I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 150: Opening Ceremony of the Elf Road

Chen Xizhou looked at the fossils and entry information for a long time and could not calm down.

Who would have thought that the paleontological fossils were real paleontological fossils, but they were not ancient dinosaur fossils, but ancient elf fossils.

I just don't know how these paleontologists who are studying deep in the tunnel will react when they learn the truth about the fossil group.

Chen Xizhou has reason to suspect that the shell fossils and crustacean fossils mentioned by Dr. Luo are also some kind of elves.

I can only say that the possibility is very high.

This book was first published in 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

When Chen Xizhou returned to the town alliance building, he got another good news.

In view of the discovery of large fossil group remains in Langqi Town, the Rong City Alliance will allocate a special fee of 50 million alliance coins to build a paleontological research institute and a paleontological museum.

Chen Xizhou looked at the notice in front of him happily: "Rongcheng Alliance is rushing to give us money."

This kind of words is ambiguous.

You Zhen and Jiang Jing looked at each other and both knew not to respond.

After all, Langqi Town is under the jurisdiction of Rongcheng Alliance, and the financial allocation is still in the same basket.

It makes no difference to Rongcheng.

Chen Xizhou didn't mind the reactions of the two. With their status, it was not appropriate to say so when they didn't know that Langqi Town was about to be withdrawn from the town and established as a district.

After finishing this topic, You Zhen glanced at his notebook: "Mayor, the day after tomorrow is the groundbreaking ceremony of the Elf Chidao project. I wonder if you have time to attend?"

"No problem on my side."

The Elf Chidao is a new project approved by the Langqi Town Alliance.

Chidao was originally an ancient high-level road built during the reign of Qin Shihuang, and it was the main road for the emperor's carriage.

The Elf Chidao, as the name suggests, is a special road for the elves to gallop.

With the increasing number of tourists in Langqi Town, there are more and more private cars on the road. Elf taxis have had many traffic accidents with private cars because of the temper of Kentaro, who was in charge of driving.

These traffic accidents were almost all caused by Kentaro.

The large amount of compensation made Chen Xizhou and the town alliance determined to prevent such incidents from happening.

The Elf Road came into being.

This elf-only road will be built along several roads under construction in Langqi Town.

Now Langqi Town is in ruins, so the planning of the Elf Road is quite simple.

If it were a city with a developed economy such as Magic City or Mountain City, the construction of this Elf Road would be very difficult.

Langqi Square in front of the Town Alliance Building.

There are a large number of onlookers and many media here, almost filling the entire Langqi Square.

On a temporary platform in front of the Town Alliance Building, there is a pink background board used for publicity, and the introduction on it is "Langqi Elf Road Project Construction Groundbreaking Ceremony".

Langqi Elf Road, as the world's first urban road built for elves, is a small step for the relationship between Langqi Town and elves, and also a big step for humans and elves to live in harmony.

This is the main reason why many media are willing to come here to get this news.

A large number of construction machinery vehicles are parked neatly on both sides of the road of Langqi Avenue, including the two large rock snakes Shan Gu and Cai Shi.

They have become the most indispensable member of various projects in Langqi Town.

This groundbreaking ceremony was hosted by Chen Xizhou, representing humans, and Dai Dai Wang, representing elves.

Chen Xizhou and Dai Dai Wang stood side by side on the platform and announced to the microphone in front of them: "After research and decision by the Langqi Town Alliance, today, we will hold the groundbreaking ceremony of Langqi Elf Road."

This is a rare time for Dai Dai Wang to speak so much, but he still behaves as calmly as usual.


"The elf can actually speak?"

"How is this possible? Am I deaf?"

"This is too magical, isn't it?"

"Mom, I see light!"

"What kind of elf is this? I must go catch one!"

Except for the locals of Langqi, almost all foreign tourists and media were shocked by the ability of the Slow King to speak.

A large number of flash lights kept flashing.

Chen Xizhou continued to speak: "The Langqi Elf Road will be built along several important roads including the Ring Island Road, the Inner Ring Island Road, and the Ring Langqi Lake Road, with a total length of about 450 kilometers."

The mileage announced by the mayor made everyone gasp.

450 kilometers!

What a grand project this must be!

However, many people doubted this mileage.

You know, this is 450 kilometers, not 45 kilometers, and the cost is absolutely astronomical.

Although everyone speculated that the cost of the Elf Road at the same mileage is not comparable to that of the highway, it would definitely be an unacceptable amount of money.

The question is, how can the Langqi Town Alliance come up with this money?

Because it is not the right time yet, Chen Xizhou and the Langqi Town Alliance do not need to explain this question to the media.

In fact, this construction fund comes from the special allocation of the Alliance Headquarters.

As the Elf Special Zone, Chen Xizhou specifically applied to the head of the Wenren State in advance for a certain amount of economic support, which was specifically used to build this Langqi Elf Road.

The cost of an Elf Highway is indeed not as high as that of a highway, but it has reached an average cost of 15 million Alliance coins per kilometer.

This is a century-long plan for Langqi Town, and Wenren Xuesong cannot help but pay attention to it.

So the application was quickly approved, and the funds have successfully entered the finances of Langqi Town.

Although Jiang Jing and others were very curious about why the funding for this project came from the finances, they would not ask more questions until Chen Xizhou took the initiative to say it.

After introducing the Langqi Elf Highway project, Chen Xizhou only said two more words and ended his speech.

As a new generation of academic village officials, he naturally would not learn those long-winded and cumbersome speeches without substantive content. Concise and clear is his favorite way of doing things.

After the groundbreaking ceremony, the onlookers and the media were asked to leave the scene.

The Langqi Elf Highway project officially started.

The first construction site of the project is on this road in front of Langqi Square.

The most frequent place for elf traffic accidents is in Langqi Town, so the highway also takes the town as the first construction target.

Many attractions in Langqi Town, including the ice and snow park, are outside the town.

So although the construction will have some impact on Langqi Town, such an impact is almost negligible compared to the attraction of Langqi Town itself.

Jiang Jing, the finance minister of Langqi Town, can be said to be both happy and troubled.

The large amount of financial allocations from the superior alliance makes him laugh at the town alliance financial account every day. What is annoying is that these allocations are all special allocations and can only be used for special purposes.

So is the finance of the Langqi Town Alliance sufficient? Or is it tight?

Look, the alliance headquarters has just allocated another financial allocation of up to 500 million yuan, which is also a special allocation.

At the same time, Zhong Chongwu and Wang Peijin found Chen Xizhou who had just finished the groundbreaking ceremony.

Wang Peijin said: "Mayor, the special funds for building a nature reserve and raising Bulbasaur seeds have just been deposited into the financial account of the Langqi Town Alliance. In addition, 100 Bulbasaur seeds from the headquarters will be delivered tomorrow. We need to confirm it together."

The normal process is that the local alliance branch needs to build the elf nature reserve first, and obtain the approval of the inspector sent by the headquarters in terms of environment and safety, and the alliance headquarters will deliver the breeding seeds.

The situation in Langqi Town is quite special.

Chen Xizhou and Wang Peijin jointly selected the entire valley forest and the sunshine basin inside the forest as the Bulbasaur nature reserve.

In terms of environment, this area already has a large number of grass and poison attribute combination of the trumpet bud family, and the Bulbasaur seeds with the same attribute combination are naturally suitable to live here.

In terms of safety, the wild elves living in this area have long been driven away by the trumpet bud family, and the trumpet bud family has become the town elves of Langqi Town. It can be said that the safety is absolutely far superior to other elf nature reserves.

After Wang Peijin explained the situation, the alliance headquarters simply approved the 100 Bulbasaur seeds.

This progress is already far ahead of other Elf Nature Reserves.

Areas that become Elf Special Zones will definitely be assigned to establish an Elf Nature Reserve, but areas with Elf Nature Reserves are not necessarily Alliance branches.

So Langqi Town is ahead of other Elf Special Zones again.

This makes Chen Xizhou very excited.

At 10:15 am the next day, ten hot-armored armored vehicles calmly escorted a special transport vehicle to the Alliance Building in Langqi Town...

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