I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 318 Communication in the wilderness of Nanyan

Nanyan wilderness.

In the bleak autumn wind.

The sun cast a golden thread on the slightly dry grass, shining on the milky yellow mane of the Caterpillar, as if adding a layer of light to it.

The Caterpillar sometimes ran and sometimes stopped, it seemed to be looking for something, and after finding it, it continued to run happily.

At this time, a gray rabbit suddenly jumped out.

The Caterpillar immediately stopped and looked up to observe its direction, while the gray rabbit leaned in the grass, as if waiting for the puppy to arrive.

Riding on the Silver Companion War Beast, Chen Xizhou looked down from a high place, and naturally saw the rabbit elf clearly.

Like the hare, this rabbit elf has a pair of bright big eyes and iconic big front teeth. Gray hair occupies most of the body, and brown lines are distributed on the ears, hind legs and neck.

It also has large ears that are comparable to the body. The ears are forked from the tail end, and from a distance it looks like a huge arm with three fingers.

[Digging Rabbit! 】

【Digger Rabbit: Digging Elf】

【Digger Rabbit is good at digging holes with its ears. It will use its big ears to dig holes in the ground to make nests. It can dig continuously all night without rest. It can dig a nest as deep as 10 meters underground in just one night. 】

【Digger Rabbit has shovel-like ears. The ears trained by digging holes are so powerful that they can cut thick tree roots. 】

【Digger Rabbit is very sensitive to danger. As long as it hears the sound of bird elves flapping their wings, it will immediately dig a hole and hide underground. 】

Keywords of the entry: digging holes, big ears, alert

Realizing the existence of Digger Rabbit, Caterpie was excited and nervous at this time, as if thinking about how to catch Digger Rabbit.

Caterpie quietly approached Digger Rabbit and gradually narrowed the distance. When it thought that Digger Rabbit was no longer on guard, it jumped up and pounced on Digger Rabbit.

However, Digger Rabbit was not only alert, but also very sensitive.

Caterpie, who pounced empty-handed, could only watch Digger Rabbit speed up and gradually disappear into the grass.

The Caterpillar, who had not caught the "prey", ran forward again and continued to entertain himself in this vast and beautiful wilderness.

After talking to the King of Dai Dai, Chen Xizhou finally recovered. Looking at the carefree look of Caterpillar, a warm smile returned to his face again: "Let's catch up quickly, otherwise Caterpillar will run away in a while."

Chen Xizhou and his party continued to move towards the city.

In this Nanyan wilderness, there is a wide and long river winding. This is the Dayan River that eventually merges into the Yanou River.

The clear water of the Dayan River keeps flowing, and the gentle ripples spread along the riverside. The riverside is densely covered with vegetation, lush grass, and colorful flowers.

On the other side of the river is a manor that has begun construction, full of vitality and busyness.

The workers, wearing work clothes, shuttled back and forth in the manor, busy all the time. The buildings and equipment blurred into one, and the unshakable machines made loud noises that spread throughout the riverside.

There are many buildings with prototypes in the manor. The garden, back garden, pool and fountain at the gate have been built first, and various aquatic plants have just been planted.

The atmosphere of the whole manor is very warm and noisy.

On the bank of Dayan River not far away, several cargo ships flow by, loaded with various building materials.

When Chen Xizhou and his party approached the construction site, a familiar figure was walking back and forth. Although he did not do anything, he seemed very busy.

He is Comrade Xiao Wang.

"Everyone should be more serious and work harder. The salary will not be reduced, and there will be bonuses for completion." Comrade Xiao Wang kept shouting, "In addition, I will give everyone extra meals tonight!"

Although these words sounded a bit like pie in the sky, everyone present was willing to believe in Comrade Xiao Wang's character.

Because he is not short of money at all!

"I didn't expect that Mr. Xiao Wang was so fast, and even the framework was built." Chen Xizhou walked around the periphery, "Let's go, let's go in and take a look."

As he spoke, Caterpie had already broken into the construction site.

"Woof woof woof!"

"Woo? Woo--!"

The sudden intrusion of the Growlithe surprised the Fire Fox, who was entertaining himself in the corner, so he curiously approached it and wanted to play with the Growlithe.

Seeing this, the Growlithe immediately approached and chased the Fire Fox.

Since refusing to use the Fire Stone to evolve, the Growlithe has become more and more cheerful, more and more lively, and more and more releasing its nature.

Chen Xizhou is encouraging of such changes.

Seeing that it was a familiar Growlithe who broke in, Comrade Xiao Wang was surprised and very happy at the same time.

He immediately turned his head to look for it, and saw Chen Xizhou walking towards him at a glance.

Comrade Xiao Wang happily greeted him: "District Head, how come you have time to play in the wilderness today? You didn't even notify me when you came, so that I could call some beauties to have a party!"

"Can we have a party here?"

Chen Xizhou, who was not familiar with this, looked around and couldn't find a suitable place.

Comrade Xiao Wang was unhappy when he heard this. He retorted to Chen Xizhou: "That's for sure! As long as I want to have a party, anywhere can be the venue."

Comrade Xiao Wang can tolerate being questioned in any other aspect, but as the "national husband", he will never allow himself to be questioned about having a party.

Speaking of having a party, Chen Xizhou suddenly remembered something.

In addition to owning a club, Comrade Xiao Wang also has a live broadcast platform with many female anchors.

He looked at Comrade Xiao Wang, who was still a little indignant in front of him: "Boss Xiao Wang, do you have any professionals who are good at training song and dance troupes?"

"Yes! Of course!"

Comrade Xiao Wang approached Chen Xizhou and asked in a low voice: "Is the district chief asking for it seriously or not seriously?

Before Chen Xizhou answered, Comrade Xiao Wang continued to ask: If it is not a serious request, are there any requirements for the quantity? What time and place? Do you want someone from an external alliance? Big foreign horse or little geisha..."

Big foreign horse? Little geisha?

Chen Xizhou seemed to have some distorted thoughts, but he didn't know if what Comrade Xiao Wang expressed was as distorted as he thought?

Seeing that Comrade Xiao Wang's expression was gradually becoming obscene, Chen Xizhou coughed and interrupted him: "I'm talking about the serious thing. We are discussing an elf project now."

"Elf project!"

Comrade Xiao Wang was still complaining about his kindness being rejected. After hearing what Chen Xizhou said, he immediately jumped up and looked at Chen Xizhou in surprise with wide eyes.

What on earth is this "national husband" that he is so favored by the district chief?

The previous Elf Club has not been officially established yet, and now there is a new Elf project. It is simply too partial to me!

It is really worthy of me...

Although he has gotten rid of the vulgarity, Comrade Xiao Wang's expression has gradually become evil again.


"Ah? Oh! District chief, you are talking, I am listening."

Comrade Xiao Wang, who had just woken up from a dream, was a little flustered. Seeing Chen Xizhou reminding him, he immediately straightened his attitude and acted like a primary school student.

"Do you know the youth training camp?"

"Yes, the one held at the new volcano."

"Then do you know the youth training competition that will be held in a month?"

"Of course I know, our Wanda Group has also received three tickets." Comrade Xiao Wang said a little embarrassed, "Originally, Lao Wang wanted to give me one, but I thought that I am also a Langqi person now, and I can get in by chance, so I refused."

Comrade Xiao Wang's words were actually not wrong, because he already had a Langqi household registration.

The Alliance Headquarters issued a household registration policy in July: All trainers registered at the local Pokémon Center can automatically obtain local household registration.

Therefore, Comrade Xiao Wang is already a Langqi person in the true sense.

"You can do this." Chen Xizhou nodded, "I have prepared a separate stand for everyone. When the time comes, locals with Langqi household registration can get the qualification to watch the game for free."

The purpose of doing this is to attract population inflow.

Regarding the cause and effect of this privilege, Chen Xizhou reported it to the Pokémon Reform and Development Office in full and obtained approval.

"I want to organize a Pokémon song and dance troupe at the Youth Training Competition." Chen Xizhou looked at Comrade Xiao Wang, "How about it, do you have the confidence to help me complete this project alone."

Chen Xizhou originally thought that Comrade Xiao Wang would agree readily, but he didn't expect that the other party would hesitate.

Comrade Xiao Wang did hesitate. Although he wanted to get involved in this matter, he was not sure whether he could complete it because the time was too short, and he was really in the dark about this Pokémon song and dance troupe.

After Comrade Xiao Wang expressed his concerns, Chen Xizhou couldn't help laughing and was quite satisfied with him.

Being self-aware is never easy...

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