I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 313: Unexpected Defeat of Instructor Guan

Except for Zhang Shida who was stunned, everyone was attracted by Feng Shifei's words.

Guan Weizhong ignored Zhang Shida, who was trapped in self-doubt, and looked at You Yun who was pushed out by Feng Shifei with interest.

He knew You Yun. This young man was ranked number one in actual combat at the current youth training camp.

"Come up and practice?"

You Yun was slightly startled when he was pointed out, and then he said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, instructor Guan, the person who just invited me to fight was not me, so..."

"Louder! Let everyone hear it!" There was no emotion or anger on Guan Weizhong's face.

You Yun raised his voice in cooperation and repeated the answer just now.

Such an answer obviously did not dissatisfy Guan Weizhong. He directly retorted: "Since you have invited me to fight, you come on stage like a man. What are you doing complaining like a woman?"

After finishing speaking, Guan Weizhong repeated You Yun's previous words in a sinister tone.

This move caused laughter all around.


Guan Weizhong looked at the scene with satisfaction. He was clearly using provocation to force You Yun to take action, because Zhang Shida alone could not achieve the effect of killing chickens and warning monkeys.

This chicken is not fat enough!

"Youngest, if it were me, I definitely wouldn't be able to bear it!" Feng Shifei fanned the flames.

He didn't really want to see You Yun get into trouble. Although he knew how powerful Instructor Guan was, his brother was not a coward. Even if he lost, he wouldn't lose as badly as Zhang Shida did before.

As long as they can fight back and forth and last a few more rounds in the hands of Instructor Guan, they can also act as a deterrent to this group of competitors.

"Then why don't you come?" You Yun glanced at Feng Shifei bitterly.

"Hehehehe, Mr. Feng, I am not strong enough." Feng Shifei patted You Yun on the shoulder, "You have to fight well in this battle, beat our Kyoto College dormitory 617, and beat our youth training camp 802 dormitory The style!”

"Should we fight or not?"

"You're the number one in actual combat at this level, and you don't even dare to fight?"

"I'm sure I can't beat you. You should admit defeat as soon as possible."


Regarding the behavior of Wei Zhong as an example, some people with bad personalities, or those who just watched the excitement and did not take it too seriously, also started to ridicule each other.

Seeing everyone staring at him, You Yun could only take out a Poke Ball and prepare to step forward to challenge.

"Your hyperactive ape is no match for Bulbasaur."

A gentle voice came from behind. You Yun looked back and saw that it was a reminder from Chen Xizhou.

In fact, it doesn't count as a reminder from Chen Xizhou, because this is the opinion given by King Dadai.

In King Daidai's heart, Chen Xizhou ranked first, and the Langqi Special Zone that Chen Xizhou cared about ranked second. Youyun, who belonged to the Langqi Special Zone, was ridiculed, and he was dissatisfied as he was protecting his calf.

Youyun hesitated for a moment, then changed to a Poké Ball.

"excuse me!"

You Yun threw the Poké Ball skillfully and unexpectedly attracted a few cheers. When he turned around, he saw Feng Shifei's conspicuous package, which made You Yun feel a little social.

As the red light dissipated, a strong bear over two meters tall appeared on the battlefield. It was Youyun's ace Elf Circle Bear!

Circle Bear's character has become more and more calm. He no longer hits his chest a few times and roars a few times to declare his strength as before. Instead, he looks at the enemy calmly.

It is said that a dog that barks does not bite, and a dog that bites does not bark.

Although this description is a bit downgraded to the circle bear, the principle is still the same.

The first time he saw the circle bear, Guan Weizhong's eyebrows twitched. His stern face showed caution. He had already realized that he had encountered a tough situation.

If we don't fight seriously, we may capsize in the gutter.

"Arm hammer!"

As soon as it comes up, it is the ultimate move. The Circle Bear roars and waves its huge fist with white light, and rushes straight towards Bulbasaur not far away.

Although the size is larger than Zhang Shida's two Nidomons, the speed of the Circle Bear is not comparable to that of the two Nidomons. However, in the blink of an eye, it has already rushed in front of Bulbasaur.

Fortunately, Guan Weizhong and Bulbasaur's reactions were quick enough.

The moment the trainer gave the order, Bulbasaur made a harsh cry from its mouth, and the huge flower behind it blew out a large number of colorful petals in time.

Although he resisted the attack of the Circle Bear, Bulbasaur also caused damage to the Circle Bear.

The two sides distanced themselves, and under the skilled command of Guan Weizhong and You Yun, the fierce battle between Bulbasaur and Circle Bear continued.

Bulbasaur uses its rich attack skills and auxiliary skills, coupled with the two recovery skills of parasitic seeds and photosynthesis, to continuously attack the circle bear.

Although the Circle Bear is powerful, its movements are greatly restricted because it is harassed by Bulbasaur's skills.

As time passed, Bulbasaur gradually gained the upper hand.

The situation on the field is getting more and more unfavorable for You Yun and Quanquan Xiong, as if they are going to lose at any time. However, this battle makes the audience on the sidelines full of passion, and it makes Feng Shifei feel that the youngest has overachieved. task.

Will Youyun be willing to lose like this?

For You Yun, who is carefree on the surface but arrogant on the inside, failure is something that is hard to accept.

However, if you don't change your tactics, defeat will only happen sooner or later.

"Keep your distance!"

You Yun's instructions left everyone confused.

Unlike Bulbasaur, which can attack at close or far distances, the Circle Bear is obviously an elf that is good at melee combat. Now that the distance is widened, isn't it just a living target for the opponent?

"Since you want to give me a chance, I will accept it without mercy!"

Although the two were on opposite sides of the battle, Guan Weizhong couldn't help but remind him that You Yun was the student he was about to teach for a month.

"Poison powder!"

Guan Weizhong gave Bulbasaur the next order.

Miaowahua has two skills: [Poison Powder] and [Hypnosis Powder] that can cause the opponent to fall into an abnormal state. Although [Hypnosis Powder] is more effective in this case and will not cause any harm to the Circle Bear, Guan Wei is Or choose to use [Poison Powder].

At least let Youyun and Quanquanxiong have a taste of the pain so that they won't be difficult to teach later.

"The wait is now!"

Facing the oncoming dark purple powder, Circle Bear rushed towards it without dodging, actually actively seeking to be poisoned.

As a result, a dramatic scene occurred on the battlefield.

The circle bear that was in a poisoned state suddenly became excited, and activated its characteristics to greatly increase its attack power. It roared angrily and got rid of the shackles of the vine whip behind the poison powder.


Accompanied by the ferocious roar and powerful power, the Circle Bear once again waved its fist and rushed towards Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur was not an elf known for its agility. It was too slow to dodge the oncoming dazzling punch, and was hit violently by the powerful fist.

With a scream, Bulbasaur's legs gave way and she fell directly to the ground.

The ring bear's attacks are not over.

There was no need for You Yun to give orders, Circle Bear skillfully raised his foot and stamped it hard on the ground, causing shock waves to spread around.

The powerful earthquake shook the spectators back continuously, and some who couldn't stand even squatted and fell to the ground.

"It's over!"

After Guan Weizhong secretly said something, he calmly waited for Bulbasaur to stand up again.

Unfortunately, the powerful attack from the Circle Bear caused heavy damage to Bulbasaur. At this time, it could only fall in pain on the battlefield, and had no strength to fight anymore.

The outcome of the battle was unexpected.

Circle Bear successfully defeated Bulbasaur by relying on the combat power increased by the poisoned state.

Although Guan Weizhong's tactics are excellent, Bulbasaur's skills are very powerful, and the cooperation between the two is quite tacit, but in the face of absolute power, these things seem to be insignificant.

Finally, Circle Bear stood on the battlefield panting, while Bulbasaur lay quietly on the ground.

The scene was completely silent, and everyone was shocked by the results in front of them.

I thought that this wonderful battle would end with coach Guan Wei Zhongguan winning, but unexpectedly it was You Yun who won with the explosive seed of Circle Bear.

Yes, most people think that the improvement of circle bears comes from explosive seeds.

Only a small number of youth trainees with solid knowledge of elf theory know the origin of Circle Bear's improvement.

"Pah, pah, pah—"

Everyone's attention was attracted by the applause. They looked up and found that it was Guan Wei Zhong on the stage applauding the result of the battle.

Guan Weizhong is definitely a person who can take things up and let them go. He doesn't feel too bad about his failure, because only by absorbing the experience of each battle can he become stronger.

From Guan Wei's point of view, at least he will definitely not lose again the next time he faces the Circle Bear.

With Guan Weizhong taking the lead, the onlookers' youth trainees also gave their own applause... (End of Chapter)

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