I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 72 Testing of Pollen Honey

Chen Xizhou quickly took care of the matter of renting out the elves.

At the same time, Hua Xize, who came with him, was playing in the fruit forest with his two cute flies.

Due to the [Green Grass Field] experiment, there are still several fruit trees in the planting area that are still in the flowering stage, and the two cute flies are playing and working at the same time.

There is currently some pollen and some nectar in the two glass bottles Hua Xize holds in his hand.

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Seeing Chen Xizhou coming, Hua Xize greeted him: "Mayor, I found that the yield of fruit flowers in both pollen and nectar is far higher than that of ordinary flowers."

According to the current comparison, the amount of pollen and nectar produced by a tree fruit flower is roughly 1.5 times that of ordinary flowers.

"Whether the pollen and honey produced by tree fruit flowers are more effective than those produced by ordinary flowers, I think it needs to be professionally tested."

After finishing speaking, Hua Xize capped the two glass bottles in his hands and handed them to Chen Xizhou.

"Pollen is okay, but honey..."

Generally, it takes 3 weeks to 1 month for honey to mature.

"Cute flies produce honey faster than normal bees, and it matures almost immediately after collecting it." Hua Xize smiled, "This takes one to two hours."

"Actually, pollen is the same."

Hua Yize continued to explain: "Bee pollen refers to the pollen balls brought back by bees when collecting honey. The pollen is formed after storage and fermentation in the hive. It cannot be eaten as soon as it is collected."

"Of course, the fermentation process of pollen is also accelerated by the cute fly."

Chen Xizhou's attention was led astray.

Normally, the word "smile" is used to describe girls, but it doesn't seem inappropriate to use it on Hua Xize at this time.

This guy is so handsome.

Chen Xizhou came back to his senses and said to Hua Xize, "In addition to the fruit trees and flowers, this time I brought you to the fruit plantation. There is another thing to do."

While talking, Chen Xizhou took Hua Xize to Area A on the outskirts of the planting area.

"The walking grass here all has a skill that can help the vegetation grow quickly. One walking grass is more than enough to take care of 1 acre of land. How about choosing two to help?"

The winter jasmine cuttings Hua Xize brought were only enough to cut into two acres of land, so for the time being, only two walking grasses were enough to take care of the current Xize flower bed.

Of course, the limit of the land area that a walking grass can take care of is far more than one acre.

As the walking grass continues to grow in strength, the range of green grass fields they release also continues to expand.

At present, several large walking grasses in Area A can take care of at least two acres of planting area in one day.

This is absolutely great news for Chen Xizhou and many doctors who are trying to use [Green Grass Field] to influence China's agriculture and forestry.

Hua Xize beamed with joy after hearing Chen Xizhou's words.

"Then there's the issue of fertilizer."

Chen Xizhou continued: "Those working in the plantation are all Ph.D.s in agriculture who are among the best in the industry. I have asked General Manager Qi to ask them to help prepare fertilizer suitable for the growth of winter jasmine. When the time comes, you can bring it back to Xize Flower Garden for use. superior."


Seeing Hua Xize's moved expression, Chen Xizhou interrupted him directly:

"I am very optimistic about the ability of the Mengfu clan to produce powder and honey. The current Langqi Town also needs this industry, so don't say anything if you are moved. Your ability to take good care of the Mengfu clan is the greatest reward for me."

Regarding Hua Xize, Chen Xizhou felt that he already knew him very well.

Facing such a person with rich emotions and a pure heart, hiding and not giving him the opportunity to repay will only make him feel more uncomfortable.

It's better to be straightforward and explain things to him while giving him a chance to make him happy.

Hua Xize's reaction was just as Chen Xizhou thought.

He tried hard to hide his overflowing excitement and said to Chen Xizhou with a serious face: "Mayor, please rest assured that I will take good care of the Mengfu family and contribute to the development of Langqi Town."

Chen Xizhou smiled and shook his head: "You said less."

Hua Xize looked puzzled.

Chen Xizhou explained: "After a few days, General Manager Qi registers Elf Bee Company, and you will be able to get a certain share of the company."

Hua Xize originally wanted to refuse, but was rejected by Chen Xizhou.

Shares must be given.

How much you give is another matter, but you have to give it. After all, Hua Xize has produced an important labor force called Mengflies who are good at collecting honey and making honey.

People always change.

The current Hua Xize does not have these thoughts, but Chen Xizhou cannot guarantee the future Hua Xize.

Nor does he want to test human nature.

As soon as he got the test results, Qi Zhensheng rushed to the mayor's office without stopping.


Seeing Qi Zhen panting, Chen Xizhou poured him a cup of tea.

"Mayor, the test results have come out."

Qi Zhensheng put the test report in front of Chen Xizhou: "The data in the test report shows that the composition of the pollen and honey produced by the tree fruit flowers is not much different from the pollen and honey produced by ordinary flowers."

Just when Chen Xizhou was confused, Qi Zhensheng continued: "But there is a huge difference in the content of various ingredients between the two sides."

"First there's the pollen."

Qi Zhensheng started popularizing science for Chen Xizhou:

"Bee pollen is famous for its comprehensive nutrition and is called an 'all-natural nutritious food'. Its main therapeutic ingredients include protein, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, active enzymes, brassinoids, phytic acid, etc., which are beneficial to our body. A big role.”

“The content of these components in bee pollen produced by tree fruit flowers is almost five to six times that of pollen produced by ordinary flowers. It can be called a ‘concentrated nutrient bank’.”

"Then honey."

Qi Zhensheng continued to popularize science:

"There are three ways to express the nutritional concentration of honey: Baume degree, water content and sugar content. The international common unit is Baume degree. Generally, the lower the water content, the higher the Baume degree. According to the latest standards of the alliance, for the honey grade According to the classification, the moisture content of honey is ≤20% and the Baume degree is above 41 degrees, which is the first-grade product, and the moisture content of second-grade honey is ≤24%.”

"The test report shows that the moisture content of tree fruit honey is ≤4%, so the honey produced by tree fruit flowers has a very high Baume degree, which can reach 55 degrees."

You know, raw honey with a Baume degree of over 40 degrees is already of very good quality, and very few can reach 42 degrees!

"It's unclear whether the cute flies play a role in these differences, but what is certain is that if we launch tree fruit pollen and honey, it will definitely have a huge impact on the original market."

Qi Zhensheng added: "It's the same as elf milk."

After hearing this, Chen Xizhou said with a smile: "Then we can't give up our own interests just because it will cause harm to other people's interests."

Qi Zhensheng replied: "I have sent people here to register Elf Bee Company. Chen Yang's factory design will be available in the next two days. The production line has also started to be contacted. I think it can be officially put into production in half a year."

Chen Xizhou nodded: "Senior Brother Qi, I can rest assured when doing things."

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Although it is just a novel, I have been researching the information carefully, and I also want to give you some popular science knowledge. I wonder if you will like this kind of content.

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