I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 308 Conversation with Reggie Locke

This is a huge, irregular hexagonal three-dimensional rock.

The smooth rock showing emerald green has a large amount of grass energy surging, as if it can "ignite" the entire rock. Its power is so powerful that even the air seems to tremble.

Elf props!

【Azure slate! 】

[Azure slate: a slate with grass attributes. After being carried, the power of grass attribute skills will be enhanced. 】

Chen Xizhou made a visual inspection and found that the height of this green stone slab was about three meters, the widest part was about 1.5 meters, and the narrowest part was about one meter.

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Very huge indeed.

It's hard to imagine that this was picked from Bulbasaur, which was smaller than the green slate.

As elf carry items, elf props are indeed very magical.

Perhaps because he did not understand the value of this elf prop, Chen Xizhou was only slightly surprised, while Reggie Locke on the rock altar showed shock that Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong could not understand.

From Wenren Xuesong's understanding, this green slate and other slates with other attributes are exclusive props for a certain legendary elf, and other elves can also carry them and use them.

Probably because they are both legendary elves and are old friends of Reggie Locke?

"This is the slate of that adult. Do you know that adult? Or do you have news about the adult?" The orange dot on the top of Regirock continued to glow, which represented its inner unrest.

Reggie Locke's words were like thunder exploding in their ears.

Even in a seriously injured state, Reggie Locke has the ability to change the landscape. It was even more unimaginable in his heyday, and what a terrifying existence the legendary elf that Reggie Locke can call an adult must be.

"We found this in a ruins. At that time, we found a total of 17 stone slabs with different attributes. We divided the stone slabs into six attributes: grass, super power, fighting, general, ground, electricity, and rock."

Regarding Reggie Locke's question, Wenren Xuesong answered truthfully.

A total of 17 stone tablets found in the lost ruins were equally divided among the three alliances: the Chinese Alliance, the Snow-Russian Alliance, and the United Alliance.

Among them, the dragon attribute is recognized as the strongest attribute, and each piece counts as two pieces. The three attributes of water, fire, and grass are equally divided among the three alliances. The Chinese Alliance and the Snow-Russian Alliance are divided into six pieces each, and the United Alliance is divided into five pieces.

"Do you have rock slates with rock properties in your hands?" Reggie Locke's dull voice came out, sounding a little anxious.

"Is such that."

Seeing that the other party cared so much, Wenren Xuesong breathed a sigh of relief: "Actually, even if the previous incident had not happened, we would have lent you the rock and slate after a while. This time, we can only give it to you in advance as an apology. "

"Due to the distance, the rock slabs will not be delivered until tomorrow."

From lending to giving away, and knowing the importance of rock slates from the other party, even Wenren Xuesong was a little reluctant to part with it.

Thinking of this, Wenren Xuesong couldn't help but feel annoyed at the guy who made the decision without authorization.

If it weren't for this bastard, he wouldn't have to be so humble, and the alliance wouldn't have to pay for it with rocks and slates.

However, if it can appease Reggie Locke's anger and regain Reggie Locke's friendship, then the sacrifice of a mere rock slab will be worth it.

After all, Reggie Locke is as powerful as a nuclear weapon.

"You have a good rest. I will wait for the rock slate to arrive tomorrow and then come to the cave to find you."

After listening to Wenren Xuesong's words, Reggie Locke did not reply. Instead, he extinguished the orange dot on the top and remained silent. He would wait until the rock slab arrived.

Wenren Xuesong and Chen Xizhou left the underground world together.

"Where are the soldiers who were disarmed by you?"

Seeing Chen Xizhou's strange expression, Wenren Xuesong explained: "They are just following orders, so I will take them away."

Wenren Xuesong continued: "If something like this happens, in addition to giving an explanation to Reggie Locke, the headquarters will also give an explanation to you and the Langqi Special Zone. The specific compensation will be discussed after I go back."

"Let's go, let's talk as we walk."

After saying this, Wenren Xuesong patted the horns of his mount goat and headed straight towards the gathering place.

Chen Xizhou understood clearly that the other party was preparing to explain the ins and outs of the matter to him, and hurriedly urged the Silver Beast to follow him.

In Wenren Xuesong's narration, Chen Xizhou gradually gained a preliminary understanding of the power level at the alliance headquarters.

In an international environment, the top leaders of the alliance pay attention to working together and being consistent with the outside world. However, within the alliance, the top leaders of the alliance are divided into two different camps.

One camp, headed by No. 1 Head of State Xiao Jihua, holds the concept of living in harmony with the elves, using peaceful means to resolve disputes in the League of Nations, and avoiding the use of force.

This camp is called the Blastoise camp.

One camp is headed by the second head of state, Cheng Jindong, who advocates using elves as tools of force and taking a tough stance to safeguard the interests and security of the alliance, including the concept of using force.

This camp is called the Charizard camp.

What’s interesting is that the elf of Head of State No. 1 Xiao Jihua is a fire-breathing dragon, while the elf of Head of State No. 2 Cheng Jindong is a water arrow turtle.

"Then Chengming..."

Chen Xizhou couldn't help but think of his Minister of Culture and Tourism.

"This young man is not bad. Although he is Lao Cheng's grandson, he is actually from the Water Arrow Turtle camp." Wenren Xuesong explained to Chen Xizhou.

"So that's how it is." Chen Xizhou looked at Wenren Xuesong, "Grandpa, what camp are you in? Bulbasaur camp?"

Wenren Xuesong laughed, his laughter was very hearty: "There is no Bulbasaur camp, I am the executor of the Blastoise camp, and the Pokémon Reform and Development Office is the outpost of the Blastoise camp."

"Then the Supervisory Department is the outpost of the Charizard camp?" Chen Xizhou asked tentatively.

"Yes, the general manager of the Supervisory Department is Lao Cheng." Wenren Xuesong suddenly thought of something, "But this matter has nothing to do with Lao Cheng directly. If it is his decision, he will definitely send the Super Strength Team to assist."

"Super Strength Team?"

"The Haoli Square that participated in the celebration this time is part of the Super Strength Team."

"Then Grandpa, do you have your own Pokémon team?"

"My own Pokémon team?" Wenren Xuesong's expression suddenly became a little weird, "Not yet, but it's hard to say whether there will be in the future. It depends on whether my baby grandson is filial or not."


Chen Xizhou smiled awkwardly, feeling that the idea was set on himself.

As the "frontier official" of the alliance, he has reliable resources. If he really provides some elves to help the other party establish an elf army, it is not impossible.

In the long run, the feasibility of this plan is worth discussing.

If the establishment of the elf army receives sufficient support and assistance from the headquarters, then it may become the most powerful force in Wenren Xuesong's hands, and it will also have a significant feedback effect on himself and Langqi Special District.

And this if, with Wenren Xuesong's identity, there is no doubt at all.

"This is not impossible." Chen Xizhou looked at Wenren Xuesong, "Grandpa can make any requests first, I will go back to do some screening, which will take some time."

Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong quickly returned to the gathering place.

When he saw Chen Xizhou, a young doctor with a ponytail came up and said, "Director Chen, most of the elves' injuries have been treated, but if you want them to recover as soon as possible, I suggest sending some walking grass. We need their green grass field."

The green grass field that can restore the elves' physical strength, like Moo Moo Milk, has a miraculous effect on injured elves.

Moo Moo Milk can be packaged and delivered to the gathering place as a liquid, but the Green Grass Field needs to transport the Pokémon that can use this skill to release it on the spot.

"I will contact the Pokémon Plant Research Team right away."

Chen Xizhou called Principal Lan on the spot and asked him to help send some Walking Grasses.

Most of the Stinky Flowers of the Walking Grass Clan have either been rented out or have their own jobs, so they can only send Walking Grasses.

Of course, higher-level releasers will only affect the scope and duration of the Green Grass Field... (End of this chapter)

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