I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 303: Cleanup work in progress

Not only the fossil forest, but there is only one sandy land in this mountain range.

As the only habitat of the sand snakes, this sandy land was destroyed by Regilock's power in the previous battle.

This is unacceptable to the sand snail python and the sand snakes.

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Even if the sand snakes choose to migrate and find a new habitat, it is quite difficult to find another suitable sandy land on Langqi Island.

Although there are a lot of sandy land in places like Dragon Bone Beach and Windpipe Beach, these places are beaches near the sea, and the deep sand is rich in water, which is not friendly to the ground-based sand snakes.

At present, there is only one choice before the leader of the sand snail python: join the Langqi Special Zone and create another piece of sandy land.

Whether it is sand snakes or sand snail pythons, they are just used to living and moving in the sand, and do not have the ability to make sand and build sand.

But for Langqi Special District, it does not seem difficult to accomplish this.

Langqi Special District can not only mine natural sand from beaches, shallow seas and other places, but also directly purchase fine sand from other cities, or purchase sand making machines to directly make artificial sand.

Modern sand making technology is very mature, and machine-made sand is not inferior to natural sand.

This involves a concept.

Although sand and sand are both derived from the crushing of rocks, there are significant differences in composition, fineness and production methods.

Sand is made by the power of nature after a long period of grinding; sand is made by artificial means, which may be ground from stones, or waste from some stones.

As for whether the sand snakes prefer sand or sand, they can even make a choice.

In addition to these methods, Chen Xizhou can even try to ask Regilock for help to see if he can directly create a piece of sand nearby, which can save a lot of effort.

Of course, the premise is that Regilock has such ability.

Chen Xizhou looked at the huge sand snake in front of him and said, "Leader of the Sand Snail Python, I'll ask you to help rescue the mole tribe."

The Sand Snail Python looks like a large snake coiled in a spiral. It still maintains a curled posture when crawling, and only uses the part of its body that touches the ground to propel itself forward.

Like the sand bag snake before evolution, the darker and tire-shaped part of its neck is the sand sac where it stores sand.

[Sand Snail Python! ]

[Sand Snail Python: Sand Snake Elf]

[Sand Snail Python will inflate its sand sac to wrap its head to protect itself from external attacks. ]

[The sand sac of the Sand Snail Python can store more than 100kg of sand at a time. It is very elastic and thick, and even the teeth of the iron ant cannot bite it. ]

[After the Sand Snail Python curls up its body, it will violently shoot the sand in the sand sac from its nostrils to attack. ]

[The sand is mixed with sharp gravel, which may scratch you if you touch it, which is very dangerous. It is made of sand solidified by the Sand Snail Python's saliva, and the shapes are all kinds of strange. ]

[Although the Sand Snail Python is aggressive when its sand sac is full, it seems to become very fragile when the sand sac is empty. ]

[The reason why the Sand Snail Python coils its body in a unique way is to be able to eject the sand in the sand sac more efficiently. ]

[Sometimes, the Sand Snail Python will eat the elf eggs of other underground elves. ]

Keywords: Sand Snake, Sand Sac, Gravel

Of course, the Sand Snail Python will not refuse Chen Xizhou's request, but their clan is not so good at digging holes, so they will be slower in efficiency, which is also unavoidable.

After explaining, Chen Xizhou rode the Silver Companion War Beast to the underground world. He needed to test Regilock's attitude.

I don't know if it was caused by the previous battle, but the entrance to the underground world has changed.

After entering from the new entrance, Chen Xizhou was surprised to find that the rock wall was full of bright silver heavy spirit ore.

Has the location of the ore vein changed?

[Heavy spirit ore! 】

【Heavy Spirit Ore: Raw material for making healing stones. Grind it into powder and add it to energy blocks to improve the physical strength of steel, ground, and rock-type Pokémon. 】

Since Regirock's injury has not healed yet, and mining is difficult and there is no professional assistance for the time being, Chen Xizhou has not moved this Pokémon vein.

The change in terrain has revealed most of the heavy spirit vein that was originally hidden deep inside, greatly reducing the difficulty of mining.

Soon, Chen Xizhou came to the deepest part of the underground world.

Before reaching the rock altar, Chen Xizhou used a trick to release young Kiras, wanting to increase the number of his emotional cards.

Young Kiras, who returned to his hometown, seemed a little excited. He kept digging heavy spirit ore on the wall of the cave to eat. It looked like he hadn't eaten such delicious food for a long time.

Such actions made Chen Xizhou's head full of black lines.

After learning that Pokémon like young Kiras feed on ore, Chen Xizhou specially asked the giant rock snake to go to the underground world once a week to collect heavy spirit ore.

The main food of this little guy is a sufficient amount of heavy spirit ore.

If you don't know, you would really think that I abused this little guy every day and didn't give him enough food.

In addition to these heavy spirit ores, Chen Xizhou also asked Qi Zhensheng to collect a large amount of ilmenite as food reserves, the main purpose of which was to ensure that the young Kiras got enough nutrition.

The ilmenite that the mother of the rock dog brought to the little rock dog was purchased by the rock dog from the elf store with its own small treasury.

Maybe it's because it's more delicious to eat heavy spirit ore in my hometown.

Chen Xizhou clearly remembered that when he first saw young Kiras, the little guy was only half the height of his thigh, but now it's almost close to his chest.

Speaking of which, the other young Kiras elf egg should be hatching soon.

I'm really looking forward to it...

Out of respect for the Rock God Pillar Regilock, Chen Xizhou specially got off the Silver Companion War Beast, tidied up his clothes a little, and then walked slowly into the last cave with the Silver Companion War Beast and Slow King.

On the rock altar, Regilock's appearance surprised Chen Xizhou.

The burly figure disappeared, and Regilock returned to the form of the rock core, which was the repaired state that Chen Xizhou saw at the beginning.

Obviously, the previous battle made it uncomfortable.

But this discomfort was based on the fact that it resisted several rockets with a seriously injured body, while the people who launched the rockets were annihilated and could not die any more.

Noticing Chen Xizhou's arrival, Regirock slowly erected the rock core, and the seven orange dots on the top flickered.

"Regirock, I'm sorry for what happened before." Chen Xizhou spoke first.

In any case, Chen Xizhou believed that he was not unrelated. After all, he was the one who revealed Regirock's news, and he also sent elves to guard the entrances to the underground world and the fossil forest.

That's why Regirock was attacked.

Just as Chen Xizhou thought, Regirock did not vent his anger on him.

However, it needs Wenren Xuesong, who represents the Huaxia Alliance, to give it a reasonable explanation, otherwise it will unilaterally terminate its cooperation with the Huaxia Alliance.

"Chen Xizhou..."

The hoarse and dull voice sounded again, and Regirock wanted to keep young Kiras.

Chen Xizhou guessed that the other party might want to teach young Kiras for a while, and young Kiras himself did not object, so Chen Xizhou agreed to let young Kiras stay.

Back to the ground world, Chen Xizhou quickly contacted Wenren Xuesong and told him everything that happened here.

Wenren Xuesong was silent for a long time after hearing the news. Finally, he only said "wait for me" and hung up the phone in a hurry. He should be ready to rush to Langqi Special Zone immediately.

When Chen Xizhou returned to the fossil forest, the rescue was in progress in an orderly manner.

As the leader of the rock dog who has the closest relationship with humans, he deservedly became the temporary joint leader of the wild elves.

The leader of the rock dog, who coordinated the overall situation, settled the four tribes in four directions respectively. The injured wild elves gathered in the central position, waiting for rescue from Langqi Special Zone.

With the help of the leader of the sand snail python and the sandbag snakes, the three mole leaders and moles who fell into a coma due to the earthquake were rescued one by one.

Ten minutes later, the rescue team of Langqi Special Zone rushed over.

The elf doctors and happy eggs from the Elf Medical College were in place, and medical tents were set up one by one. The treatment work was also in progress in an orderly manner.

The elf relations department also brought a lot of food and elf milk to each tribe.

When Chen Xizhou returned to the entrance of the fossil mine, all the soldiers who were armed with live ammunition were disarmed and detained, but these guys still didn't speak.

In view of the special status of the other party, Chen Xizhou planned to wait for Wenren Xuesong to come before dealing with them.

Chen Xizhou looked at Fang Ling, the director of the law enforcement bureau: "There are several corpses about one kilometer southeast of the elves' gathering place. You take people to get them out..." (End of this chapter)

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