I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 343 Discussion about the Toad King

Qi Zhensheng did not delay when he learned about the new project.

After arranging the things at hand, rush to the Elf Research Institute as quickly as possible.

At this time, Mao Rongrong was taking Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong to examine Carp King in Langqi Lake.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

Mao Rongrong used a net to fish out two king carp from the lake.

Carp King, who was still struggling at first, immediately calmed down after Mao Rongrong stuffed him with two mouthfuls of elf rations, and allowed Mao Rongrong to touch him.

"District Chief, Head of State, look at the difference between these two Magikarp."

Wenren Xuesong carefully compared the two Magikarp, and finally found some slight differences on their foreheads.

One of the Magikarp has two raised bumps on its head. Although it is not obvious, if you touch it carefully, you can clearly feel the presence of these two bumps.

The other Magikarp didn't have such a bulge on his head.

"Is this the difference between these two bulges?"

"Yes, Führer."

Mao Rongrong said: “At present, our research on King Carp’s bulge mainly has three directions.

"The first direction is the bulge itself. Through X-ray irradiation, we found that the bulge that resembles a dragon's horn is actually just a sarcoma-like substance and has no impact on King Carp's health for the time being."

"But the follow-up remains to be seen."

"The second direction is the impact of the bulge on Magikarp. This direction is mainly to compare all aspects with other Magikarp without bulge."

"Among them, the Magikarp with a bulging belly is superior to its peers in all aspects such as growth rate and physical fitness."

"The third direction is the trigger of the bulge. According to our observation, the two bulges will change with the mood swings of King Magikarp."

“Among them, when Magikarp is in a calm and gentle mood, the bulge has the smallest amplitude. When Magikarp is excited, the bulge will increase in amplitude as his mood changes. When Magikarp is angry, the bulge will expand in amplitude. It will reach the maximum value, as if it will crush the scalp of King Magikarp.”

"Taken together, our speculation on Magikarp's evolutionary conditions is Anger."


"Yes, anger!"

Mao Rongrong explained: "Although it has not been completely confirmed, this conclusion is based on the changes in the bulge and the temper of the evolved Gyarados."

"How to confirm?"

"Conquer the bulging Magikarp and then abandon them to trigger their angry emotions."

Mao Rongrong's opinion made Wenren Xuesong frown, and he asked: "Is this too extreme? And even if it can really promote the evolution of King Magikarp, will the evolved Gyarados be willing to obey the trainer's orders again? "

"There is no guarantee." Mao Rongrong explained with a smile, "So we also passed this method and prepared to take the second method."

"Oh? Tell me." Wenren Xuesong became interested.

"The first half remains the same, it's still about conquering the bulging King Carp. As for the second half..."

Mao Rongrong showed a mysterious smile: "We can put on a scene together and let the wild elves attack the trainer in front of the bulging King Carp, so as to arouse their anger."

"In addition to stimulating Magikarp's anger, it can also stimulate Magikarp's desire to protect the trainer. It is a method that kills two birds with one stone."

Wenren Xuesong thought about it carefully and approved Mao Rongrong's method on the spot.

Wenren Xuesong asked: "Dr. Xiaomao, how many bulging carp kings are there in Langqi Lake?"

This is a very important question, because if the number of bulging Carp King is insufficient, it will have an impact on the formation of the elf army. For the first time to form an army, Wenren Xuesong hopes to get it right in one step.

Mao Rongrong replied: "The group we are currently on good terms with has about three hundred bulging carp kings."

"More than three hundred...the number is still not enough."

"Actually, if you give me a month, I can get more than 500 bulging Magikarp."


Hearing this, Wenren Xuesong suddenly became interested and asked curiously: "Can the bulging Carp King be mass-produced through a special method?"

"Of course not, we haven't found a similar method yet." Mao Rongrong explained, "But we can capture them in Langqi Lake, Yanou River or even nearby sea areas."

Chen Xizhou nodded: "It is indeed a good idea. There is still a lot of water on Langqi Island. This matter is not difficult with the help of Gyarados."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you!"

What Wenren Xuesong didn't expect was that Chen Xizhou refused without hesitation.

Chen Xizhou said cleverly: "My contact time with the Gyarados family is far less than that of Dr. Mao. Coupled with my familiarity with the Bulge Carp King, I think Dr. Mao should be solely responsible for this matter."

"You, you..." Wenren Xuesong pointed at Chen Xizhou and cursed with a smile, then turned to Mao Rongrong: "Dr. Mao, I wonder if you have time to help me with this?"

Mao Rongrong knew that Chen Xizhou was helping him, so he immediately agreed.

On the way back to the city.

Chen Xizhou suddenly asked: "Grandpa, have you chosen your five hundred people?"

Wenren Xuesong replied with a hint of confusion: "I have already sent people to select them. It is expected that the confirmed list will be handed over to me tomorrow, and the assembly will be completed the day after tomorrow."

"Do you have any ideas?"

"It takes a certain amount of time to cultivate Carp King. I still have some regional elves on hand, which is good." Chen Xizhou smiled slightly, "My idea is, why not take a two-pronged approach and let the elf army cultivate one more elf?"

Wenren Xuesong thought about it carefully and said to Chen Xizhou: "If that's the case, it's not impossible, but the new elves have certain requirements in terms of immediate combat power."

King Magikarp is known as "the weakest elf in the world", so the newly formed elf army had a problem of having no combat effectiveness in the early stages.

"You can rest assured that the elf I chose still has a certain level of immediate combat power."

Wenren Xuesong seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Chen Xizhou and suddenly asked: "You little guy, do you have any ideas that you haven't told grandpa?"

"Recently I will launch a war against wild elves and send a large number of district subordinates to fight. I think this can help everyone get to know each other and get familiar with each other." Chen Xizhou expressed his thoughts.

"A war against wild elves? This is the first war we have waged relying on elves."

Wenren Xuesong asked seriously: "Are you sure?"

"They are a group of elves with a combination of fire and poison attributes. I will shoot the elves with water and ground attributes. If the Kong clan takes action, it will be easy to take them down."

Attribute: The Kong clan is overwhelming, unless legendary elves like Reggie Rock take action, there won’t be any surprises

Wenren Xuesong asked again: "Is it because of the incident in Youjiacun?"

When talking about Youjia Village, Chen Xizhou's face darkened: "That's it, we have found clues about the group of wild elves that attacked Youjia Village. Although it has not been finally confirmed, it is already close to ten."

Chen Xizhou spoke again: "Speaking of this, I also asked grandpa to help me give you a leave request note. I want to help You Yun ask for a few days off."

Wenren Xuesong agreed directly.

"If nothing happens, take me to see this second elven group."

"We're leaving now."

On the way to Poseidon Village, Chen Xizhou introduced the Toad King in detail to Wenren Xuesong.

"This is a good combination of attributes."

"It's really good, and it can also complement Gyarados."

Chen Xizhou explained: "Gyarados is an elf of the water and flying types. It is very disadvantaged when encountering elf of the electric and rock types, especially the electric type. And the Toad King is an elf of the water and ground types. Although he is afraid of Grass type, but resists rock type, and electric type is even more ineffective..."

"And the grass-type elf was restrained by Gyarados." Wenren Xuesong added the last sentence for Chen Xizhou.

"That's right." Chen Xizhou nodded and replied, "So although the two have the same water attribute, they are completely complementary in terms of resistance."

"According to what you say, Toad King is indeed very good."

Wenren Xuesong asked: "What about combat power? This is also very important."

"The initial form of the Toad King is a round tadpole. Although it has little combat effectiveness, it is still slightly stronger than the Carp King." Chen Xizhou paused and then said, "And the second form I chose for the army is the blue toad."

"Blue toad?"

"Although the Blue Toad is not as powerful as the finally evolved Toad King, its combat effectiveness is still very good."

Chen Xizhou added: "The most important thing is that they have good auxiliary skills and recovery skills, and have a gentle personality..." (End of Chapter)

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