I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 184: Release of the Alliance Poké Ball

June 25.

"Pokeballs are on the market, Pokeballs are on the market!"

Including Kyoto, the four cities of Magic City, Mountain City, and Pengcheng were all boiling.

There was already a long queue at the entrance of the Alliance Direct Store, and most of them were people who came to queue up a few days in advance.

Before dawn, they made a fire on the street, brewed coffee and instant noodles, and when the sun set, they set up tents, or spread quilts and blankets, just to occupy a good position so that they could enter the Alliance Direct Store as soon as possible.

The popularity of the Alliance Direct Store, the enthusiasm and energy of the customers, made every merchant in the city envious.

Even the merchants themselves wanted to queue up to buy

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the door of the Alliance Direct Store finally opened.


The crowd swarmed in, rushing in like a flood. Within a few seconds, the store was packed with people, and there was no room to walk.

Everyone wants to get the Poké Ball that can capture Pokémons as soon as possible.

United Alliance.

White Palace Meeting Room.

Watching the excitement in the video, Joe Baden, who was sitting in the center, had a gloomy face and frowned.

The room was quiet, and only his low voice could be heard: "They actually released the Poké Ball before us, and they made such a big fuss!"

"Has his Rabbit family been comfortable for too long, and they are itching for it!"

Jobaden roared and threw the documents on the table fiercely, and the papers flew in an instant: "Poké Ball is the technology we have obtained!"

Seeing that his unique Pokémon technology was taken away by the Huaxia Alliance and released earlier than his own alliance, Joe Baden became more and more angry, and other senior executives were also full of indignation and unwillingness.

A suffocating atmosphere permeated the meeting room, as if the smell of blood was spreading in the darkness.

No one regretted their own problems, and everyone was thinking about how to reduce the influence of the Huaxia Alliance on the Poké Ball, a Pokémon technology!

Joe Baden's blond wavy staff suddenly thought of something and said cautiously: "Mr. President, I think we should hold our own Poké Ball press conference right now!"

? ? ?

! ! !


Now the Huaxia Alliance is 08:00:00 on June 25th, Kyoto time, but the United Alliance is still 15:00:00 on June 24th.

Wouldn't it be one day earlier than the Huaxia Alliance if it is released now?

Joe Baden excitedly patted the big butt of the blond busty staff: "Dear, you are really a talent. Then let our media and the media of Western European brothers hype it up!"

"That's right, shameful plagiarism alliance!"

"Fuck him, little rabbit!"

"Long live the United Alliance!"

"The president is worthy of being the president!"


In their opinion, the idea of ​​the negative distance staff must be attributed to Joe Baden.

"Do it now!"

Jobaden did not forget his business while accepting everyone's flattery: "Mr. Olsson, please arrange a press conference immediately. The news can be passed on now. Let the news agency write the date earlier."

"Remember, until the end of today, it will always be June 23, Year 2 of the New Calendar!"

Jobaden is more shameless than everyone imagined. He is familiar with manipulating the media and does not care about his face at all.

However, this is also the consistent style of the United Alliance. Everyone is the same as others. They only respect and admire Joebaden more.

Half an hour later.

Press conference site

The first CNN reporter to speak: "Mr. President, may I ask why our Poké Ball launch is one hour later than the Huaxia Alliance's?"

Joe Baden: "Later? How come I didn't know we were later? Isn't it June 23 now?"

The CNN reporter looked at his watch uncertainly: "Mr. President, I think you remembered it wrong. It is indeed June 25, Year 2 of the New Calendar."

Joe Baden: "I think this reporter remembered it wrong. He may have a serious mental illness. As the president, I have the responsibility to help him."

As soon as Joe Baden finished speaking, several burly men knocked the CNN reporter unconscious and dragged him away.

What awaits him will be a cold little prison and Heige's big sausage.

Joe Baden's killing of the chicken to scare the monkey made reporters from the New York Times and the Washington Post look at each other in bewilderment. As smart people, they already knew how to report next.


In the next few days,

Chen Xizhou patiently waited for July 1 to arrive, occasionally making phone calls to inquire about the Pokémon store investment and signboards receiving emails, and by the way, checking the comments on the Douyin account.

Mini Program Points Ranking:

First place, 1,214,586 points!

Second place, 1,025,675 points.

Third place, 824,561 points.

10,000th place, 122,331 points.

Chen Xizhou originally thought that it would be good if there were 10,000 people with more than 1 million points, but he didn't expect that there are already two people with more than 1 million points. The third person is still catching up, so it is possible to catch up.

However, the people behind him hardly moved. The 10,000th place only increased by 10 points compared to the last time, which is one forwarding.

The popularity that lasted for nearly half a month is quite terrible.

Today's points ranking is no longer as simple as exchanging for elf products, but is jokingly called the "real popularity list".

With ByteDance checking and real-name forwarding, it is impossible to use traffic fraud as before. It is more appropriate to call the list a real popularity list.

There are even rumors that the price of a promotional forwarding has risen to 500 Union coins.

The initial price is 1 Union coin equals 40 points, and now 500 Union coins are exchanged for 10 points. The points have increased by 2,000 times.

This is more exciting than stock speculation.

In fact, even at such a high price, it is not easy to buy, because there are still many people who hold their first forwarding in their hands and sell it when it rises later.

The most important thing is that this price is not the final price.

The price of 500 Union coins is for scalpers who collect numbers, and the actual basic price will be increased.

Don't steam steamed buns for a face.

In order to show their fame and status, even if the price is quite expensive, those who are at the top of the scoreboard are still flocking to it.

It is reported that these scalpers who collect numbers, those with large scale, have achieved financial freedom.

As for those who have no chance to reach a million points, they have created alternative value for themselves by ranking. Many people directly accept advertisements and change their names, so that the advertiser's name is ranked at the top of the points list.

These people who are at the top of the points list but not at the top will not only not lose money this time, but also make a fortune, and by the way, advertisers will get a certain exposure, which is a win-win situation.

In less than half a month, a new industrial chain has been formed.

Chen Xizhou was worried that the price of points would become more and more outrageous, so he asked the official account to announce the deadline as July 1, and the increase in points after July 1 would not be counted.

Although, most people were relieved.

In fact, the points ranking is a thing that captures people's comparison psychology, especially this kind of ranking list of national nature, which is extremely difficult and has no backdoors.

However, this situation is likely to last only one year.

Chen Xizhou estimated that if there is another points redemption activity next year, most people will hold their forwarding opportunities in their hands and wait for the price to sell.

Nowadays, showing off points has become a new fashion.

Forums, Weibo, Douyin, and Moments are full of awesome people showing off their points.

Although their points are not tens or millions, those who can reach tens of thousands are already quite remarkable. Those who can reach this level either have a certain degree of fame or have enough money.

A general manager who had already exchanged Moo Moo Milk said in the work group:

"I went to Rongcheng on a business trip yesterday, and I went to Langqi Town to exchange points. I originally planned to save 100,000 to buy a Poké Ball for my daughter, but there will be plenty of opportunities to buy Poké Balls in the future, so I directly exchanged a few bottles of Moo Moo Milk. My daughter is already in the third year of high school, so it is better to use Moo Moo Milk to replenish her."

The general manager had just finished chatting in the group when the boss came out:

"Lao Wang's points are used to replenish her daughter's body, and my points are used to replenish your wallets! Yesterday, General Manager Li came to the company to discuss business. He didn't talk about anything else but points. I threw out my 120,000 points, and General Manager Li immediately recognized the company's strength and won the 15 million order directly. When this business is completed at the end of the year, I will give each of you a big red envelope!"

Although it was only the end of the year, everyone still "gladly accepted" the big cake drawn by the boss and said that they would work hard.


Wanda Real Estate Group, Kyoto Head Office Chairman's Office

"Lao Li, Lao Zhao, have we received a reply to the application email for the elf store to open a direct store in Wanda?" Lao Wang asked his two subordinates with a serious face.

"Boss Wang, I have received the email that the preliminary review has been passed. But this cake is very big, and the competition is expected to be very fierce!"

"Boss Wang, I think Lao Zhao is right. The elf industry must be the future development trend. Langqi Town is far ahead of others in this regard. Langqi Dairy, which has been established for less than a year, can achieve an annual sales volume of nearly 400 million. It will only be more exaggerated in the future."

"Yes, although it can't be compared with the size of our Wanda, our profit margin can't be compared with theirs. For this kind of rising industry, it will only be more difficult to compare in the future."

"Well, Wand in our ten cities a Square meets the requirements? "

"At present, it seems that they all meet the requirements, but the specific situation needs to be confirmed. I have made many phone calls to meet with the other party's General Manager Qi to discuss cooperation matters, but was directly rejected. It seems that the competition is indeed fierce. "

"I can't leave Kyoto for the time being." Lao Wang thought about it, "How about this, I will let Xiao Wang go with you. I don't ask to eat all the cakes, but at least I have to get a big enough piece!"

The real estate companies that can participate in the Elf Store Investment Conference on July 1st, all the senior executives are holding large and small meetings to discuss the bidding matters of the Elf Store.

The idea of ​​each real estate company is the same, to take as many direct-operated stores as possible and obtain the greatest benefits.

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