I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 359: Xi Duolan with personality

Cleaning the battlefield is not a hassle.

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The Flame Queen Lizard B and its most elite Night Thief Salamander troops have all died.

The remaining Night Thief Salamanders seemed to have lost their backbone and had no consciousness of resistance at all. They either collapsed at the first touch and were easily captured, or were re-subdued by the Flame Queen Lizard A.

Of course, those Night Thieves Salamanders who were re-subdued by the Flame Queen Lizard A still couldn't avoid being put into the Poké Ball by the Haiyong Army.

No one is willing to screen these guys who have seen human blood, or who have never seen human blood but are just implicated.

Dean Taishi came over and said, "Head Wenren, some of our students took this opportunity to conquer some fire elves. What do you think should be done?"

Wenren Xuesong did not answer, but gave the choice to Chen Xizhou.

"All the Night Thief Salamanders will be handed over for unified treatment. As for the other fire elves..." Chen Xizhou thought for a moment and said, "As for the other fire elves, since they have the ability to subdue them, they belong to the students themselves."

Dean Taishi breathed a sigh of relief and expressed his gratitude to Chen Xizhou.

Wenren Xuesong reminded: "We must emphasize to the students that all the Night Thief Salamanders must be handed over, no one will be left behind!"

"Yes, I will definitely remind them."

As he said that, Dean Taishi clapped away and wanted to tell the young trainees the good news.

the other side.

The law enforcement police team also began the final cleaning work.

Faced with the enemy's large-scale rout and flight, the task of the law enforcement police and law enforcement elves was particularly heavy.

The good news is that such tasks are just onerous, not urgent.

Therefore, law enforcement police can take this opportunity to cultivate a tacit understanding with law enforcement elves, exercise their command abilities, and be fully prepared for future law enforcement work.

Youyun's charge continues.

Even during the previous battle between Sidoran and the Flame Goldfish, he did not let the Circle Bears and the others stop.

After learning that the Flame Queen Lizard B was dead, You Yun kept venting his anger on the remaining Night Thief Salamanders on the battlefield. His idea was not to take any prisoners, not to leave any behind!

The circle bears and hyperkinetic apes launched a frantic attack on the night thieves salamanders.

However, due to their strength, they are temporarily unable to defeat the enemy with one move like attribute: empty, so the battle scene is extremely uncomfortable.

Flame Queen Lizard A couldn't bear to see such a tragic situation, so he brought his servants to try to stop You Yun and his elves.

He never expected to be seriously injured by Attribute: Sora. Fortunately, Slow King and Bone Patterned Crocodile attacked at the same time, and they were able to barely stop Attribute: Sora's final blow.

Chen Xizhou saw all this.

City Trainer was an idea he had recently.

This concept originated from City Heroes and aims to select the most representative urban trainer in a city.

In addition to having strong combat effectiveness, urban trainers also need to have a lot of qualities such as bravery, selflessness, sacrifice, dedication, honesty and trustworthiness, integrity, etc.

The idea of ​​revenge for the whole family and Youjia Village is correct, but the current Youyun is indeed no longer suitable to be an urban trainer.

It can only be turned behind the scenes.

"District Chief Chen!"

Lin Yong hurried over and handed over the thing in his hand: "This piece of Magatama was found by the soldiers at the place where the two fire elves fought."

This is a piece of purple magatama, which makes people feel uncomfortable just looking at it.

Moreover, Chen Xizhou felt that the shape of the magatama was inexplicably familiar. It seemed to be very similar to the magatama that was turning crazily on the eyes of the flame goldfish before.

[Jealous Magatama: Magatama, which has caused countless struggles, gathers jealousy and is a treasure of disaster. 】

This flaming goldfish is indeed related to the treasure of disaster.

However, regarding the specific content of this jealous magatama, Chen Xizhou felt that he still had to find someone who really understood it to ask.

"Grandpa, let's go see Xi Dolanen?"

Wenren Xuesong was also attracted by the jealous magatama in Chen Xizhou's hand, and immediately said that he would go see it. He was also very curious about this fire steel beast in the lava.

The combination of fire and steel is not afraid of the steel being melted by the lava, right?

Not to mention, Xiduolan himself is actually quite afraid of high-temperature lava.

In the introduction of the entry, although little elves like Sidorane have a hard steel body, they melt little by little due to the high temperature they emit.

As for why it wasn't really melted, it's because Sidorane has excellent fire control and cooling abilities.

On the way back from the volcanic zone to the volcanic cave, Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong took help from the leader of the tropical dragon.

Returning to the volcano cave, Chen Xizhou directly canceled the Tropical Dragon leader's elf ball: "Chief, I have asked people to prepare a large amount of food at the nearby youth training camp playground. You can go and eat with the tribe."

"hold head high--"

The leader of the Tropical Dragon understood that today's mission was completed, so he responded and flew in the direction of the tribe.

Wenren Xuesong, who experienced flying again, showed great interest in little elves like tropical dragons: "These tropical dragons haven't joined the Langqi Special Zone yet, right?"

Chen Xizhou replied: "No, but I thought it would come soon."

The Tropical Dragon Clan has been kind to humans from the beginning, and after many contacts between the two parties, their favorability towards humans has doubled.

Chen Xizhou believes that as long as he works harder, it will be a matter of course for the Tropical Dragon Clan to join the Langqi Special Zone.

"Then it's still a wild elf."

Wenren Xuesong smiled and said, "You don't mind if Grandpa subdues a tropical dragon, do you?"

"How could that be? Grandpa, just subdue it." Chen Xizhou also laughed, "But I suggest that you just tell them directly that you want to subdue them."

"Is it that easy?"

"In fact, as long as you can understand the thoughts and needs of the elves, it is still very easy to subdue them."

Chen Xizhou added, "The tropical dragons are gentle and have amazing endurance. They are very good sky riding elves. The only disadvantage is that they are not very fertile."

If the tropical dragons have enough fertility, they can add a new mode of transportation to the elf station.

Isn't this more convenient than a helicopter?

"Let's go, let's go in."

Chen Xizhou released the silver companion war beast again, and Wenren Xuesong went to the underground magma pool together.

I think Xiduolan should have gone back.

After the silver companion war beast and the mount goat traveled a long way, Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong finally arrived at their destination-the underground magma pool.

Just as Chen Xizhou expected, Xiduolan had returned to the rock platform in the center of the magma pool.

What is Xiduolan doing?

Xiduolan was staring at the three magatama in front of him, pacing back and forth in a bit of a panic.

This big guy looked very irritable, and he didn't even notice that Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong had broken in. It wasn't until Chen Xizhou coughed that he jumped in fright.

Even though this scene was really funny, Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong didn't dare to laugh.

Chen Xizhou knew that this Xiduolan had a bad temper, and Wenren Xuesong was out of respect for the legendary elf.

In short, it was a bit uncomfortable.

However, Xiduolan still had no time to pay attention to Chen Xizhou and the others, and he was still pacing in the same place. He didn't even have the energy to take care of the lava heart that he had always protected under his body.

It can be seen that Xiduolan was really irritable.

The reason is probably from the three magatama placed in front of him.

"Xiduolan, are you looking for this?"

Chen Xizhou waved the jealousy magatama in his hand, trying to let Xiduolan on the rock platform see more clearly.

The appearance of the jealousy magatama immediately attracted Xiduolan's attention.

Although it is difficult to see the other party's expression, it can be guessed from the rare grin that this guy should be relaxed a lot.

"Human, give it to me."

Xiduolan was not polite, even if there was a silver companion war beast here.

The previous battle with the ancient jade fish in the volcanic area was because it tied up a large amount of the original power of the ancient jade fish, that is, jealousy, which allowed the silver companion war beast to pick up a loophole and disperse the flame goldfish phantom.

Although it seems that the silver companion war beast is all responsible, the actual situation is that Xiduolan's contribution is greater.

This is why Xiduolan has three pieces of jealousy magatama in his hand, while Lin Yong only picked up one piece of jealousy magatama from the battlefield.

Chen Xizhou did not refuse.

After throwing the jealousy magatama into the air, he let Xiduolan's flame take the jealousy magatama back to the rock platform.

It was not until the four magatama were neatly placed together that Xiduolann breathed a sigh of relief, put the lava heart back under him and lay down.

He stared at the four magatama while hatching the lava heart.

As for Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong who were standing in the distance and waiting eagerly, Xiduolann did not even look at them, let alone say anything.

Is he so unique?


Chen Xizhou was about to say something, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Xiduolann, who had already closed his eyes, didn't even open his eyelids once, obviously ordering the two to leave.

It is very likely that he didn't personally drive them away because he had accepted Chen Xizhou's jealous magatama.

Wenren Xuesong noticed Xiduolann's attitude, shook his head at Chen Xizhou, and after exchanging glances, decided to return to the volcanic cave.

On the way back, Wenren Xuesong suggested looking for Regirock.

Since Xiduolann knew the magatama and took it for himself, Regirock, who is also a legendary elf, is likely to know the jealous magatama.

Although there is no real object, there is a photo, so it should be easy to identify.

When the two successfully returned to the first floor of the volcanic cave, Wenren Xuesong's secretary was already waiting there with the printed photos. (End of this chapter)

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