I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 47 Chen Yang and his little York

"Instant noodles?"

"Because instant noodles have a hairstyle like instant noodles.

Chen Xizhou then noticed that Xiaoqi's Pichu was a little different from the Pichu in the database.

It has a tuft of yellow hair on its forehead that is similar to the mane on the head of the Caterpie.

Chen Xizhou guessed that this should be just an individual difference between Pokémon.

"No problem." Chen Xizhou replied, "But I don't know much, so I can only give you a rough introduction. "

In the following time, Chen Xizhou simply repeated the content of the entry to Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi recorded it very seriously.

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Especially when Chen Xizhou mentioned that Pichu is not good at storing electricity and can easily cause paralysis, Xiao Qi was completely convinced by the town mayor in front of him.

Pichu does often accidentally shock Xiao Qi.

Who would have thought that the hedgehog head on Xiao Qi's head was originally a cute watermelon Taro head.

It was because of the appearance of Pichu that it became a hedgehog head.

"What should I do, town mayor uncle?"

Xiao Qi seemed a little distressed. He could not think of a solution and could only ask Chen Xizhou for help.

Chen Xizhou thought for a while and replied: "In fact, you can try insulating gloves, so that Pichu should not be able to shock you."

"Insulating gloves? "

"Insulating gloves are a type of gloves made of rubber, mainly used for electrical work, and have the function of protecting hands or the human body from electric shock."

After Chen Xizhou's explanation, Xiao Qi suddenly understood.

At this time, Pichu had already taken out a bag of instant noodles from Xiao Qi's schoolbag, skillfully opened the package and began to enjoy the delicious food.

The "crunch" sound when biting it made people salivate.

"Uncle Mayor, do you want it?"

Xiao Qi, who was tempted, also took out two bags of instant noodles from his schoolbag and gave one to Chen Xizhou.

Chen Xizhou did not refuse. After taking the instant noodles, he sat on the ground and chatted with Xiao Qi.

"You mean, you picked up this Pichu in the trash can?"

Xiao Qi nodded: "Yes, it used to wander around the fruit market in Rongtong and often stole fruits from my store. Later, it followed me by chance."

"But it doesn't like to eat fruits that much. It likes to eat instant noodles like me, so we became good friends. "

After saying that, Xiao Qi rubbed Pichu's little head.

But this time, unfortunately, Pichu's power went out of control again.

Fortunately, Pichu's power at this stage is not large, which is completely within the range that humans can bear.

So Xiao Qi was not hurt.

"In short, for safety reasons, you should get a pair of insulating gloves as soon as possible."

Chen Xizhou explained: "The strength of the elves will be strengthened as they grow. You can tolerate Pichu's power now, but it doesn't mean you can in the future."

"I know, thank you, Uncle Mayor."

Xiao Qi stuffed Pichu into his schoolbag and left a hole for it, then bowed to Chen Xizhou very politely and prepared to continue participating in the event.

Before Xiao Qi left, Chen Xizhou asked curiously: "Why did you put Pichu back in the schoolbag?"

"Because many people don't like Pichu, nor do they like elves..."

Xiao Qi's voice became smaller and smaller.

Chen Xizhou reminded: "This is Langqi Town, a Langqi Town where elves are friends, partners, and family. "

Xiao Qi slapped his forehead and shouted excitedly: "Oh! I almost forgot!"

Seeing Xiao Qi and the Pichu lying on his head swaggering and walking towards the crowd, Chen Xizhou smiled but said nothing.


"Woof woof!"

Soon after Xiao Qi left, the Growlithe, who was out playing, suddenly jumped in front of Chen Xizhou.

It was followed by another canine Pokémon.

"This is..."

Chen Xizhou looked at the Growlithe in surprise.

How could the little guy bring back a Pokémon after going out to play?

The Pokémon in front of him has brown fur, light yellow facial fur, and a small tuft of blue hair on the neck.

It has a pair of eyes bigger than the Growlithe.

But judging from the outfit of this Pokémon, it should be a Pokémon with a trainer.

[Little York!]

[Little York: Puppy Pokémon]

[Little York will also stand up bravely in the face of a strong opponent , but will avoid unfavorable battles. A Pokémon with a high IQ. ]

[Little York is brave and cautious, has excellent judgment, will faithfully follow the trainer's orders, and is much smarter than ordinary children. ]

[The long hair covering Little York's face is a high-performance radar, which can keenly detect the surrounding situation and explore the appearance of the fighting opponent. ]

[Little York will never forget the love and harm it has received. It is easy to cultivate even for novices and is a very popular Pokémon. ]

Keywords of the entry: brave, smart, loyal, popular

"Sorry, did my Pokémon disturb you?"

Just when Chen Xizhou was recording the entry information of Little York, a voice appeared behind Chen Xizhou.

It's just that the accent is quite strange, as if it is mixed with many local dialects.

There is even a taste of foreign nuts in it.

Chen Xizhou, who had just finished recording, turned around and saw a middle-aged man with a dark complexion, rough skin, short stature but very strong appeared in front of him.

Middle-aged man?

For the first time, Chen Xizhou doubted his judgment.

"Hello, my name is Chen Yang, and I am the owner of this Pokémon."

Hearing the voice of the "middle-aged man" again, Chen Xizhou immediately judged that this man should not be much older than himself.

So, how did he manage to look so old?

"Is it this Little York?"

"So it's called Little York. Since I don't know its name, I always call it Niuniu." Chen Yang suddenly realized.


When Little York saw Chen Yang coming to find him, he immediately returned to his trainer and kept acting coquettish.

Niuniu is very lively.

It kept running back and forth between its trainer and Chen Xizhou, and occasionally barked at the Caterpie.

It looked like it was letting itself go.

Faced with Niuniu's invitation, the Caterpie squatted beside Chen Xizhou and remained unmoved.

At this time, the Caterpie looked like a loyal guard.

But from the desire in the Caterpie's eyes, it can be seen that it really wants to play with Little York.

"Go if you want to."

Chen Xizhou knew that the Caterpillar was following the obedience in its blood, but he didn't want to suppress the Caterpillar's character.

It's okay for the little guy to be a little lively.

With Chen Xizhou's permission, the dedicated Caterpillar immediately responded to the little York.

The two little guys ran to the crowd not far away.

Chen Xizhou and Chen Yang sat on the lush grass and chatted.

During the chat with Chen Yang, Chen Xizhou learned why Chen Yang's accent was so weird and why he looked so vicissitudes.

Chen Yang is four years older than Chen Xizhou.

After graduating from civil engineering, he was assigned to the African Union to carry out aid projects.

After several years of wind and sun, and being with black people, Chen Yang, who was already old, has completely become a "middle-aged old man", and his accent has also been affected to be weird and out of place.

This little York was met by Chen Yang in the last month of aiding the African Union, which was two months ago.

Just as the aid project was completed, Chen Yang had the opportunity to return to China, so he brought this little Yorkie named Niuniu back to the Huaxia Alliance.

This time, it was also by chance that I came to participate in the promotion of elf milk in Langqi Town.

Thanks to the return of the water army for the reward, thank you very much

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