I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 383 Five Districts Exchange Conference (1)

The five district conference was held on time at ten o'clock the next morning.

This elf exchange conference led by the Mountain City Elf Special Zone was not as grand as the Langqi Special Zone team had imagined.

Maybe that's not right.

In reality, it was a closed-door conference room meeting.

The first conference can often set a tone for subsequent ones, and if it is held again in the future, it will not be too different from this one.

The Alliance Building in the Mountain City Elf District is a 30-story building.

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Under the guidance of Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian,

The three-person Langqi delegation headed by Chen Xizhou directly entered the multi-functional hall conference room on the 12th floor.

"Not to mention, it is true that our Langqi delegation is the most miserable among all the special zones."

Mao Rongrong joked.

"There is nothing we can do about it. The total number of cadres in our entire special zone system is less than the number of cadres in one department in other special zones."

Chen Xizhou shrugged and smiled helplessly.

"Despite this, Langqi Special Zone is the most important to the other four special zones."

Yang Yao, who was leading the way, lowered his voice: "To be honest with District Chief Chen, the guide trainers from several other special zones have contacted me to inquire about news about Langqi Special Zone on behalf of the delegations they lead, in order to do business with Langqi Special Zone."

"Then I'm really flattered."

Come to your seat,

Mao Rongrong sat on the left side, with a sealed document, a stack of blank A4 paper, a laptop and a printer in front of him.

You Qin sat on the right side, with a total of 24 pokeballs placed in front of the table.

Of these 24 elf balls, 12 are the elf balls of the platypus, and the other 12 are the elf balls of the angry parrot.

These 12 angry parrots have undergone certain training during this period and are more than capable of acting as translators between humans and elves. They have also volunteered to visit other cities.

Chen Xizhou decided to take them with him on the spur of the moment.

In fact, the relationship between the four colors of angry parrots is not harmonious.

These 12 angry parrots are basically the blue-feathered angry parrots that are least able to deal with the leader of the green-feathered angry parrots. They want to leave the group and establish their own small group.

Originally, there were several yellow-feathered angry parrots who wanted to join the ranks, but due to their irritable and irritable character, Chen Xizhou refused for the time being.

The guest does as the host does,

The first person to come to the seats of the Langqi delegation was the Shancheng Special Economic Zone delegation.

"Hello, District Chief Chen. I am Wan Ji, the District Chief of Shancheng Special Administrative Region. When we meet for the first time, Chief Chen's youth is really amazing."

"District Chief Wan has promoted you. As an old senior, I still have a lot to learn from you."

"To be honest, I have always been looking forward to communicating with the Langqi Special Administrative Region. Especially what Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian saw in the Langqi Special Administrative Region this time has made me yearn for it."

"Fortunately, I will have this opportunity in another half month. I will definitely go to Langqi Special Economic Zone and learn from it with an open mind."

"Then I will sweep the couch to welcome you."

After a brief exchange, the two parties went directly to the topic.

"District Chief Chen, can you give me a brief introduction?"

Although the table of the Langqi delegation was relatively simple and there were only three people in the delegation, Wan Ji did not dare to neglect it at all.

Young people?

My favorite thing is to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Things that look simple and unpretentious often have the greatest appeal.

He has always believed that the Langqi delegation can give him an unexpected surprise.

as expected!

After learning that the Langqi delegation was willing to provide elf information for exchange, not only Wan Ji, but also several mountain city executives around him showed shocked expressions.

Although this is the age of elves, we cannot escape the framework of the information age.

The more information you have, the better you can gain a foothold.

"District Chief Chen, don't blame me for being cautious. How accurate and detailed are the elves' information you use to communicate?"

Wanji asked bluntly.

Chen Xizhou glanced to the left, and Mao Rongrong stood up with understanding.

After shaking hands with Wan Ji, he said cheerfully: "District Chief Wan, please rest assured that all our information comes from the Langqi Elf Research Institute, and the accuracy is at least 95%. As for the level of detail..."

Mao Rongrong thought for a moment and continued:

"The limit of detail is difficult to determine, but I can give you a guarantee. Firstly, this information will definitely be helpful to you in raising and nurturing elves. Secondly, even if there is further in-depth research, it will not be inconsistent with the information we provide. What a difference."

"Who is this?"

Wan Ji looked at Mao Rongrong curiously.

"This is Dr. Mao Rongrongmao, the director of Langqi Elf Research Institute. He is responsible for collecting all this elven information."

Chen Xizhou replied.

In fact, that is correct.

Most of the elf information was extracted by Chen Xizhou from the system entries and handed over to Mao Rongrong for inspection. After confirming that it was accurate, he officially edited the database and sealed it.

There are also a few that were researched and observed by the Langqi Elf Research Institute itself.

It's just that the source of the former is not convenient to disclose.

"Nice to meet you!"

After listening to Chen Xizhou's introduction, Wan Ji did not dare to show any slightness and took the initiative to shake hands with Mao Rongrong to show his closeness.

"There are not many elves in our mountain city special zone. The largest number is the one-horned rhinoceros clan. We also have certain insights into their observation and research."

"But there are still a few elf tribes that have just been conquered. If possible, we also want to speed up the progress of understanding."

Just when Chen Xizhou wanted to say something,

Wan Ji stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, but he invited Chen Xizhou and Mao Rongrong into one of the small rooms on the left side of the conference room.

These small rooms are used as private spaces for interested parties to discuss cooperation.

"District Chief Chen, Dr. Mao, don't blame me for being cautious."

Wan Ji said very solemnly: "Although I am willing to believe you, regarding this five-district conference, I also want to seek some development for the Shancheng Special District, so I need to confirm with you again, can this elf information really be guaranteed?"

"Genuine goods!"

"No deception!"

Chen Xizhou and Mao Rongrong answered in unison, which made Wan Ji feel at ease.

"In this case, please proceed with the first part of our transaction."

At Wan Ji's signal, the assistant behind him opened the safe briefcase, revealing the 20 elf balls inside.

"This suitcase, as well as the next few suitcases, all contain the same kind of Pokémon. We have to trade them for some special reasons."

Wan Ji paused and said solemnly, "They have some defects that we can't solve."

While speaking,

the assistant took out two of the Poké Balls and

released the Pokémon that Wan Ji said had defects.

One of them had purple skin with dark purple spots, a poisonous horn on its head, and three rows of poisonous stingers on its back.

[Nidolang! ]

[Nidolang: Poison Stinger Pokémon]

[Nidolang is very alert and will hide in the bushes with only its ears exposed to explore the surrounding situation. ]

[Nidolang has large ears, and the muscles that move its ears are very developed. It can turn its ears to any direction at will. When listening to sounds in the distance, its ears will flap like wings. ]

[Despite its small size, the horns on its forehead are highly poisonous. When Nidolang senses danger, it will use poisonous stingers to protect itself. ]

[Nidolang is small in size but brave in character. In order to protect the female he loves, he will fight bravely regardless of his life. 】

【Nidolan only has males, and the corresponding female Pokémon is Nidolan. 】

Keywords: poison needle, highly toxic, brave

Wan Ji pointed at Nidolan and asked: "District Chief Chen, do you have the Pokémon information of this Pokémon?"

Chen Xizhou nodded and motioned Wan Ji to wait a moment.

Then, Chen Xizhou pretended to whisper to Mao Rongrong, and the other party typed out the information of Nidolan on the notebook.

"What about the other Pokémon?"

Chen Xizhou looked in the direction of Wan Ji's finger.

This Pokémon is mostly blue with a small number of dark blue circular spots.

There is a white front tooth in the mouth, two pairs of whiskers and a pair of large ears, a very small poisonous stinger on the forehead, and some thorns on the back.

In addition to the color, compared with Nidolan, its horns are smaller and the tips of the horns are slightly rounder.

【Nidolan! 】

【Nidoran: Poison Needle Pokémon】

【Nidoran is small and very docile. 】

【Although Nidoran does not like fighting, its small horns also contain venom. In an emergency, it will use the poisonous horns to attack its opponent to protect itself. 】

【Although Nidoran's poison needle is small, it is very powerful. Just one drop of venom secreted from the poison needle can be fatal. 】

【Nidoran is more sensitive to smell than males. It will use its beard to confirm the wind direction while looking for food in the leeward direction. It can use its hard front teeth to crush tree fruits and eat them. 】

【Nidoran is only female, and its corresponding male Pokémon is Nidoran. 】

【Nidoran is only fertile when it is in Nidoran form. It loses its fertility after evolution. 】

Keywords of the entry: poison needle, highly toxic, docile, fertility

After reading the entry introduction of Nidoran, Chen Xizhou roughly understood what the defects of these two Pokémon were mentioned by Wanji.

Chen Xizhou whispered to Mao Rongrong again, asking her to sort out Nidolan's information.

"District Chief Chen, how is it?"

Wan Ji asked anxiously. (End of this chapter)

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