I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 385 Five Districts Exchange Conference (4)

I thought that in such a conference, all parties would be sincere and friendly, and communicate sincerely.

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Chen Xizhou never expected that the Kyoto Special District would play this trick on him.

So is this the case for everyone, or is it only the case in the transaction between Langqi Special District and Kyoto Special District?

In the following transaction, Chen Xizhou was particularly careful.

The third place the Langqi delegation contacted was the Magic City Special District.

The main district elves in the Magic City Elf Special District are the Pidgeot and the Spearow.

Like other special districts, these two elf tribes have been domesticated for a long time, and with the information provided by the elf database, there is little need for information supply from the Langqi Special District.

In addition to these two elf tribes,

as collected in the intelligence, the Magic City Special District is indeed domesticating a small elf called Dudu.

But the problem is that they did not bring any Dudu.

Without seeing the real thing, even Chen Xizhou could not get any information about the other party through the system.

In view of such a special situation, the transaction of information about Dudu could only be terminated helplessly.

However, the Magic City Elf Special Zone showed its strong interest in the Blue Feathered Angry Parrot who could serve as a translator.

In the process of vigorously promoting this transaction, the Magic City delegation took out the heavy chips for this transaction.

"These elves are gifts we received from the exchange with the United Alliance. Although they are not as practical as your Blue Feathered Angry Parrot, they are also rare."

The head of the Magic City delegation, Bo Kexin, threw a Poké Ball.


With the strange bird singing, an even stranger Pokémon appeared in the small room.

This is a bird Pokémon covered with iron-hard armor.

Its solid steel body looks very heavy, and its whole body is silver like armor, the bottom of its wings is red, and there are many sharp teeth.

[Armored Bird! ]

[Armored Bird: Steel Armored Bird Pokémon] [Armored Bird will build nests in thorn bushes, and the wings of the chicks that grow up with thorns will become extremely hard. 】

【The feathers of the armored bird are hollow. Although it looks heavy, it can fly at a maximum speed of 300 kilometers per hour. It can soar freely and lightly in the sky and cut its opponents with its sharp wings. 】

【The armored bird's iron body is very strong, but it rusts easily, so it stays in the nest on rainy days. 】

【The armored bird's steel feathers, which have become tattered due to constant fighting, grow again every year and become as sharp as before. 】

【The feathers shed by the armored bird are light and sharp, so they can be processed into various things such as war knives and kitchen knives. 】

Keywords of the entry: steel armor, light, sharp

"Representative You, our special zone has only ten armored birds obtained from the United Party, and we only brought four this time. Although it is not as many as the elves exchanged by the other two special zones, it is rarer than them. I don’t know... "

The head of the Magic City delegation, Bo Kexin, got straight to the point.

"I need to ask for instructions on this transaction."

In fact, Chen Xizhou has already given all the transaction rights to You Zhen. You Zhen just wants to confirm the rarity of the Armored Bird.

Chen Xizhou had already pulled the Armored Bird's underwear clean in the corner of the small room.

For these four all-male Armored Birds, even Chen Xizhou didn't know how to answer You Zhen.

Except for special male and female Pokémon like Miltank and Kentaro, the Pokémon eggs of other normal genders will follow the mother after mating.

In other words, these four male Armored Birds can only provide corresponding genetic skills to their offspring.

"I know."

You Zhen stepped back to his seat in high heels.

"Representative Bai, according to our observation, the four Armored Birds you gave are all male Armored Birds." You Zhen paused and continued, "I want to ask if there is a possibility of changing to two females?"

Hearing this question, Bai Kexin was a little embarrassed.

"It's not that I don't want to change, but the United Party gave us ten male armored birds at the beginning."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't have taken out four of the ten armored birds as bargaining chips for this five-district conference."

It can be seen that Bo Kexin was also helpless.

However, such a reasonable explanation also dispelled the doubts and dissatisfaction of the Langqi delegation.

As for whether it is true, it is unknown.

"Representative Bai, to put it bluntly, our Langqi Special District has a lot of special elves. The rarity is not necessarily much higher than the armored birds, but it is definitely not worse than the armored birds."

"An armored bird that cannot be bred is of no use to us."

"You know, the three blue-feathered angry parrots we paid are two males and one female, you can use them for breeding."

Compared with the communication between Chen Xizhou and Wanji, the communication between representatives like You Zhen and Bo Kexin does not require too many twists and turns.

Both parties only need to make their respective needs clear.

The elves we paid for are more functional than you and have the ability to reproduce. You can't just exchange them with a bunch of vases, right?

Seeing that the armored bird could not be used as a bargaining chip, Bo Kexin thought about it and gave a new bargaining chip.

"We know that Langqi Special District has an elf plant research institute. We are willing to give two rare tree fruit seeds in exchange for three blue-feathered angry parrots."

Bai Kexin tried to ask.

After You Zhen exchanged glances with Mao Rongrong, he said to her: "I really can't make the decision now."

Bai Kexin expressed his understanding and was willing to wait for a reply.

The blue-feathered angry parrots that can act as translators are still very important for the early development of each special zone, especially this kind of bargaining chip that has the possibility of breeding, and the representatives of all parties cannot help but try their best.

After all, one step behind means all steps behind.

If others have it and you don't, it is easy to make the gap between the parties bigger and bigger.

Especially this gap in the early stage of development.

When Chen Xizhou learned that the Magic City was willing to pay for rare tree fruit seeds, he was stunned on the spot.

Elves in exchange for seeds?

"Let's postpone the transaction with the Magic City. Let Principal Lan represent the Langqi Elf Plant Research Institute to go to the Magic City for exchanges in a few days, and then we can cooperate accordingly."

Since the other party is willing to provide rare tree fruit seeds, Chen Xizhou thinks that the transaction between the two parties can be expanded.

After You Zhen told Bai Kexin about Chen Xizhou's idea, the latter showed surprise on his face.

The various elf resources currently owned by the Langqi Elf Special Zone are absolutely considerable. If further exchanges can be reached with the other party, the benefits to both parties will far exceed this five-district conference.

Especially the transaction involves the elf plants that the other party is far ahead of the other four special zones.

As for the postponement of the transaction of the Blue-Feathered Angry Parrot, Bo Kexin felt that it was not a big deal, and stated on the spot that he would still use four armored birds as bargaining chips in exchange for the right to use the Blue-Feathered Angry Parrot.

When the two parties conduct subsequent exchanges and transactions on elf plants, the value of the Blue-Feathered Angry Parrot will be included.

This is definitely not a loss-making transaction for the Magic City Special Zone.

Just by gaining the friendship of the Langqi Special Zone through such a transaction with obvious profit differences, the Magic City Special Zone can make a lot of money.

At least the cooperation between the two parties in the future will be smooth sailing with this relationship.

"It's generous enough. I like this representative of the Magic City."

Chen Xizhou agreed to Bo Kexin's transaction on the right to use the Blue-Feathered Angry Parrot on the spot.

After paying for the right to use three blue-feathered angry parrots, two males and one female, the Langqi delegation obtained the ownership of four armored birds from the Magic City delegation.

Both parties got what they wanted.

As soon as they came out of the small room used for trading, the Langqi delegation was blocked at the door.

"Representative You, we, the Pengcheng delegation, have waited for you for so long that all the flowers have withered."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man, with a slightly fat figure and a blue shirt under an orange-yellow plaid suit, which made him look simple and unpretentious.

As a senior official, he looked very kind with his high enthusiasm.

He did not have any senior airs.

You Zhen shook hands with Representative Qiu generously: "Thank you for waiting for a long time, Representative Qiu, shall we start directly?" (End of this chapter)

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