that Chen Xizhou and others could not see, the red feathers of the messenger birds became a little messy because of flying.

They clenched their white hollow tails tightly and continuously released blizzards among the clouds.

Snowfall first requires sufficient water vapor.

Then there is strong cold air and suitable ground temperature.

Langqi Island is close to the river and the sea, so there is a lot of water vapor in the sky.

The reason why Rongcheng City does not rain is the temperature.

The barrier of the mountains prevents the cold air from reaching Rongcheng City, so there is no snowfall.

Now there is the [blizzard] cold air of the messenger bird clan, and the water vapor in the sky begins to condense into snowflakes, falling madly in Langqi Town.

This snow will last for a long, long time...

Watching the snowflakes falling from the sky, Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao are responsible for taking pictures and taking short videos respectively.

On the official website of Langqi Town, on Douyin, on Tieba, and on various social platforms, the news that it started snowing in this southern town began to spread gradually.

The messenger birds flew back to the breeding farm around 12 o'clock.

Due to the long-term use of ice skills, they were exhausted physically and mentally.

However, Qi Qin had prepared a lot of food and Moo Moo milk for the messenger birds, and also arranged a number of professional breeders to relieve their fatigue.

When all the messenger birds returned to the ice storage, it was already late at night.

Chen Xizhou and others left.

After taking a hot bath and warming up his body, Chen Xizhou went back to the bedroom to sleep...

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