"Are you planning to cause trouble here?"

The leading man was burly and had a scruffy beard.

He rode a sturdy elf that was more than one meter tall and slowly approached, giving people a strong sense of deterrence.

The elf was gray.

Its whole body was covered with skin as hard as rock, its black nose extended all the way to its tail, and it had a pair of sharp and hard teeth.

The big man was a villager near the gathering place.

He had once given alms to the Dunjia and the little elephant who couldn't find food, and easily gained their friendship.

The two sides cooperated to charge for taking photos at the gathering place, which also gave them a decent income.

[Dunjia! ]

[Dunjia: Armored Elf]

[Dunjia's whole body is covered with hard skin, and it is safe even if it is hit by a car. ]

[The longer and bigger the teeth of Dunjia grow, the higher its status in the tribe, and it takes a lot of time for the tusks to grow. ]

[Although Dunjia is usually calm, once it is enraged, it will curl up into a ball, rolling at high speed while ramming into its opponent. Once it starts rolling, it is difficult to stop. ]

[Dunjia has the power to easily pull a dump truck, and will use this power to help remove the mud and rocks that rolled down from the landslide and blocked the mountain road, but it has no power to resist the rain. ]

[Female Dunjia has shorter tusks. ]

Keywords: armor, defense, calm temperament, rolling

After reading the entry introduction of Dunjia, Chen Xizhou couldn't help but compare it with the unicorn.

Also possessing an extremely domineering impact force, Dunjia's personality is more suitable for becoming a riding elf, but the impact requires curling up the body, which makes it impossible to become a riding elf.

It is indeed a bit regrettable.

At this time, the big man was very close to Mao Rongrong.

Chen Xizhou did not step forward to stop them, but turned his head to look at Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian: "Will I be arrested if I make trouble here?"

The teasing look made people feel embarrassed, and immediately said that Chen Xizhou could handle it freely.

"Brother Mao, did you hear that?"

Chen Xizhou conveyed: "As long as our behavior is not too excessive, someone will help us cover this bottom."

After conveying the words of the two Mountain City Alliance trainers, Chen Xizhou just watched quietly, waiting for Mao Rongrong's next handling.

"I can give this money, but I can't be a sucker!"

Mao Rongrong gives people the feeling of simplicity and simplicity, and he has always shown this style.

But if you think Mao Rongrong is easy to bully, you are wrong.

Faced with the obvious blackmail of the other party, Mao Rongrong, who is full of confidence, chooses to directly refuse to compromise.

"What does your Excellency mean?"

Just when the big man was about to take further action, he suddenly saw several people behind Mao Rongrong, two of whom were riding unicorns?

If there was only one person, he would still want to gamble and force the six hundred alliance coins.

But two people were riding unicorns at the same time.

Looking at the dress and temperament of this group of people, they looked more like the existence that he couldn't provoke.

Once people start to give themselves hints, they will unconditionally go in the direction they imagine.

At this time, the big man didn't dare to gamble.

Anyway, taking a photo is a business without capital, and he didn't lose much.

But if he offended someone he shouldn't have offended and ruined the business, that would be a real loss.

"I can give you money, but I want to see your business license to confirm whether your business is legal and compliant. I also need to issue an invoice, and also..."

"No, go!"

The big man interrupted Mao Rongrong's chattering.

"I mean, I can give this money, I want to see..."

"I said I don't want it, you can leave now, don't you understand?" The big man suddenly became furious, "Don't want to leave, do you want to fight?"

Mao Rongrong also got angry immediately.

I didn't want to owe you this money, I communicated with you in a good voice, you are disrespecting me like this.

The big man stole a glance at the two young men riding the unicorns.

Seeing the other party's expression, he immediately understood that as long as he stopped entangled in the matter of the 600 Alliance coins, even if he really fought with this young man, nothing would happen.

"Okay, let's fight!"

"There is a battle field not far away. I'll pay for the field fee!"

The big man led the way in front.

At this time, he had a new idea.

If he could get close to these two Alliance trainers, he would be able to get whatever he wanted in this gathering place in the future.

The county magistrate who ruined the family and the prefect who wiped out the family.

Even if they were just two small Alliance trainers, they would have enough influence in this environment.

Not to mention the current Alliance trainers, which one is not a dragon among men, and which one will not be in a high position in the future.

The more the big man thought about it, the happier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more his body floated.

"But since the two did not stop this battle, does it mean that the two of them don't get along well with this young man, and want to take this opportunity to let me give him a good beating?"

The big man thought to himself.

They are both from the mountain city and are both Pokémon trainers.

Facing Donka, who can fight against the evolution of Rhydon, he doesn't believe that these two alliance trainers will underestimate his fighting ability.

So the real situation can only be what he thinks.

"So, I accepted this battle and helped the two adults?"

Thinking of this, the big man couldn't help but speed up his pace.

He planned to teach this ignorant young man a lesson on behalf of the two adults.

He even thought of the battle script.

Becoming round and rolling, the gradual damage gave the most severe blow to the young man.

It's not that the big man's command level is so high, but this is the way that Dunjia has always fought, a kind of fighting style that tickles in the early stage and blows up in the later stage.

I really don't know how this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes mastered this fighting style.

However, the big man has no command ability, and he also knows himself. Since Dunjia has his own habits and good fighting style, the big man does not intend to make trouble.

"200 per time, you can use it for two hours, no refund or supplement, and you can leave when the time is up."

"Pay a deposit of 500 first. If the venue is too damaged and the garbage on the sidelines is not taken away, the deposit will not be refunded. All interpretation rights belong to the venue."

After listening to the introduction,

the big man said to Mao Rongrong: "I will pay this money first, and whoever loses in the end will pay this money."

"Okay, I have no objection."

The staff on the sidelines quickly collected 700 alliance coins from the big man.

Everyone is an old acquaintance.

The 200 yuan venue fee must be spent, and the 500 yuan deposit can definitely be returned, so the big man doesn't care.

If it were an outsider, the deposit would be in jeopardy.

Because the venue can always find some problems and deduct the deposit more or less.

This is the money they make.

"How about it, who will go to this battle?"

Mao Rongrong looked at his pink cat, Catworm and Attribute: Sora.

He is not a strong person, so he plans to let the two elves solve the battle quota.

He looked at the venue, stroked his soft and beautiful hair, and didn't want to dirty his Xiaoman, and looked at Attribute: Sora with a pair of watery eyes.

The cute expression could not have any effect on Attribute: Sora.

The unromantic Attribute: Sora, except for the trainer, does not care about the feelings of any creature. What they desire is to fight and release their nature through fighting.

So, Attribute: Sora went up.

Xiaoman looked at the arrogant figure of Attribute: Kong, and happily circled on Mao Rongrong's shoulders.

"Since you have decided, brother Dunjia, let's go too!"

Amid the shouting of the big man, Dunjia stepped on his sturdy four legs and jumped to the opposite side of Attribute: Kong.

"District Chief Chen, Dr. Mao..."

Bai Guangjian came to Chen Xizhou and looked at the field with some worry.

Although everyone has seen the style of Attribute: Kong at the Alliance Celebration, it does look very powerful, but outsiders hardly know its specific combat power.

Both Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian are worried that something will go wrong.

It's better to hit someone in the face.

The Langqi Special District gave face and came all the way to Shancheng to participate in the Fifth District Conference. Shancheng can't lose face.

"Don't worry, even if we really lose, it's because we are not as good as them."

The battle between Dunjia and Attribute: Kong is about to begin.

The venue kept promoting this battle on the radio, and the repeated passionate language aroused everyone's interest, and they gathered around the venue.

"It's Yang Jun and his Donjia!"

"Who's on the other side?"

"I don't know, they should be outsiders."

"Where's that elf? Who knows him?"

"I have some impression, but..."

"Fuck, it can't be the square elf of the finale of the Alliance Celebration?"

"I checked it out!"

"It's really the finale attribute: empty!"

"Mom! I saw a living attribute: empty!"

"It's so damn handsome!"

"To be honest, do you really think attribute: empty is handsome?"

"I don't think so. I think the other side is just a little rare and can't beat our Donjia."

There are many Donjia living in the wilderness of Shancheng.

So Shancheng people like to regard Donjia as a unique elf in Shancheng.

This is the regionality of elves.

Listening to the comments of the onlookers,

the mood of this big man named Yang Jun went from being happy at the beginning, to falling to the bottom, and then taking off again.

At this time, he was full of confidence in his Donjia.

Isn't it attribute: empty?

"Are you ready, Dunjia? Let's gamble on the honor of our mountain city and defeat our opponent easily together!"

Yang Jun's words were recognized by Dunjia, and he responded with an elephant cry... (End of this chapter)

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