The danger of drastic changes in the new era has caused the Chinese Alliance to relax its control over firearms.

With the status of Wanda Real Estate Group and Lao Wang, it is not difficult to obtain some firearms for self-defense.

Chen Xizhou was not surprised at all.

On the contrary, this Yongjira, what is the reason why it, which can move instantly, is besieged by many elves and cannot escape?

Of course, Chen Xizhou was just curious.

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

After Comrade Xiao Wang took Yongjila back to the Poké Ball, Chen Xizhou's curiosity disappeared.

The affairs of the e-sports club cannot be solved in a short time.

Although everyone, including Chen Xizhou, has great confidence in this elf game, everything must have a process and cannot be solved overnight.

Comrade Xiao Wang walked very freely.

From this trip to Langqi Special Economic Zone, he was the one who gained the most among all investors.

Not only did Wanda Real Estate Group get the lion's share of the elf store's pie, but he also personally established a very good relationship with the district mayor and the district alliance.

The most important thing is that he got a very potential investment project from the special zone director Chen Xizhou.

Now it is an e-sports club based on various electronic devices, and in the future it may not be impossible for it to be an elf sports club that participates in real-life battles.

With the strength of the town elves in Langqi Special Zone, they can definitely shine in real-life battles.

Attribute: The power of the Kong clan is still vivid in Comrade Xiao Wang’s mind.

Comrade Xiao Wang has reason to believe that when Elf Battle begins to integrate into people's lives, it will definitely become the most widely developed and influential sport in the entire international league in the future.

Being able to gain an advantage in this national sport will definitely bring about huge gains that are not limited to money and fame.

District Governor's Office.

"District Chief, you're done." You Yun has been waiting for a long time.

In addition to Youyun, Mao Rongrong was also in Chen Xizhou's office. At this time, he was writing and drawing on a piece of paper.

"Let's settle your matters first." Chen Xizhou looked at You Yun, "Do you need to go outside?"

You Yun shook his head and said, "No need."

The new elf picked up by Circle Bear is not very big, so there is more than enough space here.

As the elf ball was opened, an elf with brown-gray hair appeared in everyone's sight, and even Mao Rongrong, who was busy with something, was attracted.

This elf has a pink nose, brown eye circles, and brown lines on its back.

Of course, the most striking feature is that it lies still and does not move.

【Lazy man! 】

[Lazy Man: Lazy Elf]

[The lazy man spends most of the day sleeping, lying down for more than 20 hours a day. As long as he can eat 3 leaves, he is satisfied. 】

[Although the lazy man will never change his nest in his life, he will occasionally swim in the river to move long distances. 】

[The lazy man's heart only beats once per minute. Because he is an elf that always lies down no matter what, you can hardly see it moving. 】

[The lazy look of the Lazy Man will deeply stimulate the laziness of those who look at it, making them drowsy. 】

Entry keywords: lazy

There are entry introductions that are inappropriately described, and there are no entry keywords that are inappropriately described.

The word "lazy" perfectly explains the little elf "Lazy Man".

Chen Xizhou even suspected that this lazy man might even have elf characteristics related to laziness.

So, he opened the wizard panel:

Elf: lazy man

Gender: Male

Attribute: General system

Characteristics: Laziness (If you use a move, you will rest in the next round.)

Props: none

Skills: Grab, Yawn, One More Time, Sloth, Head Butt

Teaching Skills: Stand-in

Genetic skill: tearing grab

Chen Xizhou looked at Lazy Man with a strange expression.

This guy's name is "lazy", his characteristics are "lazy", and even his skills are "lazy". Is he really lazy?

After Chen Xizhou introduced the lazy man's information, You Yun looked a little disappointed.

This guy has always aimed to become a powerful trainer. If possible, he would like to obtain some elves with great strength and potential.

Even if you don't have these two things, an elf who works harder can still accept it.

But this lazy little elf probably can't even exercise together. This time, You Yun really can't handle it.

However, although You Yun doesn't like Lazy Man's character very much, he is his elf after all. He has three meals a day and so on, and he can't live without Lazy Man.

Chen Xizhou understood You Yun's thoughts, and he advised: "Actually, I have always felt that there are no weak elves, only trainers who don't work hard enough. Maybe this lazy man will break out of his cocoon and become a butterfly in the future. A powerful elf?"

"I agree with what the district chief said." Mao Rongrong said very seriously, "As far as I know, there are two very contrasting examples in the animal kingdom."

Among the well-known animals on land, the giant panda is one of the creatures with the greatest contrast between adults and juveniles.

A newborn giant panda is smaller than a mouse, but an adult giant panda has the size of an adult and weighs far more than an adult, and is very powerful in combat.

The same goes for swordfish in the ocean.

Young sailfish are very small, about the size of a grain of rice. Adult sailfish can reach 2 to 3 meters in length, which can be said to be the fastest fish in the ocean.

It is so ferocious that it can easily pierce a 5-meter-long sailboat.

"In my opinion, the laziness and weakness of the lazy man is a bit too strange. It may be preparing for evolution."

Mao Rongrong continued: "I have been studying the Magikarp Pokémon recently. This Pokémon, which is called the weakest and most pitiful Pokémon in the world by the district chief, will evolve into the powerful Gyarados that is commonly used in our game after it has exhausted its strength."

"This is also a contrast."

Could it be that the circle bear really picked up a contrast monster for himself this time?

When You Yun suddenly realized it, his eyes looking at the lazy man became wrong.

"No, I have to train hard!"

Just as You Yun was about to run, he was pulled by Chen Xizhou: "Take your circle bear to help me go to the back mountain recently, and clean up the wild Pokémon over there."

"I know!" The words were still floating in the air, and You Yun had already run away.

The key is, is the lazy old man still lying on the ground?


You Yun was strolling on the busy Xianlin Avenue.

He always felt that he had forgotten something, but he just couldn't remember it.

Forget it, let's buy an ice cream.

Langqi Island in July is not too hot, but if you can eat an ice cream, it must be a very refreshing thing.

You Yun found an ice cream shop and was about to line up to buy ice cream when a strand of snow-white hair appeared in his sight.

The boy slowly raised his head along the soft white hair and saw a tangled Snow White. She looked pitifully at the ice cream in the glass counter and kept choosing among the several flavors in front of her.

Well, this is the choice difficulty syndrome.

"Boss, can you give me two vanilla, strawberry and chocolate mixed three-color ice creams?"

The boss first looked at Ning Yuxi and her well-behaved and quiet Lalu Lasi who were struggling, and seeing that they had no objection, he turned to look at You Yun: "No problem, little brother!"

He really likes such straightforward customers!

When the boss neatly packed the three-color mixed ice cream and handed it to You Yun, You Yun did not take the ice cream, but signaled the boss to hand two ice creams to Ning Yuxi and her Lalu Lasi.

He pulled Ning Yuxi who was still confused: "My princess, I will help you make a choice~"

"Thank... Thank you."

Ning Yuxi came back to her senses from her confusion, staring blankly at the scene in front of her, her fair skin suddenly turned a beautiful pink, and she blushed a little.

Looking at the three-color mixed ice cream in her hand, Ning Yuxi was very happy.

"Boss, can I get another three-color mixed ice cream?" Ning Yuxi asked shyly.

"Of course!"

Soon, another three-color ice cream was finished.

Ning Yuxi took the ice cream from the boss and handed it over: "Thank you, thank you for helping me choose, this is for you."


You Yun took the ice cream and took a bite excitedly, regardless of the coldness.

Ice cream given by others is sweet!

At this moment, a sudden scream almost scared You Yun to throw away the ice cream in his hand.

You Yun turned his head fiercely, and two short girls wearing cool short skirts and hot pants appeared behind him at some point, but they were older than him at a glance.

Hmm, older leftover women~

Lin Yiyi shouted: "Ahhh... worthy of our sister Bai Xue, she is so gentle and thrilling!"

You Yun had a black question mark face: Although I am not well educated, is this how thrilling is used?

"This pitiful look is really unbearable."

As he spoke, Lu Chenxi, who rarely spoke, walked forward without warning and kissed Ning Yuxi on the face. It was hard to imagine that this was something a three-no sister could do?

Ning Yuxi's pink face suddenly turned hot red, and smoke was faintly visible on her head.

Speaking of which, I'm really envious...

You Yun watched and didn't even notice that the melted ice cream flowed onto his hands.

Right now!


"What the hell!"

A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of You Yun, who was in a pig-like state, and scared him off the ice cream he had already taken a big bite of.

"Xiao Man!"

A familiar voice came, and a pink cat bug suddenly jumped out from a distance, and evil energy formed on its sharp claws, and one claw grabbed the back of the black shadow.


The black shadow screamed immediately.

This sudden conflict made passers-by around stop on their own initiative.

Although Langqi Special Zone is known as the Elf Town, elf battles are rare. I didn't expect to be so lucky to see one.

Fight, fight...

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