I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 315 Visiting the Fruit Seed Park

Harvesting has already begun in the tree fruit plantations.

On the fruit trees, flying mantises were flying among the branches. They fluttered their wings, then accurately flew to the branches, and skillfully harvested the fruits with sickles.

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Fruit farmers are busy around the fruit trees, directing the picking work of the flying mantises and catching the fallen fruits from the trees.

They work closely with these flying mantises and have a tacit understanding, so that they do not affect the fruit yield and prevent any flying mantis from doing useless work.

Such a harmonious scene makes people marvel at the deep connection between humans and elves.

Chen Xizhou met Lin Renda, the head of Guangming Village whom he had not seen for a long time. This old comrade also served as the captain of the fruit production team. Although he was not young, he was very energetic and efficient in his work.

The moment he saw Chen Xizhou, Lin Renda quickly put down what he was doing and trotted up to Chen Xizhou. His spotted face revealed a row of burnt-yellow teeth, which he had smoked for a long time.

"District Chief, are you here to inspect the work?" The old comrade showed great respect.

Enjoying the immediate benefits brought by Chen Xizhou, the entire Shuguo production team is grateful to Chen Xizhou.

After chatting with Lin Renda for a while, Lin Renda said: "District Chief, in the past few days, people from other cities have come to ask us if we can sell some fruit to them."

Lin Renda looked a little embarrassed.

At present, all the fruits from the tree fruit plantation are supplied to the Elf Ration Processing Factory. While the other party takes all the fruits, the price is naturally not as high as the price offered by outsiders.

"Village Chief Lin, what do you think?"

Chen Xizhou looked at the busy scene in front of him, with no emotion on his face.

Of course Lin Renda understands the importance of having a stable downstream, but he can't stand the fact that some people in the production team have other ideas.

"They are so unsatisfied!"

Lin Renda showed an expression of hatred, and he was obviously not satisfied with these people. In addition to being dissatisfied, he was also explaining his position to Chen Xizhou.

“What is the current yield and profit of tree fruit plantations?”

Although Chen Xizhou only mentioned the issue temporarily, it was something that Lin Renda attached great importance to.

He solemnly took out a small yellowed book, dipped his finger in some saliva and began to read it carefully. After briefly browsing it, he reported to Chen Xizhou:

"Currently, there are 36,000 fruit trees in the fruit plantation. Based on the average output of 80 fruits per fruit tree, the number of fruits in a season is close to 3 million. After taking into account various costs, we can earn 5 alliances per fruit. coins, each of the twelve natural villages can earn 1.25 million alliance coins.”

"This is one season's profit." Lin Renda added, "Under normal circumstances, we can harvest four seasons a year, which is a net profit of 5 million alliance coins."

This is an income that the villagers in the production team could not even imagine before.

In fact, after excluding costs such as labor and chemical fertilizers, the profit of most tree fruits does not reach less than 5 Union coins, but the profits of cones cannot be compared to the concept of "the per capita income of the world's richest man and I".

"If there is no problem, then expand the planting of fruit trees." After thinking for a while, Chen Xizhou expressed his thoughts.

This idea was not Chen Xizhou’s whim.

For a long time in the future, tree fruits will be in a seller's market where supply exceeds demand. If everything in the production team and plantations is on track, we can indeed start to increase the planting area and expand tree fruit production.

Chen Xizhou looked at Principal Lan: "How many seeds can the institute prepare this time?"

Regarding Chen Xizhou's question, Principal Lan, who was well prepared, replied: "In addition to some exchanges with the Kyoto Institute of Botany during this period, we have also stored tens of thousands of seeds of various types. If germination is carried out, I expect it will be more than Twice as much as the first time.”

It was twice as many as the first time, that is, 72,000 seeds. Chen Xizhou was very satisfied with this number.

The number of tens of thousands of seeds seems to be a lot, but not to mention meeting the needs of the entire league, even meeting the needs of Fujian Province is a drop in the bucket and is not worth mentioning at all.

"Then start germination and try to plant them all before November." Chen Xizhou said.

If the planting is completed before November, the growth cycle of the second batch of fruit trees will be the same as the first batch, which can save fruit farmers a lot of time and energy.

"Back in the laboratory, I will make arrangements immediately." Principal Lan replied.

After visiting the tree fruit plantation, Chen Xizhou and Principal Lan went to the tree fruit research park.

The construction of the P3 laboratory was completed in July this year, and all research equipment was in place. The elf plant research team also officially moved into the laboratory at that time.

It's said to be a laboratory, but it's actually a research institute.

This P3 laboratory, called the Elf Plant Research Institute, is dedicated to the study of elven plants and grass-type elves.

Speaking of which, this is Chen Xizhou's first time entering this research institute.

This building, located among a large fruit forest, is unique in every aspect.

The entire building has a fan-shaped leaf shape, which looks very much like a giant ginkgo leaf. The exterior wall of the building is made of pieces of transparent round glass. From a distance, it looks like a transparent glass tower. Room.

The first thing you see when you enter the institute is a huge plant exhibition area.

From stairs to aquariums, from tree trunks to air purifiers, every exhibit can bring a natural green feeling to people, as if the entire exhibition area has transformed into a microcosm of the natural world.

According to Principal Lan, the plants in the exhibition area are basically fairy plants.

Everyone in the research team either used their mobile phones, contributed their own collections, or exchanged tree fruit seeds, which led to the current scale.

Of course, there are still many vacant stands in the exhibition area, and the collection of fairy plants continues.

Under the leadership of Principal Lan, Chen Xizhou visited this exhibition area.

The walls around the exhibition area are covered with photos and specimens of various fairy plants.

These specimens contain various parts of elven plants, such as fruits, leaves, and flowers. Detailed introductions are also attached next to the specimens, allowing visitors to have a deeper understanding of the characteristics, uses and planting methods of each elf plant.

In addition, there are some latest research results and scientific knowledge about plants.

The physical planting area is in a glass room. There are many shelves set up here. The shelves are filled with potted plants and test stands. Various fairy plants are planted on them. Some bloom and bear fruit, and some have lush leaves. The area comes alive.

The humidifier beside the table emits just the right amount of water vapor to moisturize each elf plant.

After visiting the full film exhibition area, Chen Xizhou couldn't help but sigh.

The original intention of setting up the elf plant research team was to better plant fruit trees and contribute to the economic development of Langqi Town. Unexpectedly, the results exceeded his imagination.

In addition to the exhibition area, there are a large number of equipment and laboratories used for studying elf plants in the institute, such as photosynthesis research experimental equipment, elf plant tissue growth laboratory, etc.

The scientific layout and advanced equipment of these equipment and laboratories are sufficient to support researchers in conducting their own research.

"Our current direction is very clear, which is to focus on studying the uses of elf plants."

Principal Lan seemed quite proud. For him, who was already the principal of a university, his original choice was like a gamble, but now it has been proven that his choice was not wrong.

"It's like a solution." Principal Lan said, "Our first phase of research focused on biological solutions for pest control. Now we have achieved effective results. This Class A solution is enough to keep insect elves away from fertilized plants. plant."

"This is true whether it is a natural plant or an elven plant." Principal Lan added.

Chen Xizhou knew about this result.

Elf Industry Group has currently established a new subsidiary, mainly used to operate this Class A solution, as well as more related products or derivatives in the future.

Principal Lan took Chen Xizhou to visit his laboratory.

The laboratory is filled with various equipment, and the instruments are arranged in an orderly manner. On one side are stacks of shelves filled with test tubes and reagent bottles, each tube arranged in a certain order.

The white walls are covered with photos of plants and monitoring data, making the entire laboratory look extremely busy.

When Principal Lan was about to continue saying something, one of his students trotted over, with excitement shining under his glasses and his hands clenched, as if he was up to something good.

"This is my close disciple Jiang Qiu Ming."

Principal Lan first introduced Jiang Qiuming to Chen Xizhou, then looked at him and asked curiously: "Is there something good going on, Xiao Jiang?" (End of Chapter)

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