I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 301 An accident occurred in the fossil forest

What's the scene like outside the Institute of Paleontology?

The three-meter-tall bronze elephant of the King, with its huge body and broad feet, gives people a strong visual impact.

With every step they take, their weight and power are enough to make the ground shake, as if the whole world is dominated by them.

The metallic patinated copper skin of the King Bronze Elephants reflects a charming and brilliant light under the bright sunlight, making people marvel at their incomparable charm.

Chen Xizhou rode the Silver Beast and led the King's Bronze Elephant family by the Institute of Paleontology.

When Yan Gou's mother was on guard outside the institute, Dr. Luo Qunshan and Maixiang Elf followed closely behind, worried. Like Yan Dog's mother, they were full of shock and curiosity about the King Bronze Elephant family.

Seeing that the danger was over, Dr. Luo Qunshan stepped forward and said, "District Chief, you always shock me."

"They are a family of king bronze elephants, and they will always live in the fossil forest in the future. If you have the strength to survive, you can seek their help." Chen Xizhou patted one of the bronze elephants, making a sound of metal and stone hitting each other.

As soon as Chen Xizhou finished speaking, the male king bronze elephant made a melodious elephant call in conjunction.

"This little elf..."

Chen Xizhou, who smelled the charming fragrance, was attracted by the wheat-scented elf next to the rock dog's mother.

【Twist dog! 】

[Twist Dog: Dog Elf]

[The surface of Twist Dog's skin has the property of hardening when exposed to high temperatures. 】

[The charming aroma emitted by the Mahua dog's body helps the growth of wheat, so it has always been valued in rural areas. 】

Entry keywords: wheat fragrance

Although the entry introduction of Mahua Dog is pitiful, its functions are explained quite clearly.

Every elf has its own areas of expertise. Even if the integration and development trend of elves and human society is elves fighting, the role of each field cannot be ignored.

It’s just that the role of the Mahua Dog seems to be a bit useless for the Langqi Special Zone?

Langqi Island, which belongs to the southern region, has a warm and humid climate, which is usually not suitable for wheat growth.

Although with the advancement of agricultural science and technology and improved varieties, some areas have been able to successfully grow wheat, but it is certainly not as cost-effective as rice.

If the special aroma of Mahua dogs can also affect the growth of rice, Chen Xizhou would not mind developing a rice field.

Although we don’t know what the final quality of the rice produced by the smell of Mahua Dog will be, the gimmick of Elf Rice is enough to become a good business opportunity.

But if the aroma of Mahua Dog cannot affect the rice, its value to Langqi Special Zone will be very low.

Based on the entry information and the actual situation, Chen Xizhou quickly made a relatively comprehensive analysis of the little elf called Mahua Dog.

After a brief chat with Dr. Luo Qunshan, Chen Xizhou took the King Bronze Elephant and his family to move on, which was very close to the fossil forest.

"District Chief, wait for me!" Dr. Luo Qunshan rode up on his lamb as soon as he was less than a hundred meters away.

Mounted lambs have become a standard means of transportation. All personnel working for the Langqi Special Zone Alliance branch have the opportunity to tame a mounted lamb and become a riding elf.

Just like the white license plates are for special vehicles and the black license plates are for foreign merchants and foreign companies, Riding the Riding Lamb is a staff member of the Langqi Special Zone Alliance.

While this is not absolute as there are others who have mounted lambs, that is just an example.

The Institute of Paleontology is less than 500 meters away from the fossil mine. Chen Xizhou and his party quickly arrived at the entrance of the mine, never expecting that the entrance to the mine was under martial law.

This surprised Chen Xizhou.

Under normal circumstances, how could there be so many armed guards in the fossil mine?

He looked at Dr. Luo Qunshan, the actual person in charge of the fossil mine, and found that the other person was also full of surprise. He obviously didn't know that such a thing happened.

"What section are you in?"

At Chen Xizhou's signal, Dr. Luo Qunshan stepped forward to ask.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't give any face to him, and pointed the gun directly at Dr. Luo Qunshan. The leader even shouted: "This is an important military area, no one can enter!"

"What a 'military important area, no one is allowed to enter'. Why did the army enter our Langqi Special Zone so blatantly without notifying the Special Zone Alliance and me, the district chief?" Chen Xizhou couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw this scene.

The other party's behavior is too arrogant.

The leading officer was obviously hesitant when he saw Chen Xizhou. Just when he was about to explain something, a terrifying earthquake suddenly struck everyone.

Except for the King's Bronze Elephant and his family, which had enough tonnage to stabilize themselves, the others were staggered by the noise that sounded like an earth dragon turning over.

The earthquake came from deep in the mine!

King Daidai appeared behind Chen Xizhou at some point. He first stabilized him and then told Chen Xizhou the source of the earthquake.

This is an earthquake caused by a terrifying being using a skill.

The fossil forest five minutes ago.

The Rock God Pillar Regirock was injured from the damage from the human bazooka, and its eyes flashed with angry fire.

As a dull sound came, Reggie Locke released terrifying energy.

The ground shook violently, and the surrounding stone forest began to collapse. The rock elves fled in panic.

As the tremors caused by the earthquake became stronger and stronger, Reggie Locke's anger became more intense, and the land that was originally crisscrossed with ravines began to become fragmented.

The ground finally experienced terrible cracks. Rock layers continued to rise and collapse.

The mine finally couldn't bear the shaking and collapsed.

The staff of the Institute of Paleontology had been driven out before, so there were no casualties. On the contrary, many soldiers who were on guard inside and outside the mine were buried and injured.

The power of nature is by no means something humans can easily guess.

At this moment, the rock mound formed by the collapsed mine began to shake, and boulders continued to fall, as if something was about to break out of the rock.

Suddenly, a giant creature burst through the rocky hill.

This giant creature is tens of meters long. Its body is composed of multiple huge gray rocks. The shape of the connected boulders looks like a big snake. Who else could it be if it weren't a giant rock snake?

But at this time, it was extremely angry, and its terrifying eyes were enough to scare people to death.

As the shock ended, the two soldiers fell to the ground in horror, looking uneasily at the giant rock snake in front of them.

The huge rock snake was about to open its mouth to bite one of them, but was hit by a blue water ball, which was the [Water Wave] released by King Slow.

"The huge rock snake, why does it attack humans?" Chen Xizhou approached slowly on the silver companion beast.

As if being woken up by the Slow King, the huge rock snake shook its somewhat groggy head, lowered its head and looked at Chen Xizhou on the silver companion beast, and suddenly showed an aggrieved expression.

After waking up from its rage, it twisted its body and stretched its tail in front of Chen Xizhou.

Chen Xizhou discovered that there was a large scorch mark on the section of rock where the giant rock snake stretched out, which was obviously injured by a large number of thermal weapons.

Chen Xizhou looked cold and promised: "I will give you an explanation for this matter!


The giant rock snake nodded, then slowly lay down on the ground, waiting for Chen Xizhou's explanation.

This poor big guy trusts Chen Xizhou very much.

"Dr. Luo, could you please help us arrange the scene?"

"Don't worry, I will take care of it."

"Let's go in and have a look." Chen Xizhou patted the silver companion beast, which quickly led Chen Xizhou up the rocky hill and headed towards the fossil forest.

King Slow also followed up using teleportation.

Although calm has returned outside the mine, the fossil forest behind the rock hill is still experiencing aftershocks, but this level will not affect the Silver Beast and Slow King.

It wasn't until he saw a looming brown figure in the smoke that the silver companion beast slowed down.

It’s the Rock God Pillar Regirock!

The earth-shattering earthquake just now was probably caused by it.

Chen Xizhou was just about to say hello to the other party when he discovered that a rocket hit Reggie Locke...

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