I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 351 Accident Waiver Agreement

“I still need to confirm it.

He Yunxi first said hello to Chen Xizhou sheepishly, and then waved to Ibrahimovic who was not far away.

It's not that this Eevee is not close to its trainer, but as an elf who grew up in the ice-crown snowfield, it really doesn't like environments like volcanic caves.

The same is the case with Kazilan’s big eyes. This Ibrahimovic’s big eyes are overall smaller than Ye Ibu’s.

The zigzag tail pattern indicates that this Eevee is a male.

"Is this a new Eevee?"

Chen Xizhou suddenly noticed that the Eevee looked at him with curiosity, apparently not recognizing him.

"Yeah." He Yunxi replied, "This Ibrahimovic is called Little S, and he is Little B's younger brother."

Little b is the Eevee that He Yunxi unexpectedly conquered earlier, Ning Yuxi's half-brother of the ice six-tailed dog, and little s is the half-brother of the ice six-tailed dog.

But Ibrahimovic is not with He Yunxi now.

Some time ago, when He Yunxi took Eevee b to visit relatives in Icecrown Snowfield, it was temporarily left in Icecrown Snowfield by her father to prepare for its upcoming evolution into Ice Eevee.

As a replacement combat force, Ibrahimovic asked his younger brother to go with He Yunxi.

In addition to Eevee S, there were five Eevee that wanted to go with He Yunxi at that time. However, He Yunxi chose the Eevee who was willing to evolve into Water Eevee after considering her actual situation.

"Little S, I have obtained the Water Stone. Are you sure you will evolve into a water elf?"


Ibrahimovic answered firmly.

Compared to the toughness and calmness of his father, Ice Eevee, Xiao S prefers the warm and energetic temperament of his mother, Water Eevee.

At this time, Ibrahimovic can clearly feel that in the evolution stone held in He Yunxi's hand, there is a long-awaited energy that is deeply attracting him.

It believes that as long as it gets close, it can evolve immediately.

When the soft pink paw pads touched the clear blue evolution stone, a ray of light followed the paws and instantly enveloped Eevee's little S.

This time the light of evolution is no longer dazzling white, but gives people a cool and advanced water wave blue.

Whether it is the original Eevee Y, that is, Ye Eevee, or the current Eevee S, the evolution of the two Eevee is very different from other elves.

If the evolution of other elves has a kind of magic and hope, then the evolution of Ibrahimovic has mystery and solemnity.

It makes people have to respect life.

After the light dissipated, the evolved Water Eevee appeared in front of the world for the first time.

What a fresh and natural elf this is!

The body of Water Eevee is light blue with dark blue stripes extending all the way to its tail.

【Water Eevee! 】

[Water Eevee: Bubble Fairy]

[Shui Ebu suddenly mutated and grew fins and gills, becoming able to live in the water and possessing the power to freely control water. 】

[Water Eevee lives by water and likes crystal clear waters. 】

[Water Eevee's cells are similar to water molecules and can blend with water to hide its own breath and lie motionless waiting for the arrival of its prey - the fish elf. 】

[If it feels that there is an enemy coming, Water Eevee will jump into the water and hide. When it swims with the fins remaining on its tail, it appears as if it is dissolved in the water and cannot be seen. 】

[Water Eevee senses the surrounding moisture through its fins. If it starts to tremble slightly, it will rain in a few hours. 】

Entry keywords: melt, water control


Shui Yibu shook the white scarf around his neck excitedly, and a large amount of cold water mist was shaken out, bringing a rare coolness to He Yunxi and the others.

"That's great!"

He Yunxi also hugged the water elf excitedly.

Compared with Eevee's form, although the one-meter-long Water Eevee is still unable to be ridden, it is enough to become He Yunxi's Aqua Barbie.

Who said that to become a law enforcement policeman who upholds justice, you can't have your own Aqua Blue Barbie?

"Director Fang, your elf?"

Facing Chen Xizhou's concern, Fang Ling smiled awkwardly: "Actually, I just discovered traces of this kind of elf, and the specific conquest has not yet officially begun."

"Oh? Where?" Chen Xizhou asked curiously.

"They will appear in large swaths on the beach in Youjia Village." Fang Ling replied.

"By the sea..." Chen Xizhou asked again, "So, the other party is an elf with a combination of water and insect attributes?"

"Not sure yet, but it's highly likely."

Fang Ling explained: "When I met them before, I found that some of them made insect noises, and some used water skills that I had never seen before, so I guessed that the other party was the elf I wanted."

"Can't you keep one or two?"

Since Duofang is the haunt of large blockbusters, it stands to reason that there should be lone tribesmen.

"There's no chance at all. This kind of water bug is very timid. Even if it makes the slightest sound, it will immediately run away, let alone getting close." Fang Ling replied with a wry smile.

"Have you seen the other party's evolved form?"


"If you have a chance, let me go and see it with you."

Chen Xizhou is now particularly interested in these extremely timid, weak and ugly elves in their initial form.

With the huge contrast between Gyarados and Menus in front of him, Chen Xizhou felt that this timid water bug was probably also a contrasting elf.

At this time, it was extremely lively outside the volcano cave.

Under the arrangement of the leader of the Toad King, the blue toads lined up one by one to dig pits at suitable locations, store water, and then jump into the pits with a "pop" sound.

When Chen Xizhou, Fang Ling and others came out, more than 600 blue toads had all been settled.

The purpose of releasing the blue toads in advance is to familiarize them with the volcanic environment as soon as possible and be fully prepared for tomorrow's war.


In addition to the Toad King clan, the Flame Queen Lizard A and its dozen or so Night Thief Salamander servants were also in place.

They are extremely sensitive to pheromones and will be responsible for leading the mixed army.

However, the Bone Patterned Loud Crocodile and the Slow Fire Crocodile clan did not come to join together. With their large numbers and short legs, they would need more time to cross the volcanic zone to reach them.

Therefore, in the plan, the Fire Crocodile family will be scattered in the volcanic area today to monitor the Flame Queen Lizard and Night Thief Salamander Lizard in advance.

"The rest will be left to you."

After everything was arranged, Chen Xizhou explained a few more words before rushing to the nearby youth training camp.

Office on the third floor of the youth training building.

Chen Xizhou was communicating with Tai Shihuan, who was in charge of the youth training camp, about You Yun's request for leave.

Tai Shihuan always had a kind smile on his face. He said to Chen Xizhou: "Of course there is no problem with asking for leave, but I also have something to do, little old man, and I want to trouble you, District Chief Chen."

"Dean Taishi is too polite, just say it." Chen Xizhou maintained respect for the old man.

"Is such that……"

On the central stage of the playground.

Chief Instructor Guan Weizhong glanced at the neatly lined up youth trainees underground: "Tomorrow, we will hold a field training."

Guan Weizhong's words caused a commotion among the youth trainees in the audience. The youth training camp had not even been held for ten days, but actual field training was conducted so soon.

You know, actual combat and actual combat in the field are completely different things.

But thinking about the first elimination test held two nights ago, this speed does not seem unacceptable.

Or is it another special test?

"I know some people are taking chances." Guan Weizhong paused, "But this is a real field battle, and even we can't guarantee your safety at all times."

He said solemnly: "Because even us instructors cannot guarantee our own safety."

As Guan Weizhong waved to the audience, a dozen instructors filed into the queue and distributed a piece of paper and a pen to each youth trainee.

"I'm not forcing you to sign it if you are willing to participate."

The youth trainees gasped when they saw the content on the paper. It turned out to be an accident exemption agreement, which is also the so-called life and death certificate.

"Youngest, do you think they are serious this time?" Feng Shifei whispered and looked behind him.

Seeing this agreement, even You Yun frowned at this moment.

If there were any similar training or testing at the youth academy, he would have been able to get wind of it in advance due to his connections, but this time there was not, which means it was a temporary decision.

So, what exactly happened?

"I don't know either." You Yun replied, "If you really don't have confidence in your own strength, you should not sign. I think there is a high probability that there will be no problem."

After all, with Chief Instructor Guan's straight-forward style, he said it was no problem, so it didn't matter if he really didn't sign.

This ambiguous answer made Feng Shifei roll his eyes.

"Forget it, I'll just sign it."

Feng Shifei wrote down his name with a swipe of his pen, but he immediately regretted it: "If there is really danger, you must protect me, maknae."


You Yun glanced at the other party with disgust: "You are really embarrassing me, my principal!"

"I do not believe."

Feng Shifei came close to You Yun and said mysteriously: "I have discovered a long time ago that you are hiding an elf. I guess it must be more powerful than the circle bear!"

"Look what you can do..."

You Yun subconsciously touched the elf ball on his waist. Is it possible that he really wants to use it this time?

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