I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 202 Deep in the tunnel at the bottom of the pit

The deep pit in front of him looked like a passage to hell.

Chen Xizhou looked down and threw a stone tentatively, but he didn't hear any sound.

It can only be said that the deep pit is really deep.

At this time, if there is a Pokémon that can carry people to fly, there is no need to think about how to get down to the deep pit, so he can only seek help from the Slow King.

After looking at the Slow King, Chen Xizhou asked: "Is there a way to take me down this deep pit?"

"Leave it to me."

The eyes of the Slow King, the gem on his forehead, and the eyes of the big tongue shell on the back of his head are all glowing with a mysterious pink light. This is the extreme degree of the Slow King's superpowers.

At the signal of the Slow King, Chen Xizhou gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and jumped down from the pit firmly.



The strong wind brought by the rapid fall kept pouring into his mouth and nose. Chen Xizhou could clearly feel his heart reaching his throat. He might be left at the original height in the next second.

When Chen Xizhou's gravitational acceleration reached a certain value, Slowpoke appeared in time and used his superpowers to buffer it.

This cycle repeated for about four or five times before reaching the bottom of the deep pit.

Standing on the ground, Chen Xizhou breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down a little, and thanked Slowpoke.

No matter how the trainer and the Pokémon get along, Chen Xizhou respects Slowpoke very much, which is a bit similar to the relationship between human couples.

Chen Xizhou released the Growlithe and used the flame to observe the surrounding situation.

I thought it would be a dark pit bottom, but there were some four-cornered gems emitting red light inlaid on the rock wall?

[Star fragments! 】

【Star fragments: Beautiful gem fragments that flash red and can be sold at a very high price. 】

After reading the introduction of these four-cornered gems, Chen Xizhou was inevitably disappointed.

In today's world, being valuable and having value are two different things, just like choosing between 1 million Alliance Coins and 1 Pokémon. Anyone with a little vision will choose Pokémon.

Because as long as it is properly operated, the value that a Pokémon can create will definitely not be less than 1 million Alliance Coins.

There is only one tunnel extending to the southeast in the pit. Under the protection of Slow King and Caterpie, Chen Xizhou unswervingly moves deeper into the tunnel.

He always feels that he can gain something in the depths of the tunnel.

Although the rock wall of the tunnel is inlaid with star fragments that can illuminate, the quiet environment combined with the dim red light makes the tunnel look particularly terrifying.

Chen Xizhou shuddered.

At this moment, Chen Xizhou suddenly found a figure in the depths of the tunnel looking around furtively, but due to the light, Chen Xizhou could not see the true appearance of the black shadow for the time being.

The only thing that is certain is that this is a small elf.

Just as Chen Xizhou and the elves approached, the owner of the figure also discovered this group of uninvited guests.


The owner of the figure opened his mouth and made a very sharp sound like nails scratching glass. The sound continued to spread in the tunnel and penetrated Chen Xizhou's eardrums.


The Caterpie reacted quickly and a long howl directly offset the opponent's harsh sound.

This is the magic of the elves. Even if it is a sonic attack, it can be offset by similar sound waves.

Chen Xizhou finally saw the owner of the figure clearly.

This elf is covered with gray-green skin as rough as rock.

It has a long blunt horn on its head, a diamond-shaped red scale on its abdomen, four diamond-shaped black holes on its waist, and a cone-shaped tail center surrounded by a circle of plate-like structures.

The red eyes and tear marks give people a natural sense of loneliness.

[Young Kiras! 】

【Young Kiras: Rock-skinned Pokémon】

【Young Kiras was born deep underground and grew up relying on nutrients in the soil. 】

【Young Kiras will eat the soil while moving towards the ground where his loved ones are. If he does not eat all the soil and go to the ground, he will not be able to see his parents. 】

【Because the light on the ground is glaring, young Kiras is not very adaptable. 】

【After eating about as much soil as a mountain, young Kiras will turn into a pupa on the ground and begin to sleep in order to grow. 】

Keywords: Gold Devourer, Desert Prince, Quasi-God, Full of Potential

Chen Xizhou, who has always been steady, suddenly became a little uneasy. He did not expect that the little guy in front of him was actually a quasi-god who could compete with the Round Shark and the Dragon Messiah.

This was the first time Chen Xizhou had the idea of ​​taming a Pokémon.

He took the opportunity to open the elf panel of young Kiras:

Elf: Young Kiras

Gender: Male

Attributes: Rock, Ground

Features: Sand Hiding (During sandstorms, the dodge rate will increase.)

Items: None

Skills: Impact, Staring, Falling Rocks, Tooth for Tooth, Bite, Ghost Face, Rockfall, Stomping, Screech, Shooting Down, Crushing

Taught Skills: None

Inherited Skills: Reverse Scale

Young Kiras put down the special stone in his hand and looked at Chen Xizhou and other intruders vigilantly, with his body slightly tilted, keeping a posture that can retreat at any time.

"Don't be afraid, we have no ill intentions."

Chen Xizhou took out an orange fruit and slowly approached the vigilant young Kiras.

Deep underground, there is no such thing as tree fruit.

Seemingly attracted by this delicious-looking fruit, the young Kiras gradually relaxed. While curiously looking at the human who showed goodwill to him, he stretched out his little hand to take the orange fruit.

"Hung hung hung~"

In just two bites, the young Kiras swallowed the orange fruit into his stomach. After enjoying the deliciousness, he smacked his lips and looked at Chen Xizhou with anticipation and desire.

Obviously, the young Kiras wanted to eat more.

Even if he didn't have the idea of ​​​​capturing the young Kiras, Chen Xizhou would not hesitate to share the fruit with such a little elf, not to mention that this was his favorite elf.

Food is the best carrier to maintain feelings.

Not only between people, but also between people and elves.

From the first sight of meeting to now, in just a few minutes, Chen Xizhou and the young Kiras have established a very comfortable relationship.

Chen Xizhou kept taking out fruit from his backpack, and the young Kiras accepted it all and sat on the ground obediently to enjoy the sweet and delicious food in his hand.

Interestingly, there were three uneaten fruits in front of Young Kiras, which he left behind on purpose. Chen Xizhou guessed that there might be other companions of his in the depths of the tunnel.

If that was the case, he would need to reconsider the difficulty of subduing him.

Of course, no matter what, these were all later stories and did not affect Chen Xizhou's interaction with Young Kiras at this time.

On a whim, he reached out and touched the blunt horn on Young Kiras's head, and then waited for Young Kiras' response.

This is very important.


To Chen Xizhou's surprise, Young Kiras seemed to like his action very much.

In fact, Chen Xizhou's guess was correct.

In addition to being a weapon in battle, the blunt horn on Young Kiras's head was also one of the most sensitive parts of his body. Chen Xizhou's touch on the blunt horn made Young Kiras feel safe.

Young Kiras could not help but rubbed Chen Xizhou intimately.


Young Kiras suddenly remembered something, and he picked up the special stone he had just thrown away from the ground and handed it to Chen Xizhou.

[Heavy Spirit Ore! ]

[Heavy Spirit Ore: The raw material for making healing stones. Grind it into powder and add it to energy blocks to improve the physical strength of steel, ground, and rock-type elves. ]

Another elf vein!

Chen Xizhou is not naive enough to think that there is only one heavy spirit ore here.


Young Kiras stood up shakily, hugged the three tree fruits on the ground, and then poked Chen Xizhou with the blunt horn on his head, indicating that he should follow him.

Chen Xizhou followed him.

After walking for about five minutes, Chen Xizhou followed Young Kiras to the deepest part of the tunnel.

Sure enough, as Chen Xizhou had guessed before, the surrounding rock walls were full of heavy spirit ores shining with dark silver light.

In addition to the elf vein, the most conspicuous place in this cave is that in the corner where a large amount of heavy spirit ores are piled up, there is an unusually large elf lying.

To be more precise, it is the corpse of the elf.

The two-meter-long body is covered with a green armor-like shell, with several spikes of different sizes extending from the back of the head, neck and shoulders, and a circle of smaller spikes at the end of the tail.

However, the green shell of this elf has long been broken, and two of the spikes have broken in the middle.

There is no doubt that it must have experienced a very tragic battle...

[Banguiras! ]

[Banguiras: Armored Elf]

[Banguiras has the power to collapse mountains and cause earthquakes to build its own residence with just one hand. ]

[When Banguiras takes a step with a huge roar, the surrounding terrain will also change. ]

[Banguiras has an arrogant personality and ignores the feelings of the people around him. He will wander in the mountains to find a fighting opponent. But if he encounters an opponent weaker than himself, he will leave without seeing it. ]

[Banguiras has a body that can be unscathed no matter what attack it suffers, and can sleep peacefully even in a sandstorm, so he will constantly challenge his opponents. 】

【On the way forward, Bankiras will destroy mountains and demolish buildings. It is a mobile disaster-type Pokémon. 】

Keywords: mobile disaster, desert tyrant, quasi-god, powerful

Chen Xizhou fell silent as he looked at Bankiras' body.

What kind of tragic battle did such a powerful quasi-god Pokémon go through to make its body, which was praised by the system, broken into this state.

Even his life was lost?

A corner of the altar?

Chen Xizhou noticed the strange stone foundation exposed under Bankiras' body.

Only then did he remember that he had originally gone down to this deep pit to find the mysterious magic of this stone forest.

Is there any connection between the two?

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