I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 172 The unexpected tomb-guarding elf

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭

The next day.

The health ministers of the provincial and municipal alliance branches rushed to Langqi Town.

After routine inquiries about some relevant matters, Minister Liu of the Provincial Alliance Branch approved 500 million alliance coins on the spot to support the construction of the elf medical system in Langqi Town.

Minister Zhang from the Municipal Alliance also expressed that he would provide a large amount of support to top talents in the medical profession.

With the support of the alliance headquarters and the Fujian Province Alliance Branch, Chen Xizhou is full of confidence in the establishment of the elf medical system in Langqi Town.

Chen Xizhou has three things to do now.

The first thing is to build the Elf Medical College.

The Elven Medical College includes the Elven Medical Laboratory responsible for medical research, the Elven Medical Complex responsible for treatment, and the Elven Medical College responsible for education.

Chen Xizhou plans to find a suitable place to establish a medical school for spirits in the Tianchi District around Langqi Lake.

Tianchi District is currently planning to build an educational experimental base in Langqi Town and Rongcheng Agricultural University, which will be completely self-sufficient in providing relevant talents in the future.

The Elf Medicine Laboratory and the Elf Medicine Complex complement each other.

Elf medical research requires a large number of experimental subjects. When there are not enough corpses and living bodies for research, the Elf Medical Complex is required to recruit elven patients from outside.

Complete relevant medical research with the assistance of "Elf Medical Manual (Part 1)".

Chen Xizhou is not the Virgin, but her humanity is still there.

He believed that in the future he would have a chance to draw "Elf Medical Manual (Part 2)", "Elf Medical Manual (Part 2)", and even other books related to elf medicine.

He did not allow living elves to be locked up in the laboratory, where their blood would be drawn and medicines would be taken every day, and various experiments would be conducted.

This is the tone that must be set for the elf medical research team in Langqi Town.

The second thing is to recruit a certain number of interns.

Although there is support from the alliance headquarters and the Fujian Province Alliance Branch, Chen Xizhou still hopes to cultivate Langqi Town's own medical talents.

Although in the field of human medicine, these medical interns who started out in five years are far inferior to medical experts, in the field of elf medicine, everyone is on the same starting line to a certain extent.

Chen Xizhou still hopes to see some young elf medicine experts emerge.

The third thing is to arrange the studies for the Happy Egg clan.

In addition to teaching human doctors relevant elf medical knowledge, the Elf Medical College, which is responsible for education, also has the function of teaching medical-related professional knowledge to the happy eggs who serve as elf nurses.

Even for medical care work, we need professional medical knowledge to be competent.

The establishment of the elf medical system in Langqi Town is in progress in an orderly manner.

End of May.

Chen Xizhou met Zhang Qi and his Yuanlu Shark.

As soon as they met, the round land shark excitedly took its snacks to share with the katy dog.

Chen Xizhou let the two elves play by themselves, while he and Zhang Qi sat in the office and chatted.

Seeing the tangled look on the other party's face, Chen Xizhou took the initiative and said, "It's one month later than the time we agreed. Did something happen during this time?"

"Mayor, I'm really sorry!"

Zhang Qi explained: "My grandfather and father discovered something incredible in the Cuishan ruins last month. Because they signed a confidentiality agreement, even I, who temporarily quit, don't know the specific situation, so..."

Chen Xizhou continued: "So, we can only explore the ruins on our own this time?"

Zhang Qi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he immediately reacted and became very surprised: "Mayor, do you mean to allow me to explore the ruins alone?"

"It's not 'me', it's 'we'!"

Chen Xizhou emphasized: "Of course, the prerequisite for this is that you have sufficient professional knowledge and can carry out exploration work without destroying the ruins."

"I have this confidence!"


Regarding the incredible things found in the Cuishan ruins, Chen Xizhou guessed that they were most likely related to elves, and that these things would most likely be taken over by the alliance headquarters.

The reason why Chen Xizhou wanted to explore the ruins first was to try to find something from the ruins that could be helpful to Langqi Town and himself.

In a certain jungle in the Xianlin Mountains.

The green leaves cover the inaccessible old palace. The roof is eroded by wind and rain, and the gorgeous decoration has been stained with heavy dust by the years. The stone steps are worn out, and even the sound of walking is suppressed and chilling.

Chen Xizhou followed the more experienced Zhang Qi on the stone steps.

King Dude was still following Chen Xizhou silently. The two guys, Kati Dog and Yuanlu Shark, shared their snacks with each other as they walked.

Since seeing Kati Dog last time, Zhang Qi also picked out suitable snacks for the Round Land Shark after he returned.

Although the Round Shark is a shark on land, it is still interested in delicious fish. What is interesting is that the grilled dried fish that the Round Shark likes and the small dried fish that the Dude King likes come from the same manufacturer.

This gave Chen Xizhou the idea of ​​​​acquiring that company directly.

The path into the ruins is winding and winding, circling through the mountains and almost unnoticeable amid the cover of dense forest. The roars of ferocious beasts can be heard from time to time, the dead leaves on the ground are crushed and creaking, and there are potential dangers everywhere.

Of course, the danger at this stage does not come from beasts.

After more than a year of fierce fighting, the living space of birds and beasts has been compressed to the extreme by wild elves.

It is conceivable that if humans do not intervene, these birds and beasts will completely disappear from the wild in a few years, and may only be seen in zoos in the future.

This made Chen Xizhou think of building a wildlife nature reserve in Langqi Town.

I believe that in the near future, these birds and beasts will become rare creatures on this planet, and a nature reserve with wild animals will definitely become a major characteristic industry of Langqi Town.

No doubt.

Langqi Island definitely has enough land to establish a reserve.

The jurisdiction of Langqi Town is far more than the 2,341 square kilometers of Langqi Island, and there are also small islands and reefs around it whose area has also been expanded several times.

No, now they should no longer be called islands and reefs, but islands.

There is a difference between islands and reefs.

The definition of an island mainly involves the following elements.

One is that the island must be surrounded by water, that is, it is completely surrounded by water; one is that at high tide, the island should be above the water surface; and the other is that the island can sustain human habitation or its own economic life.

Island reefs generally refer to rock-like objects in the water, which are divided into open reefs (always above the water surface) and submerged reefs (always below the water surface).

To be more specific, islands usually have freshwater resources and vegetation, which are suitable for human survival and development, and islands and reefs may not contain these ecological characteristics.

The dramatic changes in the new calendar have changed all this.

The small islands and reefs of the past have now become large islands.

Chen Xizhou has paid attention to the data of these islands. In the process of islands and reefs becoming islands, their area has increased from the original total of 21 square kilometers to the current 540 kilometers.

It is enough for Langqi Town to develop for a long time.

Of course, the premise is that Langqi Town can establish several stable sea routes.

The danger on the mainland comes from the wild.

It took the Huaxia Alliance nearly half a year, spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and made great sacrifices to open up the road channels between the cities.

This is still the case when there are roads.

According to the comparison between the number of marine fish and land animals, it can be inferred that the number of elves in the ocean must be a much more terrifying number than the number of land elves.

It is not easy to develop those islands.

Of course, this is not the problem that Chen Xizhou should think about at present.

He plans to develop the whole circle around Langqi Island before starting to develop those new islands.

"Mayor, we are beginning to enter the real ruins."

The two finally came to a stone wall.

A heavy breath came out from the dilapidated stone wall, and strange patterns were outlined on it, like mysterious runes flashing like magic.

"This stone wall is a bit similar to the ancient screen wall, but its carving style is different from any known civilization. Although there are doubts, it cannot be confirmed. More information needs to be obtained again."

Zhang Qi made a simple analysis and signaled Chen Xizhou to follow closely.

The two went around the screen wall and continued to move forward for a few minutes, and finally came to the main building of the ruins.

"Is this... a tomb?"

The tomb is very huge.

There is a tall and large stone tombstone in front of the tomb, and the tombstone is engraved with unknown water blue characters.

Chen Xizhou looked at Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi shook his head, indicating that he didn't understand it either.


A simple and dignified voice came from behind Chen Xizhou and Zhang Qi, and the two turned to look at the source of the voice, Slow King.

Slow King squinted his eyes and looked at the stone tombstone, with an inexplicable solemnity on his face.

"Who's there!"

Slow King stood in front of Chen Xizhou and Zhang Qi first, and Caterpie and Land Shark came late but not too late.

Everyone looked nervously at the tightly closed stone door behind the stone tombstone. They had confirmed that the strange sound just now came from behind the stone door.

"Boom! Boom!"

The heavy and orderly footsteps came, giving people a strong sense of oppression.



The opened stone door closed again, and the owner of the footsteps officially appeared in front of Chen Xizhou and others.

The leader was a huge elf with a height of more than three meters.

Its appearance was similar to a huge mud giant, with many spiral patterns of unknown meaning on its body. The pattern in the middle looked like a crack, with button-like body parts.

[Clay Giant! 】

【Clay Giant: Golem Elf】

【Clay Giant was created by ancient people to protect elves and humans. As the labor force of ancient people, it is very loyal to the orders of its master. 】

【Clay Giant uses mysterious energy to move and can fly in the sky at the speed of sound. 】

【If the seal on the chest of the Clay Giant is unlocked, the energy will go out of control and it will rush around recklessly, turning the streets into rubble. 】

【Although some people believe that there is a perpetual motion machine that generates energy in the body of the Clay Giant, it has not been confirmed so far. 】

Keywords: Golem, Guardian

Behind the Clay Giant are six small golem elves more than one meter tall.

It is its initial form, the Clay Man!

【Clay Man! 】

【Clay Man: Golem Elf】

【Clay Man is considered to be a technology of the fantasy ancient civilization made of clay elves. 】

[The ancients molded clay dolls to make them servants, and they still follow the orders of their masters thousands of years ago.]

[The dolls are active due to the energy burning in their bodies, and can continue to move for thousands of years, but the source of its energy is still unclear. Because it has been active since ancient times, it may soon run out of power.]

[For some reason, some dolls will constantly arrange the big stones.]

Keywords: Golem, loyalty

So, they are the tomb-guarding elves here?

What kind of people or elves are buried in this tomb that can be guarded by elves?

"Daidai, are you sure?"

At this time, Chen Xizhou can only hope for his father...

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