I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 91 Problems on the construction site

The parrot Pokémon raised its head when it saw the three people looking at it.

Then it placed the orange fruit on its beak at its feet, stepped on it with one claw, and then looked at Chen Xizhou and the other two arrogantly.

Chen Xizhou and the other two were stunned by the operation of the parrot Pokémon.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?"

Just as You Yun was asking the question, Mu Zhiyun suddenly felt that he should record this scene.

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He quickly picked up the SLR camera.

With a skilled forward roll, he fired a [Flash] at the parrot Pokémon on the tree.

[Flash] hit the target!

The effect is outstanding!

The parrot Pokémon fell to the ground.

The orange fruit, which was no longer controlled by its claws, also rolled off the branch and was picked up by Zubat when it was about to fall to the ground.

Chen Xizhou and You Yun's eyes fell on the SLR in Mu Zhiyun's hand.

Seeing the strange looks of the two, Mu Zhiyun quickly raised three fingers: "I swear, this is an ordinary SLR camera!"


Looking at the unconscious parrot elf again, the three looked at each other.

"Brother Mayor, what kind of elf is this?"

[Calling Bird! ]

[Calling Bird: Note Elf]

[The tongue of the chattering bird is very similar to that of humans, so it can imitate human language very skillfully. ]

[The chattering bird is a performer who can imitate human words vividly. It learns human language to sing, and will swing its tail feathers left and right like a metronome to beat the rhythm. ]

[By making the same call as the opponent, the opponent is convinced that he is a companion, thus avoiding attack. ]

[As it grows older and accumulates a lot of experience, it can even understand the meaning of words. 】

Keywords of the entry: imitate, learn, understand

From the information given in the entry, if this bird is a little more studious, it will be no problem to be a translator.

Unconsciously, Chen Xizhou has become an evil capitalist.

Whenever he sees an elf, no matter how big or small, strong or weak, he always thinks about what the other party can do.

"What should we do with this noisy bird?"

After discussion, the three of them unanimously decided to leave it where it was.

But before leaving, Mu Zhiyun took out two orange fruits from his backpack and left them for the noisy bird.

Although the other party's personality is not very good, it is for food after all.

As a member of the Langqi Town Alliance, Mu Zhiyun has well implemented Chen Xizhou's concept of "harmonious coexistence between people and elves".

In fact, Mu Zhiyun is still quite interested in this noisy bird.

But now it is working time, in order not to affect Chen Xizhou's work, he can only give up the noisy bird temporarily.


January in Rongcheng is not as cold as imagined.

This is a very good thing for the workers on the construction site.

The workers coming and going were sweating all over, and the river breeze was very comfortable.

Although it is easy to catch a cold, it is really comfortable.

However, the atmosphere of this construction site at this time gave people a very strange feeling.

The workers wore yellow safety helmets, sweaters and construction clothes, and thick gloves on their hands, carrying various steel bars and cement again and again to build building structures.

However, they did not seem to be very interested, and they were very slow in their work.

However, the 20 porters working on this construction site were very hardworking and energetic.

The human workers carried one steel bar, and the porters carried two. The human workers carried one bag of cement, and the porters carried two bags.

Compared with working on the construction site, the porters have never lost to anyone.

Chen Xizhou, who saw this scene, already knew where the discordant voices he had heard recently were.

On a construction site, the time nodes of various construction projects are closely linked.

So the time for each link is very tight.

Steel bar workers work hard and dirty on the construction site. They do the hardest work, but their wages are not as high as some other technical types of workers.

It is a type of worker who does the most tiring work and gets the lowest wages.

With the addition of the elves such as the porter, problems began to arise.

The labor force needed on the construction site has always been a nail and a hole. If you are not fast and drag your feet, it means delaying the progress of others and lowering the average wage of everyone.

The addition of the porter has taken away most of the work that originally belonged to the steel bar workers.

The porter, who has the advantages of strong strength, sufficient physical strength, and more hardworking, can complete the same workload more efficiently.

This makes the foreman and other technical types of workers very satisfied with the porter.

At the same time, the steel bar workers who were originally at the bottom of the construction site not only have less income, but are also disliked by other workers.

Not to mention that they can't do the work, they can't even fight with the porter.

Not to mention that the efficiency of the porter makes everyone except the steel bar workers very satisfied. Just because they come from the elf labor company, the porters will not be disliked.

So a large number of steel workers were fired, and the remaining ones became unwelcome.

That's how the problem arose.

Chen Xizhou knew very well that this was caused by cheap labor.

In the following time, Chen Xizhou took You Yun and Mu Zhiyun to conduct secret visits to several nearby construction sites.

The problem was the same.

On the way back, Chen Xizhou kept thinking about a reasonable solution.


A duck voice interrupted Chen Xizhou's thoughts.

It turned out that the noisy bird that was frightened by the flash was blocking the road.

Chen Xizhou looked at the King of Dai Dai, and the King of Dai Dai shook his head slightly.

Chen Xizhou, who understood what the King of Dai Dai meant, just stood there quietly and handed the problem to Mu Zhiyun to deal with.


Seeing that Mu Zhiyun didn't quite understand what he meant, the noisy bird howled again, then spread its wings and took an attacking posture.

"Are you going to fight me?"

Mu Zhiyun was surprised, as he had never had such an experience before.

He was surprised and excited.

"Little bat, please!"

Although the Zubat was a little confused, it still followed Mu Zhiyun's order and came to the noisy bird.

The two sides were deadlocked for about five minutes.

"How about you give the order first?"

You Yun, who couldn't bear to watch it, couldn't help but remind him.


Mu Zhiyun turned his head and looked at the two people behind him: "But I don't know what skills the little bat has..."

"You haven't fought before?"


"I don't know either. Ask the mayor. He might know."

Chen Xizhou turned on the system function and checked the information of Mu Zhiyun's Zubat:

Elf: Zubat

Gender: Male

Attribute: Poison, Flying

Feature: Penetration (can penetrate the opponent's barrier or stand to attack.)

Skills: Absorb, Ultrasonic, Scare, Black Eyes, Poisonous Fangs, Quick Defense

Teaching Skills: None

Inherited Skills: Venom Trap

Chen Xizhou copied down the information of the elf and handed it to Mu Zhiyun who was looking at him.

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