I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 180 Koi Grand Prize in the Event

Qi Zhensheng moved quickly.

He quickly completed preliminary cooperation with Zhuo Ran, the head of Byte Company.

In order to obtain the exclusive reporting rights, Zhuoran simply offered 10 million alliance coins as sponsorship and was willing to provide maximum traffic support to the Langqi Town Blue V account.

After the contract was signed, Langqi Town released an activity plan to promote the redemption of forwarded points on the league’s official account and Douyin account.

Douyin officials also fulfilled the contract in a timely manner and gave Langqi Town Blue V account, which is the largest traffic pool of the account called "Langqi Elf Town".

As soon as this explosive news was released, major mainstream media rushed to report it as soon as possible, and various social platforms spread it as quickly as possible. Netizens who saw it quickly spread the news everywhere.

It didn't take long for Langqi Elf Town's account to become very popular, and it was super popular.

The hot elf products make people look forward to it, and the opportunity to conquer the elf is crazy.


Many people have already started to take action. After all, the popular elf products are limited in quantity, and there are only three opportunities to conquer the elf. Once you redeem them, they will be full.

"Brothers in the group, I beg you to promote and repost Langqi Town Elf products. 5 alliance coins can be exchanged for 500 points!" The group leader of a certain QQ group was swiping the screen.

5 alliance coins are exchanged for 500 points. A bottle of Moo Moo Fresh Milk requires 1,000 points to redeem, which also requires 10 alliance coins. For the price of 25 alliance coins of Moo Moo Fresh Milk itself, it is definitely profitable.

10 alliance coins earn 15 alliance coins, 150% profit. It has to be said that there are always some people who can find opportunities to make money.

However, at the beginning, there were still people selling reposts. Later, after everyone calculated and announced the profits, no one sold it until it was upgraded to 8 alliance coins in exchange for 500 points.

"Family, I won't accept any small gifts today. Just help me repost the promotion video that I pinned to the top. If you repost it a lot, you can show off a little bit!" A famous female anchor on Douyin shook her breasts.

"Please forward the promotional video and send me a signed photo! My Douyin account is ymyangm*" a certain A-list star left a message on various social platforms.

"My grandpa and grandma, please lend me your ID cards. I will receive a text message to remind me later. By the way, do you know grandpa's dance partner, Grandma Wang? There is no real-name system? It's okay, I'll do it!"

"Good sister, can you please help me retweet! What? Do you want it yourself? Goodbye!"

"Good brother! Help... did you give it to the goddess? Zhaopa!"

For a time, everywhere in the alliance with access to the Internet, people could be heard talking about Langqi Town's promotional video reposting activities. This was even more lively than the event during the Chinese New Year when Ant Baba Company distributed 100 million red envelopes.

Someone has calculated that, excluding the opportunity to conquer elves, all other redeemable elves products are worth 500 million alliance coins in total.

A nationwide event worth 300 million alliance coins!

And it is valid for a long time until all redemptions are completed.

From 90-year-old adults to 1-year-old children, almost everyone will participate in this event.

Although there are elf products worth 300 million alliance coins, since personal points cannot be traded, there are not many people who can meet the required elf products for redemption.

However, "Langqi Elf Town" stated that in the future, more and more forwarding activities will be launched to obtain points. If this activity does not meet the points redemption requirements, points can be accumulated.

To this end, the Douyin platform also specially launched a small program with a ranking list.

At 8 a.m. on the second day after the event was launched, the number one player in the points rankings had reached 121,502 points!

Chen Xizhou and others estimated that this should be a well-known celebrity or a leading anchor, otherwise it would be difficult to reach this number overnight just by buying promotion and reposting.

Although many people have already accumulated more than 1,000 points, only a few people have redeemed Moo Moo Fresh Milk. Most people want to accumulate 100,000 points to exchange for the Poké Ball worth 5,000 alliance coins.

However, in the past three days, the prices for purchasing forward points on the Internet have become higher and higher and more and more outrageous.

A few dozen yuan for a repost is actually only 10 points.

Langqi Town distributed benefits fairly to everyone. Most people who didn't care about elf products chose to repost and sell them, but there were also many people who scolded them.

The main reason is that even if you spend money to buy forwarding, it is too troublesome when one ID card can only correspond to one forwarding.

Of course, the main reason is that you can redeem the opportunity to conquer the elves, which makes many rich people want to work hard to get 1,000,000 points, otherwise no one will be bored and join in the fun.

But what everyone didn’t know was that there was a koi carp in this event.

Nangu Village, MY City, Sichuan Province.

In the early morning, the sun slowly rises from the mountains in the east, lifting up the beauty of the day. The rural land is experiencing a vibrant spring.

Under the shade of an old locust tree beside the road, several women were setting up a dragon gate formation.

"Sister Qing, your eldest daughter is twenty-one this year. She will be a senior at the beginning of school, right? She should graduate soon. I heard that the streets are now full of college students. I don't know if she has a boyfriend. !”

Mrs. Da Niu in the village said to Wang Xiuqing who was sitting on the root of a tree and tapping her legs.

The third aunt beside her picked the pea sprouts on the root of her teeth and chirped: "Yes, Wang sister, your daughter is really pretty, but I heard that universities are very chaotic now, with many men and women having affairs and many having abortions! Nian girl, be careful that she will be kept by the second generation of rich people in school!"

This third aunt is a famous gossip in the village. If there is something wrong in someone's family, she will immediately spread it as a scandal, and it will be known to the neighboring villages in a few days.

"Third aunt, what my Nian girl has to do with you! Don't gossip and put labels on my Nian girl. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart now!"

"Even if it goes to the village chief, I am not afraid!"

Wang Xiuqing hates this old woman very much. When she spreads anything, it basically stinks like shit.

"Tsk, I'm not wrong! There's nothing wrong with being kept as a mistress. It's just that I'm not as pretty as your daughter Nian, otherwise I would definitely serve those young people!"

"Besides, you still think your family is as rich as it was ten years ago. It's no big deal if Nian is kept by someone. My third aunt will definitely be the first to support it."

The third aunt is a complete shrew. Although she is a little afraid of Wang Xiuqing, her hot temper makes her still fight back. After a few words, she has a mouthful of white saliva at the corner of her mouth.

However, the third aunt is right about one thing.

Wang Xiuqing and her husband worked in MY City more than ten years ago and saved 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. At that time, they were the richest people in the village. Gu Nianxue, who was still a child at that time, was taken care of by her grandmother.

Wang Xiuqing is a bit vain.

At that time, seeing that there were several barbecue restaurants near the rental house that were doing a booming business, Wang Xiuqing borrowed tens of thousands of yuan from relatives and friends to buy a barbecue restaurant.

In fact, at that time, as long as you were willing to work a little, you could basically make money.

But no one expected that fate would play tricks on people. Not long after the barbecue restaurant was bought, a major epidemic swept the world.

MY City, a relatively good city in the Sichuan Alliance, also fell in this epidemic. The barbecue restaurant had almost no customers. The rent of tens of thousands a year plus the salary of a barbecue chef and two waiters would lose more than 10,000 a month.

Helpless Wang Xiuqing discussed with her husband and had to quickly close the barbecue restaurant, sell the barbecue equipment, tables and chairs at a low price, and dismiss the workers. So far, the two of them had less than 300 yuan in total.

Relatives and friends still owed tens of thousands.

It was raining cats and dogs.

It happened that Gu Nianxue's grandfather died of a serious illness at this time, which forced Wang Xiuqing and her husband to rush back to Nangu Village to deal with the old man's funeral.

Wang Xiuqing was discouraged and stayed in Nangu Village to take care of her mother-in-law and daughter, while doing some farm work to supplement the family income, while her husband continued to work in Mianyang to repay relatives' debts.

Although it has been ten years since the incident, the memory of ten years ago has been engraved in Wang Xiuqing's mind.

Perhaps this matter will only end when all debts are paid off.

But now Nian girl has grown up and has become the only female college student in the village, and she is about to enter her senior year.

Some time ago, she heard that she was going to do an internship and earn some living expenses. She often called home to say that she was not short of money and that the internship salary was not bad, even enough for the tuition for the next semester.

At first, Wang Xiuqing was still worried that her daughter was cheated.

She had never heard of the name of the Elf Town in Langqi Town.

Until the past few days, until the whole Nangu Village, even the village head Huang knew that the Elf Town was promoting and forwarding activities, and using your real-name account to help forward, you can get dozens or hundreds of yuan.

With the help of young people in the village, she and her mother-in-law took a total of 220 yuan.

It was not until now that she roughly understood what kind of town Langqi Town is, how fast it is developing, and how good the benefits of working there are.

It is said that an ordinary employee has a salary of more than 10,000 Alliance coins. (Although I don't know who told me that.)

But after hearing Nian Yatou say that she is also interning there, Wang Xiuqing couldn't believe it. Sometimes she really wondered if she was kept by some rich second-generation.

After all, her daughter is recognized as beautiful by the whole village. I don't know how many matchmakers came to her house to earn matchmaking fees.

Wang Xiuqing was about to scold the stinky woman, Third Aunt, but she heard someone calling her. She turned her head and saw that it was the young man next door, Gu Ermazi.

Gu Ermazi ran all the way, sweating and panting.

"Sister Wang, something big has happened! Something big has happened! Sister Nianxue has become popular! Now all Douyin is watching her!"

"What? Popular? What a sin!"

When Wang Xiuqing heard that her own Nian Yatou had become popular, she panicked and thought that something big had happened. She dragged Gu Ermazi over.

The women around also looked over. Most of them had curiosity and worry on their faces, and one or two showed a gloating expression.

"Hehe, I told you, it must be that Nian girl was kept by a rich second-generation man and dumped, and now she has an abortion and something went wrong!" Third Aunt laughed and sneered.

Wang Xiuqing was furious and wanted to tear Third Aunt's mouth on the spot, but at this time she was more worried about her daughter.

Gu Ermazi saw that the misunderstanding was getting deeper and deeper, and was worried that he would not see the sun tomorrow if he didn't speak out, so he quickly explained:

"Oh, Wang sister, it's not a bad thing! It's a good thing! It's a great thing! Have you seen the news on Douyin? Sister Nianxue was lucky enough to win the Koi Grand Prize in Langqi Town in the forwarding event!"

"Koi Grand Prize? What is that?" Wang Xiuqing was full of questions.

“It’s the biggest prize!”

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