I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 159 Failure in the Rainforest

In the wild of Xishuang City.

Several winding paths pass through the dense tropical rainforest, surrounded by tall trees and blurred vines.

The sun can hardly penetrate the dense green leaves, and only a few scattered rays of light wander among the leaves.

This is an independent world, composed of dense vegetation. The branches and leaves are intertwined, the branches are dense, and boulders can be seen everywhere. This is the tropical rainforest.

There is a person and an elf walking through the tropical rainforest together. It is Fang Ling and his Heracross.

Heracross is flying in front, carefully identifying the way back to the tribe.

Fang Ling is wearing camouflage clothes and holding a saber. He follows Heracross lightly and agilely.


The wild in the new calendar year is dangerous.

Humans who do not have the strong physique of elves cannot withstand the powerful attacks of elves at all.

Be careful, careful, and careful again!

Fang Ling's face was expressionless. He looked around vigilantly, ready to deal with any emergency at any time.

The sound in the rainforest is a special melody.

Several different bird elves sing among all things, attracting each other.

A brown bird stood on a branch, its huge pink claws firmly grasping the thick tree trunk.

It has several clusters of long pink feathers on its head, and five tail feathers are red and yellow, shining in the sun. Its sharp eyes follow Fang Ling and Heracross under the tree.

No action.

Neither Heracross nor humans are on the menu of Pidgeot, and it has no interest in them.

As long as the other party does not deliberately provoke, Pidgeot will only watch them leave.

After leaving Pidgeot's territory without any danger, Fang Ling and Heracross both breathed a sigh of relief.

The real danger in the rainforest is not these elves who have their own territory, because they will not attack at will when there is plenty of food.

The real danger here is those elves without territory.

No territory means no food, and no food will turn its attention to other Pokémons that also wander in the rainforest.

Survival of the fittest, natural selection.

Even in the Pokémon world, the law of the jungle prevails.

The Pidgeot and the Spearow are each other's natural food sources.

When food is sufficient, the two tribes will feed on insect Pokémons such as caterpillars and unicorns.

When food is scarce, the Spearow will feed on Pidgeot, the Pidgeot will feed on the Spearow, the Toucan will feed on the Pidgeot, and the Pidgeot will feed on the Toucan.

This is a cruel and real food chain.

"After crossing two more territories, we will reach the place where the Heracross tribe lives." Fang Ling reminded, "Ji, cheer up."

"Ji" is the name Fang Ling gave to his Heracross.

In terms of temper, Heracross appears to be very docile without any pressure; in terms of strength, its strong power is enough to throw several strongmen who are familiar with traditional martial arts far away.

But when it comes to vigilance, Fang Ling really doesn't know how to describe it.

Fang Ling once did a test.

He placed apples and pears next to Heracross, and told Heracross to take care of the apples. He also asked someone to sneak up on Heracross and take the fruit away.

When the other party took the apple, Heracross showed his aggressiveness, but when the other party took the pear, Heracross did not stop him.

The experiment of a single specimen is not convincing, but that is only at the scientific level.

In Fang Ling's eyes, he has already made a certain judgment on whether Heracross can become a popular law enforcement elf.

Eat one bite at a time.

According to the current situation, Heracross, who is the easiest to obtain, has a certain strength and obeys discipline, is still very suitable to be a elf partner for the police.

Heracross's obedience is very high.

It slowed down its speed, temporarily suppressed the excitement of meeting its tribe members, and increased its vigilance.

The thick-skinned Heracross will not be afraid of any attack from unknown enemies, so its first task is to protect the safety of its trainer.

After all, in this wild place where wild elves are rampant, humans are too fragile.

The Heracross tribe is a large tribe in this tropical rainforest. The existence of this tribe provides certain conveniences for Fang Ling and Heracross's actions to a large extent.

Food is the hard currency of wild elves.

No elves need to fight with this group of people who like to suck tree sap and live in peace with the world.


There really is such a tribe!

When Fang Ling and Heracross arrived at the tribe's territory, the Heracross tribe fought with the tribe similar to the saw-shaped beetle.

Seeing this, Heracross Tribe stepped forward to help the tribe after getting Fang Ling's permission.

In this situation, Fang Ling, as a human, could not help, and could only hide aside to observe the situation.

The more he observed, the more he felt something was wrong.

He was surprised to find that although the two insect tribes fought fiercely on the surface, there were no substantial casualties, but there was a sense of stopping at the right time.

Is this, acting?

This tribe war lasted for more than an hour, and the two sides finally stopped fighting.

In Fang Ling's surprised eyes, the stag beetle tribe retreated like a tide with all the exhausted tribesmen.

That's right.

They were all exhausted.

Not only the Stag Beetle tribe, but also the Heracross tribe had no injuries, only symptoms of haggard faces, dull eyes, and light steps.

This is obviously because they have done too much.

So, the retreat of the Stag Beetle tribe last time was just a matter of course?

After the tribe war, Heracross took his trainer to find his leader father.

Heracross told his leader father everything he had seen and heard in human society and Langqi Town during this period.

In addition to the narration, Heracross also asked Fang Ling to take out a lot of photos of Langqi Town.

These photos not only include dense jungles, vast oceans, but also fruitful fruit trees and a large number of town elves.

This is a warm and peaceful elf town without any disturbance.

Fang Ling told the purpose of his trip.

To his surprise, the leader of Heracross actually rejected his invitation directly.

"Why?" Fang Ling asked, "I mean, is it inconvenient for the leader to talk about your concerns?"

Heracross leader glanced at Fang Ling. He didn't think Fang Ling could understand what he wanted to say, and he didn't want to waste time explaining to a human.

As the leader of the tribe, he should comfort the tribesmen who were injured in the tribe war.


No wounds on the body?

The trauma of the soul is not a wound?

Because he couldn't beat Kairos, what's wrong with Heracross, who had never suffered setbacks, suffering a little mental trauma?

Of course, Fang Ling had no way of knowing these contents.

Who told him that he didn't even understand what the leader of Heracross said at the beginning, "Go to comfort the injured tribesmen."

But Fang Ling saw the impatience of the leader of Heracross.

He believed that if it weren't for his son, Heracross Halberd, he would be immediately driven out of the territory by the other party.

In the next few days, Fang Ling set up a tent in the territory of the Heracross tribe and insisted on trying to persuade the leader of Heracross.

He made full use of his eloquence, but he still couldn't convince this leader who was more astute than his tribe members.

Fang Ling miscalculated.

The tropical rainforest has a hot and humid climate and tall evergreen trees, which is the favorite environment of the Heracross tribe.

The large number of tribe members has allowed the Heracross tribe to always maintain its dominant position in this tropical rainforest, plus an unbreakable friendly tribe.

Is this leader crazy to take his tribe members to migrate?

The friendly tribe of the Heracross tribe is the group of saw-shaped beetle elves.

The saw-shaped beetle elf is called Kairos.

The Kairos tribe is also the dominant tribe in this tropical rainforest.

The Heracross tribe and the Kairos tribe will have a large-scale tribe war every few days, but that is for the other elves to see.

While promoting the powerful force of the tribe to deter other elves, it is also to enhance the combat effectiveness of the tribes of the two tribes through tribe wars.

In the end, Fang Ling regretfully gave up the task.

He was not in a good mood.

At this time, Fang Ling didn't know how to face Chen Xizhou.

The heavy backpack behind him contained not only the Poké Balls, but also Chen Xizhou's unconditional trust in him.

The leader of Heracross still loved his son who was keen on going out to explore the world.

In order to make Heracross live a better life, the leader of Heracross gave Fang Ling two gifts - a Pokémon and a Pokémon egg.

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