I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 353: Introduction to Forgotten Characteristics

What Wenren Xuesong said was exactly what Chen Xizhou thought.

There is a saying called "The Four Irons of Life".

These four irons are carrying guns together, studying together, sharing spoils together, and visiting prostitutes together. These relationships represent very close and trusting connections between people.

This way of enhancing feelings has the same effect on elves with simpler emotions.

Let the soldiers of the Sea Warrior Army contact the Blue Toad earlier, confirm the cooperative relationship between the two sides first, and then experience a joint battle in the next war.

In this way, this Sea Warrior Army will be officially formed.

"Head of State Wenren, what should we do next? Should we let the soldiers contact freely, or should we assign them by 80454441?" Lin Yong asked.

Wenren Xuesong glanced at Lin Yong and replied, "Let the Blue Toad choose."

This is the decision made by Wenren Xuesong and Chen Xizhou after careful consideration and detailed discussion.

Obedience is the duty of a soldier.

Even if they join the elf unit Sea Warrior Army, the soldiers are still regular soldiers and must obey the orders of their superiors unconditionally.

Blue Toads are different.

As a powerful force with independent consciousness, only when they are willing to cooperate, as trainers, can the Sea Warriors soldiers bring out the powerful strength of Blue Toads.

So for now, the initiative is in the hands of Blue Toads.

Only after the two sides formally reach a cooperative relationship between trainers and Pokémons, will this initiative belong to the trainers.

"I understand."

Lin Yong responded, and then looked at the Sea Warriors.

"At ease!"

"Stand at attention!"

"Next, please invite President Wenren to speak for us, everyone applaud!"

As Lin Yong said this, he applauded first, and the Sea Warriors soldiers also followed with warm applause.

Wenren Xuesong said loudly: "There is nothing much to say, I won't waste everyone's time, the next time will be handed over to District Chief Chen Xizhou and his Pokémons."

At the signal of Wenren Xuesong, Chen Xizhou stepped forward.

Looking at the neat and energetic Sea Warriors in front of him, Chen Xizhou couldn't help but have the idea of ​​forming his own Pokémon army.

Of course, it's just a thought.

Born in the spring breeze and raised under the red flag, if you really do this, you might be rebelling.

"Warriors, the number of blue toads we have prepared exceeds 600. This means that every soldier will be selected by at least one blue toad, so you don't have to worry about not being able to allocate elves,"

Chen Xizhou emphasized: "Relax and let the blue toads make their own choices."

Chen Xizhou nodded to Lin Yong, and walked towards the leader of the Toad King, ready to start the next pairing session.

Lin Yong said to the soldiers again: "Those who are selected, bring their elves to line up in front of me again, don't be the peach blossom of your own brothers!"

Lin Yong glanced at the densely packed blue toads in the distance: "We are all rough men, it doesn't matter whether a woman is beautiful or not, as long as she can give birth and pass on the family line, the elves are the same. Although this blue toad is not handsome, its strength is absolutely beyond doubt!"

Lin Yong stared at the soldiers in front of him: "So, don't show me any disgusted expression!"

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one.

Lin Yong was worried that there might be some rookies, so he took precautions in advance.

Chen Xizhou also had a brief communication with the Toad King leader, who began to give orders to the blue toads.

Listen to the frog sounds.

The blue toads lay in their own small puddles, their eyes fixed on the Sea Warriors.

At the same time, the 500 Sea Warriors lined up in neat rows, waiting for the selection of the blue toads. They looked at the group of elves not far away, hoping to be selected as their trainers.

"Gu Gua!"

With the order of the Toad King leader, the blue toads drew blue arcs in the air.

To be honest, facing the "collective charge" of hundreds of elves, anyone who saw it would feel nervous and uneasy.

But this was a test.

Including Lin Yong, all the Sea Warriors exuded an immovable momentum, facing the blue toads, their eyes were only firm and unyielding.

Wenren Xuesong was very satisfied.

Soon, the blue toads that came to the front of the Sea Warriors slowed down their jumping frequency.

The blue toads began their own selection. They jumped from one warrior to another trainer, carefully observing each warrior with their bright blue eyes.

When they found a Sea Warrior that they liked, the blue toads would jump to the other side and lie down.

The Sea Warriors were also looking at the blue toads nervously. Although Chen Xizhou had seen through the bottom before, they were still worried whether they could be selected.

After all, they were born with romantic elves.

After selecting their Sea Warriors, some blue toads jumped directly on the other side to show their closeness.

Some Sea Warriors reacted and directly caught these thirty or forty kilograms of big guys. Some who didn't have time to react were directly knocked to the ground, but they also saved the other side.

The scene was a little chaotic for a while.

"Don't hang around in the same place if you are selected, come to my side and line up!"

Lin Yong's timely reminder easily solved these local chaos, and the Sea Warriors team restored the order at the beginning.

At this time.

The Toad King leader pulled Chen Xizhou: "Gu Gua, Gu Gu Gua?" (Is that person also going to choose a warrior of the elf?)

"He is the commander-in-chief of the Haiyong Army. Logically, he should also choose a blue toad?" Chen Xizhou was a little uncertain and turned to look at Wenren Xuesong beside him.

Wenren Xuesong replied: "As the commander-in-chief, Lin Yong should indeed choose a blue toad."

Chen Xizhou glanced at the Toad King leader, who nodded and then pointed to a Toad King with a red flower on his forehead behind him. That was his daughter.

"Gu Gua?" (Can it?)

Chen Xizhou still looked at Wenren Xuesong, and after getting the other party's affirmative answer, he also answered the Toad King leader affirmatively.


The Red Flower Toad King's face was happy, and he jumped suddenly, taking off from the spot like a cannonball, and shot straight at the unprepared Lin Yong.

The Water Blastoise and the Thorny Shell reacted in time.

Although they didn't know why, they knew that this hit would definitely hurt Lin Yong, so the two elves aimed at the air together, one fired a water gun and the other fired an ice cone.

Successfully hit!

The Red Flower Toad King had thick skin and flesh, and while resisting ice skills, it was also immune to water skills, so these two skills didn't cause much damage to it at all.

It even scratched its belly in the air.

At the critical moment, the Slow King pushed Lin Yong away with a teleportation, and then used a teleportation to leave the original place.


In an instant, a heavy object fell where Lin Yong was standing, causing a large amount of dust to rise.

When the dust settled, everyone could see clearly.

On the cracked ground, a Red Flower Toad King was staring at Lin Yong with tearful eyes, looking at him resentfully, as if blaming him for not catching him.

Looking at the huge deep pit in front of him that was cracked like a net, even the always cold-faced Lin Yong couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

If he was hit, he would have to go to see his aunt on the spot.

"Gu Gua!"

To express his dissatisfaction, the arrogant Red Flower Toad King sent a battle request to Lin Yong: I will not easily become your elf!

Lin Yong guessed what the other party meant.

If he could directly subdue a Toad King, it would play a huge role in commanding the Haiyong Army and improving his own combat power.

"I accept your battle request!"

Lin Yong directly sent out his trump card - Blastoise.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xizhou was stunned for a few seconds and looked at Wenren Xuesong in confusion: "Grandpa, didn't you tell Commander Lin Yong about the information of the Toad King family?"

"What information? Attributes and resistance?" Wenren Xuesong was puzzled, "I told him yesterday."

"I mean the characteristics, the characteristics of the elves."


"The characteristic of this Toad King is water storage."

"Isn't it a torrent?"

"No, it's water storage."

Chen Xizhou reacted at this time, it was really his own mistake.

The characteristics are the special abilities of each elf, which are classified by the system on the elf information panel.

When I introduced the Toad King family to Wenren Xuesong, in addition to introducing the attributes and resistance of the elves, I only introduced part of the content in the entry information, so I didn't mention the characteristics.

"When the elves with the water storage characteristic are attacked by water-attribute skills, they will not only not be hurt, but will also receive a certain amount of recovery..." (End of this chapter)

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