I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 373 Judging the Elves' Intelligence

"Everyone, be alert!"

Knowing that they were close to the area where wild elves were active, Guan Weizhong waved his hand to give a signal.

Seeing this, the young trainees and their elves all paid attention and became alert.

Is Icecrown Snowfield dangerous?

Most of the ice elves on Icecrown Snowfield have joined the development plan of Langqi Special Zone.

So, for this group of young trainees, the dangers they can encounter on Icecrown Snowfield are all kinds of dangers except for life-threatening dangers.

This is also the reason why the youth training camp can safely and boldly lead the young trainees to this unfamiliar environment.

Regarding the courses on Icecrown Snowfield,

the teaching goal of the youth training camp is to teach the young trainees how to navigate in the wild, survive in the wild, collect and prepare food in the wild, build temporary shelters in the wild and other survival skills in the wild.

If nothing unexpected happens,

the young trainees will live in this Icecrown Snowfield for more than three days without any psychological preparation.

In these courses, the most important content is how to deal with wild elves after encountering them.

"First, we need to determine the basic information about this wild Pokémon."

"Although there are many types of Pokémon, their distribution has a certain regionality."

Guan Weizhong emphasized: "So this information is probably already mastered in the usual knowledge accumulation, and there is a small probability that it will rely on everyone's excellent analytical ability to analyze it in a very short time."

"What does the so-called basic intelligence mean?"

Guan Weizhong continued: "The so-called basic intelligence refers to the attributes, attack methods, personality, and whether it is threatening of wild Pokémon."

"Understanding the attributes and attack methods can help everyone to provide certain help when dealing with each other. Personality and whether it is threatening can help everyone judge how to get along with each other."

"We are about to encounter the first wave of wild Pokémon."

Guan Weizhong looked at the people behind him: "So, who will be the first to try to determine the wild Pokémon?"

"I'll go first, Instructor Guan!"

Jiang Xiwu volunteered.

After the dramatic changes in the new calendar,

the large number of wild Pokémons gave the originally relatively safe profession of forest rangers new meaning and greater danger.

This girl with a distinctive personality dreams of inheriting the careers of her late grandfather, grandmother and mother and becoming a forest ranger as good as them.

The knowledge of this lesson is very important to her.


Gradually, the wind and snow became much weaker.

The team of young trainees continued to move forward for about 50 meters, and both sides could see each other clearly.

Ice Eevee recognized the clothes of the young trainees at the first time.

Having been notified in advance, it winked at the wives behind it, asking them to stay where they were and wait for it, and then jumped down to the front of everyone.

"Here I come!"

Guan Weizhong winked at Jiang Xiwu.

Jiang Xiwu stepped forward, looked at the Ice Eevee opposite, and looked at him carefully.

"It is definitely an ice-type Pokémon."

"It looks very similar to Eevee, and is most likely an evolved form of Eevee."

"It looks like a fox, not very big, and should be better at long-range special attack output than close-range attacks."

"It appears and disappears in the wind and snow, and it is likely to have a similar characteristic of increasing dodge rate in snowy weather."

"As for personality, its eyes are clear and bright, not violent, not suspicious, and it can stay safe if it leaves, or it can be properly contacted."

Jiang Xiwu quickly gave his own judgment.

Hearing this, Guan Weizhong couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

He was very satisfied with Jiang Xiwu's judgment,

especially the fourth item in the judgment, which was an aspect that he hadn't even thought of.

At this time, another Pokémon appeared next to Ice Eevee.

Guan Weizhong frowned, because the appearance of this Pokémon was not in the planned course process.

But it seems that the other party should know Ice Eevee.

I think there shouldn't be any problems, right?

Facing the unknown Pokémon in front of him, Guan Weizhong said to Jiang Xiwu: "You also judge this Pokémon."

"Although I don't know why it appears here, it looks like a grass-type Pokémon."

"There is a high probability that there is a second attribute. My guess is that it is evil."

"It looks like an Iberian lynx, with a moderate body size, a human-like body and claws. It is likely to be good at close combat, but given that it is a grass-type, its special attack output and interference should not be weak."

"It is impossible to judge its characteristics."

"In terms of personality, its eyes are contemptuous and its personality is arrogant. It is recommended not to contact it easily."

Jiang Xiwu looked at Guan Weizhong, waiting for his comments.

"The instructor doesn't know this Pokémon either, but his judgment of it is similar to yours."

Guan Weizhong said: "If the opponent has an evil attribute, I think he can add stubbornness in his personality, and it's not that he shouldn't contact it easily, but he should stay away from it as much as possible."

Magic Masked Cat couldn't stand being said like this, and he was unhappy on the spot.

"Meow meow!"

The Magic Masked Cat leaped into the air, a green energy flashed past, and a leaf hit it in the face.

It wanted to teach this hateful man a lesson!


Guai Li in the guard rushed forward in time, crossing his two arms to block the leaves while the other two hands hit the Magic Masked Cat.

Guai Li's fist was like a hammer that had been tempered a thousand times, and every swing was accompanied by a deafening roar.

The Magical Mask Cat didn't dare to approach easily, so it turned around lightly and used the strength of its strange arms to do a backflip to widen the distance between it and the muscular man.

The strange power is unforgiving.

Its fists were like flying steel projectiles, constantly bombarding Magic Mask Meow.

The Magic Mask Cat is like a snow leopard in the mountains, nimbly dodging every attack from strange forces. Its body shuttles through the wind and snow, left and right, forward and back, like a phantom.

Every dodge of the Magic Mask Cat is like a carefully choreographed dance, and its light steps seem to jump between the notes.

And Guai Li's powerful fist was like a low drum beat in the rhythm.

The battle lasted for some time, with no substantial damage done to either side.

Magic Mask Meow took the lead in changing tactics.

Its dreamy face seems to hide thousands of expressions. Every time it blinks, ethereal flowers bloom around it, exuding an alluring fragrance.

In the blink of an eye, flowers exploded around Guai Li.

After several rounds of attacks, Guai Li was obviously tired.

Each of its attacks began to become sluggish, but the opponent was still as agile as in the first battle.

Just when Wei Li threw his last punch and the strength was obviously weakened, Magic Mask Meow finally launched his final counterattack.

Magic Mask Cat cleverly used the grass as a cover to rush out from the blind spot of Wei Li's sight. Luo Ying colorfully struck Wei Li's vital part with precision.

Wei Li fell heavily to the ground.

Just when Magic Mask Cat was still trying to clean up the guards, two elves were dispatched at the same time.

Ice Eevee instantly made ice cubes and quickly threw them at the Magic Mask Meow that was about to approach the guard, trying to stop it.

Circle Bear rushed out from behind the guard and hit Magical Masked Meow hard with a long-charged arm hammer.

Emergency moment,

Magical Mask Meow relied on his unique waist to twist his body and barely avoid the attacks from both sides.

The boulder did not hit Magical Mask, and the arm hammer also missed the target.

"Meow meow?!"

The Magic Mask Cat didn't care about the cracked pit around him, but looked in the direction of the boulders in a daze: Brother Bingyibu actually beat me for someone who said bad things about me?

After giving Guan Weizhong a cold look, Magic Mask Meow gently nodded himself and began to move in the direction of the snow ridge.

It's leaving this damn sad place.


Bingyibu showed an apologetic expression to Guan Wei, then turned around and chased in the direction of Magic Mask Meow.

If nothing unexpected happens,

What follows will be a plot of "it runs away, it chases, it can't fly".

"Look, there are three more elves following!"

In the exclamation, Sun Eevee, Moon Eevee and Ice Nine-Tails chased after them.

This time it's not just "it runs away, it chases, it can't fly", but it should be a "it runs away, it chases, they also chase, they all can't fly" plot.


He Yunxi and Ning Yuxi appeared in front of Guan Weizhong.

"There is actually one more!"

In addition to their respective elves, He Yunxi and Ning Yuxi were also accompanied by a dozen Eevee, two Ice Vulpix, and two unknown elves?

"Are these Ice Eevee's children?"

"So their parents can't take care of them for the time being. How many days do they need us to take care of them?"

"You didn't even leave any food for them?"

Facing a series of questions from Guan Wei, He Yunxi and Ning Yuxi looked at each other and nodded awkwardly.

They are also ashamed of Ice Eevee... (End of chapter)

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