I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 152 Langqi Township Reconstruction Meeting

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After all the Miaowa seeds were released, Chen Xizhou followed Liu Yuanan to count them.

"The quantity is correct, it's 100 Miaowa seeds."

Liu Yuanan nodded, and then led Chen Xizhou to a Bulbasaur that was slightly larger than his companion.

He pointed at this Bulbasaur and said: "This Bulbasaur is the most powerful among the 100 Bulbasaur, and it is very close to its first evolution."

Chen Xizhou looked at the Bulbasaur and checked its elf panel:

Elf: Bulbasaur

Gender: Male

Attributes: grass type, poison type

Characteristics: Lush (When physical strength decreases, the power of grass-type moves will increase.)

Props: none

Skills: Impact, Cry, Vine Whip, Growth, Parasitic Seed, Flying Leaf Knife

Teaching Skills: None

Genetic Skill: Petal Dance

Unexpectedly, this Bulbasaur actually inherited [Petal Dance].

[Petal Dance] is a high-power grass-type move, which Chen Xizhou knows

Among so many elves, only the male Overlord Flower leader of the Walking Grass clan has mastered this skill.

It is a really rare ultimate skill.

It can be said that this Bulbasaur is inherently better than its peers.

When Chen Xizhou was sizing up Bulbasaur, Bulbasaur was also sizing up Chen Xizhou.

how to say……

Whether it was Chen Xizhou or Miaowa Seed, they both felt a very comfortable feeling from each other.

Maybe, you can try it?

The Slow King noticed Chen Xizhou's emotional changes. He narrowed his small eyes slightly and examined the Bulbasaur in front of him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Bulbasaur also felt the hostility from Slow King Ruoyouruowu at this time, and it looked at Slow King in confusion.

Slow King controlled his emotions very well. The moment Bulbasaur looked at him, he released his kindness to his new friends, which made Bulbasaur think that he had an illusion.

This emotional field, which will never be mentioned, attracts no one's attention.

Liu Yuanan continued: "In addition to being powerful, this child is also a rare warm-hearted person and is very willing to help any people or elves who encounter difficulties. So if necessary, he can definitely be a good helper in your management of the protected area."

Chen Xizhou smiled and looked at Bulbasaur: "Then I'm really grateful to Mr. Liu for enduring the pain."

Liu Yuanan said helplessly: "To be honest, I originally wanted it to stay in Kyoto, but this child seems to want to see the outside world, so he took the initiative to apply for an external transfer. I can only let it go according to its temper, otherwise it will really happen." Reluctant to part with it.”

"Da Na~"

When Bulbasaur heard Liu Yuanan praising him, he felt a little proud, a little happy, but more reluctant.

The Kyoto Elf Nature Reserve is a reserve dedicated to raising elves from the three families. It is also the largest and highest-level elf nature reserve in the entire China Alliance.

As the district chief of this elf nature reserve, Liu Yuanan did not need to make such an escort mission.

But in order to confirm the environmental and safety issues of the New Elf Nature Reserve, and to give Miaowa seeds a ride, he decided to go out in person.

It's time to say goodbye after all.

After all the questions were confirmed, Liu Yuanan left the Rizhao Basin with his assistants and hot weapons troops.

As the special transport vehicles and armored vehicles were launched, Chen Xizhou, together with Miaowa Seed, bid farewell to Liu Yuanan and other escorts at the entrance of the Yougu Forest.

This time, I don’t know what it will be like when we see each other again.

This kind of parting does not make people feel satisfied, but hope is always in the future.

Bulbasaur looked at the fleet of cars going away, and decided to go back and take a look at Liu Yuanan when he evolved into Bulbasaur.

Chen Xizhou came to the wooden house and shouted inside: "Xiao Li, summon me a mount lamb."

Surprisingly, not only Xiao Li came out of the wooden house, but also Dr. Gui and Principal Lan who were full of resentment.

Principal Lan drove very fast and almost reached the entrance of the Glen Forest together with the convoy.

But after Chen Xizhou and others entered the Yougu Forest, several members of the Hot Arms Forces who stayed behind stopped the two of them. No matter how they explained, they were not allowed to enter until the delivery was completed.

In order not to cause trouble to Chen Xizhou, the two of them temporarily entered the wooden house to rest.

Although the behavior of the members of the Hot Armed Forces is understandable, this does not prevent the nearly 70-year-old Dr. Gui from releasing his resentment against Chen Xizhou and the escort team.

He complained angrily: "If you don't know better, you would think that these people from the headquarters are here to turn against customers!"

Chen Xizhou knew that Mr. Gui was joking, so he accompanied him all the way to Sunlight Basin.

The settlement of Bulbasaur is no longer a concern for Chen Xizhou. The only remaining things in Langqi Town that are closely related to the alliance headquarters are the establishment of the Elf Zone and the sale of Poké Balls.

As the Spring Festival holiday ends, the number of tourists visiting Langqi Town begins to decrease, but this wave of tourism dividends has brought enough benefits to everyone in Langqi Town.

While Langqi Town gained a lot of fame and GDP, merchants and locals also earned a lot of alliance coins.

Everyone is looking forward to the next holiday.

In the next more than a month, Langqi Town developed in an orderly manner and at its own pace.

Conference room on the second floor of the Town Alliance Building.

Chen Xizhou gave the main content of the meeting - the renovation of the old urban area of ​​Langqi Town and the upgrading and improvement of infrastructure.

The appearance of Langqi Town is really backward.

This is a particularly prominent problem during this Spring Festival holiday tour.

The economic development environment has become a key factor in determining and affecting the comprehensive competitiveness of a region. To grasp development, we must grasp the environment, and grasping the environment is to grasp development.

Strengthening town management, improving town environment, optimizing town functions, implementing town brand strategy, and developing town intangible assets are the top priorities of the Langqi Town Alliance.

As the main window of opening up to the outside world, the external image of Langqi Town is crucial to investors.

In most cases, where opening up to the outside world and attracting investment are done well, their urban management is also first-class.

Hardware construction is the skeleton of a region, and the appearance of the town is the "outer coat" of the city. The initial understanding of a region often depends on whether this "outer coat" is beautiful and generous.

With the gradual development of Langqi Town, it is imperative to improve the appearance of the town and enhance the image of the town.

In order to strengthen the town alliance cadres' attention to this issue, Chen Xizhou gave a piece of news that shocked everyone.

Langqi Town will be abolished as a town and established as a district in July of the second year of the new calendar, becoming an elf special zone that obeys the unified leadership of the alliance headquarters and is directly managed by the Elf Reform and Development Office of the Alliance Headquarters.

The general manager of the Elf Reform and Development Office is Wenren Xuesong, the second head of the alliance.

"Mayor, is this true?"

Qi Zhensheng was the most excited among the cadres attending the meeting.

The establishment of the Elf Special Zone will bring immeasurable benefits to the development of the Elf Industry Group. As the general manager, he will naturally be able to obtain considerable political achievements.

Although this position has basically been sat at the top, he does not mind holding the position of deputy mayor of Langqi Town.

Jiang Liang, the Minister of Finance, also suddenly realized.

He said why the town finances have so many special financial appropriations from the alliance headquarters during this period, and he did not expect it to be like this.

Except for the two people, everyone else was also full of joy.

With the abolishment of Langqi Town and the establishment of a district, everyone present can follow the tide.

Thousands of miles away from home, to put it nicely, is for the prosperity of the alliance and the prosperity of the people, to put it more realistically, is for their own promotion and wealth, this is human nature.

Chen Xizhou chose to reveal this news because he felt that everyone has been slack in recent times.

"Removing the town and setting up a district" is definitely the best stimulant at present.

Chen Xizhou emphasized: "At present, this news has not been announced by the alliance headquarters, so please keep it in your heart and work hard to prepare for the removal of the town and the establishment of the district."

After the reminder, Chen Xizhou turned the topic back.

At present, most of the buildings in Langqi Town are in the style of the last century, and there is not even a decent high-rise building.

The tallest building in the entire town is the three-story town alliance building.

In addition, Langqi Town has many problems that need to be solved, such as old streets, poor traffic planning, and imperfect drainage system.

I believe that after these problems are solved, Langqi Town will become an economically prosperous, civilized and harmonious city, so that investors will flock to it.

Only with the influx of a large number of investors can Langqi Town be further developed.

They complement each other.

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