I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 377: The lonely egg of the old man

Under the guidance of Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian,

Chen Xizhou and his party quickly entered the core area of ​​the inner wilderness.

On the distant horizon, there were towering rocks, each of which stood on the wilderness like a pillar supporting the sky.

The terrain of these rocks is quite steep and rugged, and it is daunting to look at them.

"With such terrain, I wonder what kind of elves will live on the rocks."

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Mao Rongrong couldn't help but sigh.

With the terrain of these rocks, even the most skilled professionals in rock climbing find it difficult to climb the mountain.

It may not be difficult for many elves to climb the mountain, but it is also quite inconvenient to live on the rocks day after day.

"We are also curious about this."

"When Shancheng was reorganizing this inner wilderness area, it chose to take a detour because of the terrain of the rocky mountains, so these rocky mountains are no different from the outer wilderness area."

Yang Yao and Mao Rongrong chatted.

"This makes me even more curious..."

Mao Rongrong smiled bitterly.

Although there are a large number of wild elves living on these rocky mountains, they have also formed a sufficiently vast rocky mountain area, and the urban area of ​​Shancheng is protected behind the rocky mountains.

This is a natural barrier.

"I heard that the navel oranges in Shancheng are very good. I wonder if you are interested in trying them."

You Zhen also joined the chat between the two.

"Haha, Secretary You came at the right time. Now is the season when Fengjie navel oranges are ripe. I am from Fengjie. This time I will let you taste whether our Fengjie navel oranges are worthy of the name."

Bai Guangjian was very happy that outsiders had heard of the name of Fengjie navel oranges.

During the chat, Chen Xizhou and his party gradually entered the rocky mountain area.

Although there is no need to climb the rocky mountain, the road under the rocky mountain is still rugged.

It is not a problem to pass by walking or riding a Pokémon, but if you use a mountain bike or something like that, you may have to lie down.

But even so, Chen Xizhou and his party are not moving fast.

The mountain road is not a road at all. There are potholes everywhere, and there are a lot of huge rocks blocking the road.

Such a road is nothing for the attributes: air and the mount goat, but it is quite difficult for the unicorn rhino that carries people.

In order to make the team move more smoothly, Chen Xizhou even asked the Slow King to take action and constantly use various skills to smash the huge rocks that block the road.

"From here, the vegetation begins to increase again."

At this time, the team has entered the rocky mountain area.

Because it is blocked by the towering rocks, it cannot get sunlight all year round, and the water vapor cannot be evacuated, which also provides an environment for vegetation to grow.

Not only affects the vegetation, but also affects pedestrians.

After only a few hundred meters, everyone was sweating profusely because of the hot and humid environment. The clothes stuck to the skin, making people feel particularly uncomfortable.

"Everyone be careful."

Although there was no danger yet, Yang Yao still reminded everyone.

"The moisture here is too much." You Zhen scratched his head very uncomfortably.

Unlike the men who were traveling with him, You Zhen had long hair that reached his waist. Even if he had tied his hair up for work, he still felt extremely stuffy.

Especially in such a humid environment, the hair was directly stuck together.

But even with short hair, in such an environment, Chen Xizhou and others' senses were not much better.

"The environment here is like this, and we have gotten used to it over the years."

Bai Guangjian grew up in the mountains on the outskirts of the mountain city, and such an environment was nothing new to him.

"Everyone, bear with it for a while. As long as you cross this rocky area, the terrain will open up and it won't be so uncomfortable." Bai Guangjian encouraged.

"It's a bit strange."

"It's really strange. We have been traveling for so long, it's reasonable that we shouldn't have seen no wild Pokémon."

As soon as the voice fell,

the sound of birds flapping their wings suddenly came from the forest.

Then a large number of Pidgeots suddenly flew out of the forest and flew towards the direction of Chen Xizhou and his group not far away.

"Are we the target?"

Bai Guangjian looked at the Pidgeots in the air cautiously.

"It doesn't look like it, but we need to observe." Yang Yao turned to Chen Xizhou, "District Chief Chen, we need to take shelter temporarily and wait for the Pidgeots to fly away before moving on."

Yang and Bai had subconsciously stood in front of the delegation and protected the three people behind them.

They looked extremely nervous, and their eyes were vigilantly watching the Pidgeots getting closer and closer to them, fearing that the other side would rush over and hurt anyone in the delegation.

At this moment,

the Pokémons on the Langqi side showed strangeness one after another.

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, a large number of pink eggs suddenly rolled out from the bushes?

It's a Pokémon!

These elves are made up of six light pink eggs, most of which have some cracks on the shell.

Each head has a slightly different facial expression, one is smiling, four are angry, and one is sad. Only the smiling one is complete without cracks.

The most peculiar thing is that one of the six eggs always has the yolk exposed.

It looks very weird!

[Eggs! ]

[Egg: Egg Elf]

[Six eggs count as one. Even if one is missing for some reason, it will return to six the next morning.]

[Eggs will feel uneasy if they are not together. Even if only one is missing, they will immediately want to escape.]

[Since they can communicate through telepathy, even if the six eggs are separated, they will immediately gather together again.]

[Each egg attracts each other and rotates. If the six eggs are not together, it cannot maintain balance. Even if you only want to separate one of them, the six eggs will gather together immediately because of the strong attraction.]

[The surface of the egg is quite hard. Even if it cracks, it can survive as long as the inside does not leak out.]

[If the cracks on the eggshell increase, it means that it is about to evolve.]

[Although the egg looks like an egg, it is actually a real elf. People have figured out that it is actually a creature similar to plant seeds, and it is said to have both plant and some other genes. 】

Keywords: Six-in-one, telepathy

Although these eggs can't make any sound, they look extremely anxious, as if there is a hunter chasing them from behind.


There is really something chasing them.

Those Pidgeots in the sky should be playing the role of hunters.

In the entry introduction, eggs are creatures close to plant seeds, so it is also a normal thing in the diet of Pidgeots that feed on plant seeds.

Seeing Chen Xizhou and his group,

The eggs didn't care about any reaction at this time, rolling to the human side, and then rolling over.

The number of this egg group is very large, and the process of rolling over continuously lasted for a long time, which made people have to wonder whether all the eggs in the entire mountain range rolled out.

Of course, this is also related to their own inconvenient way of movement.

After rolling, a single egg rolled in front of Youzhen.

This is a lone egg.

At this time, it was panting heavily, lying there without any physical strength and not moving.

What's more interesting is that,

This egg looks very old, with two dirty white eyebrows hanging from its triangular eyes to the ground.

It looks very strange.

So, is this an old egg?

The egg that rolled by did not react to the fact that this old egg was alone, but continued to roll forward with the other five eggs.

At this time, an egg with only five eggs rolled back in front.

The other five eggs, like the old egg, all had long white eyebrows, and two of them even had white beards on their mouths.

They should be the original eggs of this old egg that was alone.

As the Pidgeot got closer and closer, many eggs were picked up by the other party and returned.

"Oh no, it's coming towards us!"

Yang Yao shouted, pointing at a Pidgeot with a wingspan of more than five meters in the air.

Pidgeot also noticed Chen Xizhou and his party.

When Pidgeot swept over the Silver Companion War Beast, his sharp eyes became hesitant.

The Silver Companion War Beast didn't pay attention.

After looking at Pidgeot expressionlessly, Silver Companion War Beast closed his eyes and waited for Chen Xizhou's next instruction.

But just like this, Pidgeot was furious.

"Beep, grab——"

After a signal,

the low-flying Pidgeot accelerated to grab the egg it had set its sights on, and the Pidgeot, which was far away, returned directly.

The Pidgeot tribe gave up this hunting operation.

You Zhen was a little confused: "Does our doing this count as interfering with the hunting activities of the Pidgeots?"

Chen Xizhou raised his eyebrows and patted Silver Companion War Beast helplessly: "It is indeed interfering, such behavior is not advisable."

"But it seems that the Pidgeots have caught enough eggs, and I think they will not be affected too much by our interference." Mao Rongrong comforted.

At some point, Mao Rongrong had a few more Poké Balls in his hand, and it seemed that he also took this opportunity to capture a few eggs.

Not only Mao Rongrong, but Yang and Bai also captured an egg each.

"Then let's keep going."

Soon, Chen Xizhou and his group continued on the mountain road... (End of this chapter)

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